Dr. Fabulous | Characters

 Title: Speed Resurrection Tournament Champion 2015, Character of the Year 2015
 Gender: Male
 Height: 5'8
 Created: December 2nd, 2007
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Dr. Fabulous
55 years old

Dr. Fabulous is the greatest villainy of our day. Whether he's out to conquer the world or to get a sale at Macy's, he's the man for the job. On the verge of taking over the world, he missed a payment and ended up getting his Pacific Island Lair repossessed by creditors. Down, but not out, he quickly moved his base of operations to a Penthouse Apartment in Void City's prime apartment complex, Fabulous Towers.

Dr. Fabulous has recently returned from vacation in Mexico and contrary to popular belief, he is not dead and never died.

- He's fabulous. Side-effect of this includes immunity to all STDs.
- Super gay.
- His island lair got repo'd because he paid for it with his student visa from when he attended Evil University. It had a 200 dollar limit.
- He always has his pink boa and monocle with him.
- Fabulous Towers is meteor-proof and is built with beyond state of the art equipment and defensive measures by Hiemie the Fishboy, who helped maintain and improve it while Dr. Fabulous often vacationed away from Void City. Existing ever since 2007, it is currently the tallest building in Void City. It is the most luxurious apartments and the height of extravagance. Rent is extraordinary, although if you're pals with Dr. Fabulous, it could easily be free.
- Dr. Fabulous is the owner and CEO of Orsktech. Orsktech as a company has tight ties with the government and has many military contracts, thus creating and fueling incredible advancements within all fields of sciences. How far and powerful these advancements are is currently unknown.
- Orsktech University, which is likewise an association, is also run by the Dean, Dr. Fabulous. The best and brightest students attending the school are immediately brought into the fold of the company and provided stabled, satisfying jobs. Many students that exhibit fascinating and impressive powers are given a free ride in return for testing their abilities.
- It's unknown how many developments that occur at Orsktech that Dr. Fabulous is actually aware of at any time.

40 years old

Morty is Dr. Fabulous' Jewish assistant, taking care of business. He handles all legal, financial, technical, and pretty much ALL matters that come up. He's a jack-of-all-trades, with the lack of romantic/fabulous views his employer has. A little more street-smart, but a little more quiet. The straight man of Dr. Fabulous.

Morty has also recently returned from Mexico and is also not dead and also has never died.

- He's casually Jewish. Not really practicing, but he'll attend barmitzvahs and eat Chinese on Christmas.
- He's not evil, and has no desire to rule the world. Dr. Fabulous is just a friend who pays well.
- He's extremely resourceful and has knowledge beyond what's to be expected for just a simple accountant.
- He lives in the apartment below Dr. Fabulous', but there's an elevator that leads to both.
- Morty is the one who mainly keeps tabs on Orsktech activities. The extent of how hard he actually works is unknown, but suffice it to say, Dr. Fabulous would probably not be enjoying the level of freedom he does now if it wasn't for Morty.
- Morty actually is Certified Public Accountant.

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