Crawford | Characters

Crawford by UndeadOrion
 Gender: Male
 Height: 6'0
 Created: November 25th, 2006
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Crawford came to Void City with his half brother and corrupt politician of a step father, after the boys' mother died. Now in his late twenties, he stays in the city to take care of his mentally unstable brother. That, and he rather enjoys knocking people around with out getting too much of a hassle from outside parties.

As late as his early 20's, he had not yet shown any signs of superhuman power, so he lacked an advantage over a majority of the city. But thanks to a strong addiction to pain killers, and large stubborn streak, he had a rather high pain tolerance. When running on an adrenaline high during a fight, he can ignore his injuries enough to keep fighting, but once things calm down, it's a little harder to over-look.

He very rarely removes his sweatshirt, and is never seen with out at least a teeshirt. Even in the dead heat of summer, he's unlikely to remove anything. He refuses to tell anyone why.


Crawford comes across as cold, at best. He'll try to ignore people for the most part, but getting him from indifferent to pissed off is as easy as flipping a light switch. Once someone irritates him to that point, it's anything but pretty. He will take every cheap shot he can, both physically and verbally. But if someone does manage to get past that thick, growly crust and befriend him, he's as loyal as they come. Even if he does still pick on them and knock them around sometimes.

Given his violent form of problems solving, he's made many enemies in the city, citizens and law enforcement alike.


In Crawford vs Nelson and Macario, it seems he started to develop something that looked like powers.

In Nowhereboy vs Crawford, he started to show more of those powers and used them to pummel the poor boy

Powers Explained:

Crawford has the power to manipulate inorganic matter (stone, glass, plastic, metal, etc). Mostly he just uses it to smash holes in stuff, tear out impossibly large chunks to be used as melee weapons, or spooks customers with it. In between Nowhereboy and the Reintro, Crawford did very little to develop his powers. Tested them a bit to tell their extent, reigned them in a bit so he wasn't accidentally cracking walls anymore. But he has yet to really explore the limits of what he can do. It's enough for him that he could rip a pipe out of the ground and smack someone with it. For now.

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