Terrance Klash-Kim | Characters

 Gender: M
 Height: 5 ft (1.5 meters)
 Created: February 14th, 2018
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Terrance “Terry” Klash-Kim is the son of galactic heroes Karrin Klash and Park Kim (with the super science help of Karrin’s spaceship/AI partner, Beowulf). The unintentional splicing of Gigara’s DNA into the mix turned Terry into a kaiju-shifting fighting machine. Terry grew up with the love and support of his mothers and Beowulf. Eventually, Park would die saving the galaxy one last time, and soon after Karrin passed from a galaxy of problems catching up to her, leaving Terrance alone with Beowulf. He now studies, trying to balance dealing with a chaotic world and the life lessons his mothers bestowed upon him.

Terry is passion incarnate; he wears his emotions on his sleeves and always gives 110% to everything he does. He’s fiercely loyal and has a strong moral compass. But with the recent loss of his remaining mother Karrin, Terry also internally feels lost, no longer able to rely on his mothers’ guidance in combat or in life.

Terry shares Park’s kaiju strength and Karrin’s density and durability, which helps compensate for a lack of regeneration like Park. When he gets his heart pumping and adrenaline rushing, he gets stronger and more durable, visible by a cloud of steam that starts to come off his body. Terry can also absorb countless amount of heat like his mother, using it to fuel the size of his kaiju form (which he can shift to at will in a flash-bang of light and steam). Unlike the paired-consciousness union that Park and Gigara share, Terry’s kaiju form *is* Terry. As the “Harmadillo”, Terry is heavier and tougher physically than Gigara ever was, and can roll into a ball for mobility. But unlike Gigara, Terry is unable to release a deadly breath weapon, at the most only able to produce sparks and gas. This frustrates Terry, and he will often try to execute a breath weapon attack at least once per fight on the off chance it might actually work.

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