The Bag Lady | Characters

 Gender: Female
 Height: 5\'9
 Created: June 27th, 2006
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The Baglady: Not much is known about her. Her past is mysterious, her origins are only known to her. The bags she carries are her tool and weapons. They are her friends and enemies. The Baglady choose this path over a quick death a long time ago and has ever since paid the price. What truths does the Baglady know? What does she hide? Who was the last Holder of the Bags? Who will be the next? What are the bags and where did they come from? The Baglady offers Voidcity many questions and witholds all answers. What will you discover?

Figure one: The Bag of Harm. This seemingly small and simple bag is possibly Baglady\'s first and last defense. It provides, in it\'s vast spacial worping interior, an infinity number of weapons. All melee, this bag would seem more useful if it didn\'t distribute the items randomly. Offering a letter opener at one point and a trident in another. The Baglady has, on many a long night, had to fight off thugs with a rolling pin; the bag offers only one weapon a day.

Figure two: The Bag of Things. This bag, a swiss made army bag, contains things. To the Baglady\'s knowledge there are five such things.VeeBeeNee, a four-armed rather adorable creature whose vomits deadly bile that could be a swarm of pestilence creatures or mearly a acidic-like black ooze. The Algernon a three legged furry beast. It tells the Baglady it was once a mad surgen, punished for playing god. All the Baglady cares is that with the help of the bag of medics, he can mend any wound from deep slices to severed limbs.Swillor has the body of a python with a scythe blade placed in the tail. His human head looks like he was once a jester, however where his mouth is only a large eye. What Swillor sees in that eye is not easily known. If the Baglady is lucky enough his expression will warn her of impending danger. Chime-Ira is one part bird, one part bat and one part lizard. It\'s normal form is Bat head on lizard body with bird wings, but has been know to appear with differant combinations or as wholly one of the three animals. He is her familiar and pet. Lastly and most trusted by the Baglady is Cabnet. He was once a Goblin but made some dealings with the bag of things. His torso became a space containing innumerable arms and legs whose races were fea, human, imp and goblin of all sorts. The Baglady understands giving up what you once were for power as he has.

Figure three: The Bag of Medics. This bag offers tools for medical purposes. Banadages, scalpels, and medicines are all standard. The Algernon uses this bag to mend the Baglady\'s wounds. It also grants the Baglady with her extended life span. How old is the bag lady? It is said the proof of her age is in a diary. The diary contains the information of the last Holder of the Bags dating back to the mysterious time when the bags were created. This would be a useful book if it wasn\'t that it was missing many key pages. The Baglady quickly realized that these pages were hidden across the globe some in churches. Others in comic book shops. So she goes to look for the pages and food. . . for the bag.

Figure four: The Horrible, Horrible Bag. This bag, this horrible bag, powers the other three bags. It keeps the things from spilling out, it gives form to the weapons and keeps them from becoming the unstable mass they once were, and makes the medic bag spill life into the host, the gaurdian of the bags. The horrible bag needs energy to power the other three. The horrible bag needs food. As the Holder of the Bags, the Baglady must sacrifice others to keep the bags in check. The horrible bag craves a new fuel everyday. One day it may want a wad of clay or a stray cat. Other days it may want a person in a position of power or a baby. What will happen if the bags are left uncheck, unsated? Nothing short of hell on earth? The Baglady tries not to think of it. Not even the diary contains this knowledge. It is possible that the missing pages from the diary contain this knowledge. Moving from place to place in search of the fuel that the horrible bag requires; the Baglady has become a nomad. The horrible, horrible bag will one day choose another Holder. And on that day it will let the Baglady finally die.

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