Six and the Hat | Characters

Six and the Hat by wade
 Gender: Male
 Height: Tall
 Created: July 24th, 2010
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Basically this kid get's haunted by a talking hat and he leaves home on a quest to get the hat off his head. Six is just a little punk skateboarder. He's very self-centered and focused. He has just one goal and that is to get the hat off his head because it annoys him. The Hat is pretty much a gangster. He tells Six that the only way to get himself off Six's head is to find the holy grill.

who: Matthew "Six" Middleton aka Six and the Hat

personality: Six is a sarcastic and self -absorbed kid. He's self-centered and focused. He's self-conscious (embarrassed by the hat) and a self-imposed loner. He has bad luck and is a klutz.

appearance: Six is a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. He has a hat with a mouth enchanted to his head (it cannot come off or be removed in battle). He has a wallet chain hanging from his left side. He wears typical skater sneakers and carries around a skateboard. He also generally has a backpack that he carries clothes and skate tools around in with him.

age: 17

attitude: Typically annoyed by the hat. He is very driven and focused on his objective. If it pertains to his personal goals (IE skate tricks/getting the hat off his head) he's no holds-barred. Otherwise he's more likely to err on the side of caution due to his bad luck. He has the typical skater mentality and has a low opinion of authority having been picked on by cops most of his life.

The Hat: The Hat is a sentient being that, outside of being attached to Six's head, retains full control of it's movement. It can situate itself on Six's head in any orientation. The mouth can move it's not on a set side but most times it's about where the logo would be located. The Hat's personality is that of a hard g, street level gangsta.

background: When Six gets haunted with hat, he immediately wants to know how to get it off. The Hat tells him that there is this "Holy Grill" that will break the enchantment. Six sets out on the quest to find the grill to be free of the curse. He runs away from home and has been homeless and searching for a year.

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