Mammon | Characters

Mammon by Magistelle
 Title: Heavyweight Champion (2016–2018), Armageddon 2017 Winner, Best Antagonist 2017
 Gender: Male
 Height: 6'5
 Created: March 22nd, 2012
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2016 QUIP: Edited some information and have decided to retcon the new elements of his current design into his past version. Any old comics are still canon, but the design involved is "outdated".

Ethnicity: Chinese/French
Race: Human/Shan-shayu ("Mountain Shark")
Mammon was born in a small town in France as "David Goldwater", but at the age of 6, he and his family moved to the United States of America due to his father searching for better job opportunities. However, they ended up being stuck between a rock and a hard place, and ended up being forced to live in a less than savory neighborhood that had the unfortunate effect of having many "species-ist" residents due to the type of union Mammon's parents had. Mammon was horribly bullied for being "half-human, half monster", and being a small runt, he couldn't retaliate in any way.When he was 16, he ran from home after cracking under the pressure of it all and hid himself in a city far, far away.

Reality daunted on him and he found himself unable to support himself. Out of desperation, he volunteered for a project advertised only to the lost and homeless, which was soon revealed that the project centered around a radioactive chemical called the Ubermensch Serum, which 1,000 volunteers were exposed to for test-runs. Some subjects reacted very well to the chemical, gaining enhanced strength and speed along with a heightened pain tolerance, as well as developing special abilities from different strains of the chemical. Most, however...didn't do so well. With the deaths that followed from failed test subjects, the project was slated to be wiped and started anew. The administrators decided to systematically cull the population to acquire a fresh new batch of subjects. The subjects understood what was occurring and a full-brown riot broke out which resulted in a large majority of the 700 subjects that were left escaping. Four years after, at age 24, Mammon is perhaps one of the last 100 or so "Ubermensches", as the subjects have been dubbed, to still be alive after the administrators have been steadily picking them off. However, this fact doesn't bother him as he roams the streets of Void with nary a care in the world.
2016 ADDITION: Over his course of being present in Void, Mammon won the 2012 Invitational Tournament in-canon and became a part of the notorious Murphy's Law. When the Hiemie meteor touched down and created the reset, he seemed to vanish from the city without a trace. Approximately 1-3 years later depending on who you ask, he's back.

Arrogant and self-centered, Mammon is a guy who seems to always seek out trouble (and seems to attract it to himself), and is often quick to engage others when threatened. He gets along most with people that just simply agree with him and stroke his ego (which are far and in-between), though he has a tendency to warm up to people over time with a begrudging front. Under the arrogance and overconfidence, however, lies a pitiful self-esteem and desire to be respected in the very back of his subconscious that lingers from his childhood. As a result, his ego, while quite large, is easily bruised.

With his return from his disappearance, Mammon seems to have mellowed out significantly and has gained an ounce of wisdom. His temperamental mood and pride are intact, and his tolerance for unfavorable events seems to have increased (but it's not to say it's high, not at all). He has become much more set on fulfilling his desires and has become much more action-driven, still choosing to run his mouth at times but being more than willing to prove there's impact behind his words. He has been revealed to fixate on protecting the few positive relations he has, to extreme degrees at times.


An element of the nonhuman side of his genetics are gill-like openings on the sides of his neck that operate similar to the pits in snakes' noses. They passively act as a 2nd pair of eyes that only can detect heat, though he can look exclusively through them and get a clearer image by rolling his eyes back and opening the gills up. Due to the exposure from the Ubermensch Serum, Mammon is very physically powerful with a remarkable tolerance to pain. However, his true strength is speed, with what seems like one punch likely being two or three in rapid succession. This is due to the Serum exposure. However, the strain of the serum gives him an increase in adrenaline output as a result, which makes him much more energetic and reactive to stimuli than normal humans. This can backfire; he is frequently on edge, and it amplifies his tendency to be impulsive and suddenly violent.

When his blood rushes to a certain degree (usually through sheer rage or fear), the chemical in his body becomes concentrated and amplifies his physical capabilities, giving the skin a greenish hue and veins a slight glow akin to radioactivity (along with a glow within the scar given to him by Wizzie Belles as a result from residual traces of magic being present). However, it does come with repercussions; the lows after this stage hit quite hard, usually with horrible migraines that can last for days and almost overwhelming fatigue and soreness, to the point of being bedridden for a while.

-Upon his return after an absence of 4 years, Mammon took part in the Heavyweight tournament and became champion, along with revealing a heavily addictive relaxant with weapon-potential that he supposedly discovered while away in space; "Moonstones". A public fiasco involving the Danger Rangers net him a higher standing of respect within Slaw, along with a step-up in responsibilities.

-Later, Mammon defended his Heavyweight title against Sovereign Greece, a fight which left the both of them scarred. He recruited Greece into Murphy's Law, seeing potential in Greece as an additional partner causing mayhem.

-He was one of the first victims of the Creamimi attack which occurred during the 2017 Tag Team Tournament, eventually being freed when Creamimi was destroyed by the hands of Petey Peyote and the original Mimi. Along with this, Mammon found himself as a defender during Armageddon 2017 against The King of Robots, which resulted in many deaths (including of his own men), and heavy damage to the city itself which resulted in KoR eventually being shut down and its husk converted into a small providence within Void. Despite this leading to some good occurrences, (such as a relationship with Wizzie Belles after a long period of the two warming up to each other), these events have led to further trauma and paranoia which have driven him to further protect the few "good things" in his life.

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