Talbot & Scroop | Characters

Talbot & Scroop by zee
 Title: Chitin Titans
 Gender: Female & Male
 Height: 6'5 & 5'3
 Created: October 29th, 2017
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Talbot and Scroop are experienced morticians, ready to assist when deaths occur... and how they do occur. It is inevitable after all! Prim, proper, and professional- they care about appearances and look forward to lending a hand when death sets in, you can always count on them being there.
In addition to their curious profession, the pair are also cannibals. Naturally, this type of behavior is frowned upon in Chitinborough, their sea-side home town (which is a peculiar mix of Victorian and Southern Gothic aesthetics), or at least it would be if there were anything more than a vague hint of it actually happening. Talbot and Scroop use their profession to hide their unfavorable habit and only consume previously deceased corpses.

Oh yeah, and they’re totally BFFs.


Florence Talbot
Female - 6’5”
Age: 49
Talbot is soft-spoken, composed, and stoic. Her outward mannerisms are very polite and most of the time appear genuine.
Despite being courteous socially Talbot cares very little for most people aside from her own children (and children in general) and Scroop. Though she is usually practical and phlegmatic, she will occasionally get swept up by Scroop’s energy- and if called out on this she will become embarrassed.
Talbot is married to her husband (Bernard) and has five children (Alma, Vernon, Maude, Mabel, and Elsie).

Walter Scroop
Male - 5’3”
Age: 45
Scroop is outgoing, eccentric, and excitable. Outwardly Scroop is affable and jolly, though sometimes his words and actions suggest insincerity and/ or deceitfulness.
He tends to be rather facetious and often appears detached from reality in ways. Scroop is somewhat emotionally dependent on Talbot, he lacks a certain amount of empathy though and can easily become the crueler of the two in many situations.
Scroop is a widower and lives alone.

In spite of Scroop’s quirky behavior Talbot tends to take him quite seriously, which he does appreciate. Likewise, Scroop naturally puts in the effort needed to relate to Talbot on a personal level.
The both of them have a similar sense of humor and almost always get along very well, with disagreements typically being minor and easily resolved.

COMIC HISTORY SUMMARY (most recent first):

Interring the Family – Kiski is hired to work for Talbot and Scroop as a gravedigger (and general physical laborer probably).

Podsnappery – Scroop visits Talbot’s family for a nice holiday dinner.

Clash of Chitin: Round 3 – Talbot and Scroop visit Hellgrammite to discuss dealings about her dead father. Hellgrammite grows tired of Talbot’s condescending sympathies and, in attempts to continue the family tradition, tries to clip Talbot’s wings. By accident, Hellgrammite is killed with her own scissors.

Clash of Chitin: Round 2 – The final surviving member of Population Control tries to speak with Talbot and Scroop. Making many assumptions, Talbot and Scroop assume he’s come to kill them and so decide to fight back. They detail the deaths of the other PC members and then bury Bambi alive.

Clash of Chitin: Round 1 – Prendergast attempts to end Talbot and Scroop for their affronts against bugkind- however, Talbot and Scroop burn down a church and Prendergast along with it.

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