Iain MacTavish | Characters

 Gender: Male
 Height: 6'2"
 Created: May 14th, 2019
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Iain MacTavish was born in Scotland and has been alive for a decent amount of time thanks to his elvish heritage, but has settled down in Void-city to open a small shop called The Elder Apothecary where he sells magic books and trinkets and lives with his cat Mittens. He tries to keep mostly to himself, as he can often outlive friends that he makes, but he doesn't turn anyone in need away, which can be both a blessing and a curse. He is incredibly skilled in his use of magic, as well as knowledgeable on the subject, and his primary uses of magic manifests through the use of plants and vines. He can do other basic spells, such as basic conjuration spells and transmutation spells, but otherwise sticks to nature based spells.

He can be incredibly snarky and sassy (often using Scottish idioms and slang), but knows when to get down to business and get things done. As he has been alive for so long he has gained a fair amount of PTSD and anxiety, and often smokes to cope. Overall though he is a good-natured individual who wants nothing more than to run his shop.

The scars on his back and legs are from a time he was injured and paralyzed from the waist down, and he used vines to give himself the ability to walk. He also has a weakness to cold iron and if he's exposed to it he will grow incredibly ill and weak and be unable to use his magic.

Iain’s story:
-Invitationals 2019- Iain was briefly arrested and imprisoned after a scuffle at a local bar and is now attending alcoholics anonymous.
-Iain MacTavish vs. Kit and Jade- Iain gains two more surrogate kids to his ever growing rag-tag Void family
-Heavyweight Winter 2019- A curse comes back to haunt Iain for past crimes and he is framed for accessory in several murders. He is then sent to prison and kept in iron shackles.
-Cairo Rae vs. Iain MacTavish- On his last day in prison Iain is witness to a grisly murder by some sort of wolf-like monster but is unharmed before being released.

Iain's Current Whereabouts:
Iain is currently missing. Due to the iron shackles kept on his wrist and temporarily on his throat, he has lost his ability to use his elven magic, though he can still do various forms of witchcraft. He is still waiting to see what other rebounds the curse may have.

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