Casino Reasoning | Characters

 Gender: Manly
 Height: fairly tall
 Created: November 29th, 2010
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Personality: Due to his powers, he is a bit (much) of a gambling addict. He enjoys getting into trouble and seducing all of the men, though he tries to be more responsible now, HAS ACHIEVED "RESPONSIBLE" STATUS WORKING AS MAYORAL ASSISTANT. HE IS BITTER TO HAVE LOST THE ELECTION TWICE.if he doesn't exactly know how. He loves his DEAD son and really wants to protect him, even if he doesn't know how to do that either.

Abilities: He has luck-based powers. He can do anything, so long as luck is on his side. If it isnt, the efftects are reversed. So if he tries to kill someone, he'll flip a coin and bet let's say on heads, if he's right, the guy dies, if he's wrong, he does, if he tries to make his soup boil and loses, it'll freeze, ect... The more people or the bigger the effect implicated in the bet, the more risky the bet needs to be or it wont work. Minimum risk is one out of two odds (coin flip), risk is dependent on his weight or the value of his life.

Misc: He lost his right hand's pinky finger with one of his bets. He mostly dresses in would-be-fancy-if-not-so-goddamn-colorful cloths.
He wants to be the richest man ever (and has for the most part been well on his way to do just that). NOT ANYMORE NOW HE WANTS HIS SON BACK
His perfect man is Vincent Price.


-vs linsey/vs Will : not much going on
-vs Elle: Is being captured by Elle, escapes and makes some rad scars on her face with Lady Luck's help.
-vs Wortlex: Accidentally releases W's Devil and sucks him into himself as the only way to defeat him.

-vs Todd: This comic spans Buster's life from birth to about seven years after Worltex. He kills Todd, his best friend, and adopts his son to protect him from the Orphanage.

-vs Edge: 15 years later, his son Malec is now 16, he has learned about the events of (vs Todd) and hates Buster for it. Edge and Buster deafeat a demon resulting of worltex's Devil still trapped in Bster but Malec absorbs him, thinking that's what todd's seal is supposed to do.
-vs Aesimi&Beethoven: Malec wants to help Aesimi by separating them, he goes to Lady Luck's where Buster proposes to use his powers to do that. Another demon popping out of the ground fucks things up and the thing backfires.

-TTT: A year later:
-R1 vs Nyasuu and Ivan: Buster pairs up with Mr. Awesome to beat up some gangsters whom he owes money. Awesome lets him down to go play video games with Ivan and Nyasuu. The Devil inside Buster acts up as a defense mechanism and kills them all, only stopped by Awesome's kiss.
-R2 vs Johnny and Johnny: Buster and Awesome go to see Malec in prison because he has taken into the bad habit of collecting demons and letting them out at innapropriate times.
-R3 vs Hiemie and Joe: You should read their whole Eviction storyline, it's pretty rad. I guess Buster finally learns that Lady Luck's his mom.

-'I trust you to do the right thing': After the destruction of Void, Buster tries to make a new life for them, Malec steals Worltex's Devil out of Buster's chest, under the guidance of the demon Mortimerr.

-Game Night: Buster is friends with a weird bunh.

-Void boss: Buster attempts to win the mayorship but fails, instead becomes help to mayor Blond.

-vs Ignatius: Buster is having a hard time after the loss of his son, while walking the streets drunk, he meets a version of himself from another dimension and kills him.

(Buster is about 70 years old by now, but he's made so many bets on his longevity he's scheduled to live to about 357 years of age, so you know, looks younger)

-Buster calms down, runs for mayor again, settles in a boring life of paperwork. He just wants to be useful.

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