Hood and Aries | Characters

Hood and Aries by Dansome
 Gender: Male and Female
 Height: 5'8 and 5'10
 Created: September 2nd, 2015
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These two individuals make up the team referred to as SkyHeart, an investigative and info-vending group with a website.

Name: Hood A.K.A Percival Finch
Age: 22 years old
Race: Human conduit
Profile: Part-time danger extraordinaire and part-time rebel, but full-time fool with a heart of gold. Hood is a bombastic and optimistic individual with a passion for showmanship and showing off. Despite being a habitual liar and a sleazy flirt, Hood is compassionate and surprisingly amiable when he tries. His greed often does get the best of him as his end goals often revolve around fame and/or fortune.
He has an incredibly lucky spree of getting out of situations, only to land in worse ones later on.

Telekinetic: When in contact or really close proximity to his switchblades, Hood is capable of channeling telekinetic abilities. The most impressive feat he can manage with this is a sort of psychic grappling-hook ability; otherwise his telekinesis is not very strong. With the exception of himself, Hood can only psychically manipulate non-living matter and to half the weights he can physically lift up.

He can also parkour, video edit, code, fight well with knives, and stealth sneak.

Thing-Meister(s), the name he dubs his two switchblades that act like medium for his psychic abilities; and a
A video recorder.

Likes: Breakfast foods, fiiine women, rock and roll music, and stunt videos
Dislikes: Emptiness, rules, clowns and medicine


Name: Aries Valeheart
Age: Appears mid-twenties
Race: Ceph A.K.A Diluted Eldritch spawn
Profile: Coming from a corrupt and fading noble heritage, Aries is hell-bent to create her own positive and lasting legacy in the world. She is ambitious in both her pursuits as a scholar and an entrepreneur, causing her to end up as an info-merchant of sorts. Aries is curious, resourceful but also immensely prideful. She focuses so much on gaining prestige and respect that it sometimes clouds her judgment.
Because she focuses so much on the large picture, she can appear to be callous but is actually quite kind if not awkward. She does not believe in magic despite being supernatural herself.

Superhuman strength, roughly 1.5 times stronger than peak human strength but is slow; Super sensory hearing; enhanced durability to survive mortal wounds; Eldritch tongue, can speak but mostly understand; engineering; a monster form she never uses because she hates it; and a banshee shriek that can be used once a day.

Laser blaster, powerful but mostly used as an effective bludgeoning weapon; HemPages, The name of the tablet where she keeps encyclopedic records of Eldritch, random and useless info; solar powered battery charger; and a backpack to store her cash and items and other important things.

Likes: Science/Eldritch knowledge, puns, markets and liquor
Dislikes: Machismo, Eldritch, beer and superstition

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