Massive Attack | Characters

Massive Attack by Kon
 Gender: Male
 Height: 1m81
 Created: June 28th, 2008
Design sheet Intro comic

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Weight: 70kg
Nationality: Italian/Now English
Blood group: O
Ability: Massive Attack

Massive Attack is just a nick name a doctor found for his illness. Like the amazonian frogs, when he feels danger or when he intend to kill someone, a deadly virus go through all his body. If you just touch him you will die, it might not be an instant death, depends of where you were touched and of how long too.
So he is a born killer.

The first person he killed was his mother, she died when she gave him life, because of his poison. Two years later he killed three teenagers who were trying to steal his grandma\'s purse. They were poisoned too.
His dad died when he was seven, killed by a mafia gang. Four days later the suspects were all found poisoned. A special italian agent, seeing loads of poisoning cases in this little italian town got interested in Massive Attack and suspected him of murder. He was found one month later, poisoned in his car. Some old woman told Massive Attack that a wierdo was following him everywhere, the little kid tried to understand what this agent wanted and he killed him by mistake.

Two month later, Massive Attack was the special weapon of the biggest mafia gang in Italy, he had left his grandmother behind him. But he didn\'t realise that every single object he had touched contained a little bit of poison. And after few years, his lonely grandmother died. Poisoned.
Then for few years, Massive Attack was famous in all Italy, even the american TV news were talking about the high amount of poisoning in Italy. But the virus had no antidote, it was a new type of poison no one could understand.
The entire gang was caught by police during a night in a bar. They were all send in jail for various reason. The only one who escaped was a teenager with no ID. No one thought he was part of the gang but just some random kid drinking a bit too much alcoohol. When the police asked infos about him, the only thing he would answer was: \"Massive Attack\"

He decided to find someone who could live with him, who would also have some \"powers.\" He heard about a famous doctor in England who could maybe heal him. He went all the way to London, they was no such doctor. So he went to see every single doctor, some didn\'t believe him, some just couldn\'t heal him, so Massive Attack killed them all.
He killed a lot of people and discovered how to use poison well. After many trainings, he decided to surrender and went to an english prison. Because he was killing all the prisonners he was transferred to a High tech and secured prison in a city called VOID.
He stayed alone in his cell for a year. Without seeing no one, he could only receive few things from the \"real\" world. So he always asked for books. He also trained a lot on blood pressure, so he could fully control his poison.

And he now lives in VOID city. He succefully escaped and his considered as one of the most dangerous criminal in assassination. Also nobody really know what he looks like, no one was allowed to take pictures of him. The last pictures police could find would have been at his grand-mother\'s house.
They only have some sketch of his face.

Welcome to VOID.

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