koufuyo | Characters

koufuyo by koufuyo
 Gender: None (appears male)
 Height: 5\'9 without plates
 Created: April 18th, 2007
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Koufuyo is a being who resides in a dimension where sentient thought from our world manifests in a physical state; he\'s mainly comprised of random thoughts and emotions. This being is also is an aspiring scientist of sorts who specializes in mechanical vegetable technology (his home world is a giant floating radish the size of NYC). Koufuyo\'s biology is obscure at best, he posses no internal organs, instead he has a cognitive core structure which is virtually indestructible (he will not be able to return to the realm his body was destroyed in.) His \"hair\" is actually a structure similar to that of the plates on a
stegosaurus, yet much more limber. the obscure scientist uses his odd appendages as though they were a second pair of hands or wrapping weapons in battle. Due to the fact that he\'s comprised of thoughts Koufuyo abilities and growth in the human world will solely be based upon how much those around him believe in his talents and efforts.

(I.E., If one person has complete faith in him, he could prevent the collapse of the cosmos. Inversely if he\'s loathed by all, a single paramecium could whoop his kiester. )

The possibilities for his new abilities are almost limitless due to his lucid structure.

Like many creatures of the thought/dream realm Koufuyo was born of a compilation of thought matter(similar to that of metors) in stagnant space (outerspace like area) entering a celestial body\'s atmosphere and slamming on to the surface. (The extreme heat often triggers a biological response in the otherwise lifeless matter) He was discovered by a profound scientist in the shape of a large reptile who raised him to become one who strives to better the world he lived in. Throughout his life he\'s managed make a variety of friends on several other planets, he\'s well versed and has studied in several universities and has a nack for producing atonishing vegetable based inventions.

Personality wise Koufuyo is quite the oddball, he may have a rather gaunt appearance, but he\'s the most jovial fellow you\'ll ever meet. He greats everyone he meets with a light-hearted salutation in prospect of making a new friend; Koufuyo is even polite opponents in battle because he may have to form an alliance. He quite often speaks in alterations (ex: Some supercilious sage supplemented us with suppositories) and spends most of his time tinkering in with new inventions to better life for all sentient beings. He sees the world through rose colored glasses and believes that everything is picture perfect, Koufuyo also tends to skip and dance while in motion, and cackle for no apparent reason. A real goody-two-shoes so to speak.

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