Frequency6: BUZZCUT | Characters

 Gender: Female
 Height: 6,3 ft
 Created: January 11th, 2010
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6 years ago, Void Forrests where Amfiibi Use Tech Ops were conducting secret operations on developing weapons and soldiers based on abilities nature has to offer. These were called "Frequencies" due to most of the weapons or movement were based on resonation and vibration.
The prototype Frequencies were a failure as they were slaughtered by creatures that roamed the forrests. Of the twelve warriors only two remained. F6 and F9.
Frequency9 realized he could not stand his ground alone anymore and hid in the monastery. The nuns appeared to be a stand alone covert operation with some genuine religious attachments. After F9 got his ass killed, the nuns dismantled his armour and backward engineered a new type around the same time F6 came looking for him.

Frequency6 realized she was the last of the Frequencies, stole the new Frequency gear and left the forrests to start a new life in the city.

F6 realized she can't have a normal life and secretly missed the action. Different from her warrior predecessor, F6 has a great expertise in theft. The nuns used to call her Baelzebuzz due to her diabolical behaviour and speed. F6 changed her name to BuzzCut.
Rather avoids conflict, but can stand her ground if she has to. Enjoys the thrill of chasing or being chased.

*Extreme speed and agility. Fast leg movements.

*Hockey stick with retractable razorblade that resonates at a high frequency to slice through almost everything in an instant. The high pitch sound can be quite irritating. Her trusty I-pod protects her ears.
Comes along with hockey pucks that can be used as explosive projectiles, EMP emitters or multi-angled cameras.

* High powered rollerblades that convert air through different filters that make it seem as if she's not even touching the ground when moving.

* Propeller backpack that pushes her even faster. This item is where the buzzing sound comes from when she moves at high speed. Buzzcut cannot fly like a bee, but she cruise in the air for a long enough time with small bursts.

*Striped pattern vest which can either absorb or deflect light to become invisible for certain types of targets or when a specific theft requires stealth.

*Hockey mask, bulletproof. She can see multiple angles of an area/target depending where she left a puck.

Other shit:
Blasphemous, fast talker and a short attention span. When the mask is on she speaks as little as possible.
Has some small time punks with braids, fro's or mohawks as back up wearing some clothing that represents a bee.
Usually steals stuff of importance, for warfare, entertainment or plain just money for them hungry days. Enjoys the chase or being chased.

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