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Topics - Nachte

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Stray is a cat burglar. He's in the vein Catwoman, Black Cat, ect. His name is borrowed from the character he's an homage too: This Mistake of a Creation

He's 16. He's a rich asshole. He's a hokey super hero comic character. His mom and dad died in some tragic freak-super-villain-accident and left all their extensive wealth to him, but oh-no! its being gobbled up by his family company's evil board of directors. They're out to embezzle all the profits and buy yachts or something, now that daddy Weston is dead. Whats a poor land-rich boy to do? How will he keep paying for his parent's ridiculously huge mansion, and his servants? What about private school tuition? He can't access any of his trust fund until he's 18, oh whats a resourceful lad like him to do??

Strap on a mask and steal shit of course. His mother was a gallery curator and a collector of fine rococo era antiques and paintings. The boy's got an eye for the rich shit. So he'll just steal some paintings to fill the void in his heart and to keep heating his 13 bedroom 4.5 million dollar manor.

It's probably more heart felt than this, but you get the idea.

Fuckin' battle me Kent.


Clip/Manga Studio word bubbles and Word Bubble technique

Hey guys, hate reading tutorials? Heres a video version instead:

I'm so proud of all the legit comics we had in the first round of this year's speed resurrection tourney. But I'm not proud of how bad all these text bubbles look! So lets talk a little bit about speech bubbles and how important they are to a comic.

Here let me give you an example.

The version on the right is NOT FAR from what I'm seeing in some of these battles, look at how unprofessional that looks? Which one looks better? See how much bad speech bubbles can detract from a comic?

Let's start with some Do's and Don'ts of bubbles.

It takes a little bit of practice, but you always want your text to fit the shape of the bubble it's in.

Ideally you want narrow top, fat middle, narrow bottom!

So lets start with a fresh panel in manga studio.

You should be planning your text right along your sketch! This stops you from covering up hard work later and lets you plan for how much space those bubbles are going to take!

Your next step should be adding the text as soon as sketches are finished. If you draw on paper you should still be planning your speech bubbles as you sketch and leaving space for them while you ink. Hand lettering is complicated and I might do a post on it later, but for now I'm assuming you'll be using magical technology to do your text.

Add Text
Add Bubbles
Do your other shit.

So lets do that, I'mma add my text and make sure it's centered and molded in a bubble shape.


Now from here there are three ways to make bubbles in manga studio, you can use these techniques in photoshop as well but I'll go over that in another post in this thread later.

Here's what they look like:

Now look, sit down with me here for a minute. I need to tell you something. I know you want to use the ellipse tool, its so easy. BAM DONE! But I'm here to tell you that you can't. No. Unless its ellipse or no text at all then MAYBE. If your comic can stand without text then I'd rather no text than ellipse style bubbles.

The best style of bubble is the curve style, its similar to drawing with the pen in photoshop and takes practice, but the pay off is much more professional bubbles, trust me. So we've covered the basic rules of bubbles in this post.

Plan your bubbles in your sketch.
mold your text to fit your bubble.
Avoid ellipse style bubbles
always center your text!
Whamo-Blamo insta-semi-professionalism

See look? Even with my speed inking and shitty gradients the page looks a lot more professional because the text looks professional!

Next time we'll cover photoshop techniques as well as speech tails.

GO FOR BROKE! / Nachte is pitching a comic!
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:13 PM »
Oni-press has open submissions until the end of June and I'm going to be pitching a comic. I'm looking at it as a unique opportunity but I'm not heavily invested in my success (not to say I'm not invested in doing quality work, but that I won't be super let down when I inevitably don't get chosen.)

Me and Six were chatting and making a thread to keep track of my to-do list of the pitch and my art for it came up and it seemed like a good idea!

Heres my To-do List:

- A logline - [what’s the idea/concept]
- A one-page synopsis / overview - A short summary that contextualizes who your project is for and how it fits into the marketplace
- A 3-5 page outline - give us the full beginning, middle and end of your story so we can see your execution.
- A sample script containing at least two scenes, consisting of at least eight pages and no more than twenty pages.
- At least 8 sample pages of sequentials from the project being pitched.

I'm pitching a baseball comic called Crimson Bat about a Japanese freshman who moves to Texas and has to adapt the world of American Highschool Baseball.

I'll be posting art and outlines and ect in this thread to keep me going and motivated. Heres a bunch of concept work I've done for it:

The Protag, Takahashi, who is still lacking a first name.

Dallas, the jaded catcher whose pissed his highschool team is terrible after a golden run in little league.

Tate the centerfielder and dubious 'captain' of the team before Takahashi shows up. His father works in the oil refineries, and his sister is a cheerleader/brigadette/prom committee social butterfly who while younger tends to be the mother hen.

(tate's original last name was dallas but it's been swapped)

Elijawa is a Creole first baseman and with Tate acts as the tenative glue for the very lackluster team.

Warm ups and some ink tests.

I'm wrapping up my last week of finals in college right now but tomorrow's goal is to get the preview pages scripted and thumbed and start on the 3-5page outline.

Also if you played baseball in highschool man, please tell me, I've got a buncha questions to ask about that.

Art Jams / 22-page Challenge hype thread!
« on: May 14, 2011, 06:42 PM »
I dunno about you guys, but I'm insanely excited for this! Sixtem has been idea-storming with me and I'm all buzzed to get workin' on this!

I have a lot of concept art I've been drawing that I'd love to scan and post and I thought maybe the other participants also might have some art they'd like to share!

I'm so curious to see what all those Titles MEAN! I know we don't need art to start a jam anymore, but heres a pin up I did a while back for this comic. Some of the ideas have changed, but I feel the desire to get some hype out for people creating new comics!

So my computer didn't get fixed until yesterday so I'm two days behind on the november dude a day thing, but heres my first one as well as some Jane and Gris being pseudo lesbians from a conversation on VoidChat.

Update: now has second DAD design.

Leavin' all this old stuff here so the comments make sense and visual improvement or something.

New art posted deeper in thread.

Art Jams / Giant Monster Jam!
« on: Feb 14, 2009, 04:23 PM »
So on the subject of mighty morphin' sentai, and GIANT MONSTERS! I thought it would be sexy to see a MONSTERS JAM! The rules are simple you just gotta draw one badass powerrangers/godzilla/c'thulian horror.

The catch is while it can be totally inspired by something its gotta be an original monster! So stretch your noodles and see what crazy beasts you can come up with! Bonus points for said monster entwined in COMBAT with some epic hero or perhaps even a rad sentai team.

So to start the jam off, have a gaint C'thulian SNAIL that I've been working on between pages of my battle.

(normal sized man fighting him not yet pictured as I'm sorta working on this between pages.)

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