Moa Goetia | Characters

Moa Goetia by Red
 Gender: female
 Height: 6' 2
 Created: January 27th, 2010
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Moa is a teenage demon cheerleader. She is the captain of the cheerleaders at Central Hell High. She is very popular and a total bitch. She has the personality of a stereotypical cheerleader... she can be fake, she's vain, she'll step on anyone to get what she wants, she has to be the center of attention, she's selfish, and sometimes she can be a little stupid.

She can summon lesser demons to fight with her, but she can hold her own in a fight. She can fly, has super strength, & claws (and whatever other demonic powers).

She is often carrying pom-poms, and has pig tails. Her hair is black with red streaks.

2013 UPDATE - AGE 21

Moa has managed to land herself a great job out of college. She works for the Hell Central Government as an Executive Soul Collector. This is a highly coveted position that she obtained through threats, bribes and many sexual favors. She has made a lot of people angry on her climb to the top.

Her job consists of collecting souls for the Hell Central Government. Souls are everything to demons: Food, currency, energy and power. Since Moa died on earth, she can no longer come and go to earth as she pleases. Her government job allows her temporary access to Earth so she can perform her job.

Moa collects souls in 3 ways:

1. Simply killing a mortal works in some cases because it will send them straight to hell.
2. Seduction to weaken their will and steal their soul.
3. Making a "deal with the devil" to make someone willingly hand over their soul for whatever she promises them.

Recently, Moa has been claiming souls for herself in order to become more powerful. It is illegal for her to claim souls as her own as an employee of the government. However, she has never been punished in her life and doesn't think there will be any repercussions from this.

Moa now believes that she has greatly matured and changed in the past 3 years. She cut her hair and wears more "professional" style clothes. She continues to look down upon everyone. She still isn't very smart, but she uses her brute force and seduction techniques to get her way most of the time anyway.


Amy is Moa's only real friend. Moa always treated Amy very poorly, but Amy stuck by her side constantly in high school. Moa called Amy nerdy and told her she was never going to get anywhere in life with such a pathetic body. Amy took the abuse because she was secretly in love with her. Moa never calls her by her name and treats her like a minion.

After Moa's death on earth, Amy entered a relationship with Sam Holmes. Sam was the woman who killed Moa, and thus freeing Amy from Moa's grasp. Amy became a sergeant in Hell's military and she was able to get her girlfriend a job in Hell PD after she was killed as well.
See Sixtem's comic with them here:

She continues to do her job to the best of her ability. She is more confident now that she doesn't rely on Moa, but the very mention of Moa brings up so many good and bad memories.

Still in hell, but its cool though.

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