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Messages - OberGoat

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« on: May 28, 2016, 09:09 AM »
Once I can get everything I need together I will be all over this.

VOID Characters and Comics / Re: Theme Song Corner
« on: Apr 26, 2016, 06:37 PM »
I don't know why, but I think of this song when I think of Johnny Sweet.

VOID Characters and Comics / Re: Theme Song Corner
« on: Apr 22, 2016, 11:36 PM »
Here's my take!

Lilyfeather- Heavenly Star by Genki Rockets
Gray-Imaginary by Evanescence
Kurt and Polterdot-Stardust Speedway: Present (Jp version) from Sonic CD
Psychic Prince-Delightful Spekkio by Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu & Noriko Matsueda

That's all I can come up with for now, I'll try to come up with more.

I know last time the page number to shoot for was at least 3, is there a page number this time around? Like 2 pages for each 2 week period? Or is it just kind of get as many done as you can?

Art Jams / Re: YO MOMMA IS VOID !!!!
« on: Apr 14, 2016, 08:29 PM »
Lilyfeather, you MONSTER!

I think I'd like to participate this time around, so count me in!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Mar 12, 2016, 11:18 PM »
I still live! Things have been kinda hectic for me the last week or so, and I haven't gotten much drawing time in.

As I said in my last post, I've decided to go back and rework the intro as I just really didn't care for how it was looking. Here's an early rough of page 2. Soon I'll be doing touch ups.

Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: Feb 27, 2016, 11:59 PM »
A couple days ago, Shen drew some ghost lady on her tumblr, so I decided to also draw a ghost lady. Enjoy!

« on: Feb 27, 2016, 11:25 PM »
I suppose it's time to introduce myself.

My name is Scott, though online I usually go by some variation of "Oberon The Goat" (OberonTheGoat, OberonGoat, I think there's an "OberGoat" somewhere.) I used to go by Sukotto, so if you see someone call me "Suko" that's why.

I've been drawing comics since early middle school and all through high school. While in High School I had a (terrible) comic strip published in the local paper that went on going for about 2 1/2 years before the idea well ran completely dry. After high school I discovered web comics and wanted in on that action like you wouldn't believe.

A buddy and I decided to start one called Random Stupidity, and it had the oh-so-original premise of two college age gamer dudes and their daily adventures. It was bad and we did not have the drive to update on any sort of regular schedule.

After that I went to college for game design. 3 times, and never graduated. I have always regretted that. A few years after that I got hit with really bad anxiety and pretty much gave up on art, save for the occasional doodle, for a few years.

About a year ago something clicked, I felt the drive again, the dream of having my own webcomic came surging back, and ever since then I have been pushing myself to draw all the time. Back in August I started posting rough pages for my currently in development web comic to various social media and Shen, who is an old friend of mine from high school, saw them and pointed me towards this site, and because I'm such a great friend I waited 6ish months before finally really checking it out. (Sorry Shen.)

The first night I decided to really look into this site I stayed up until about 4AM reading all of your awesome comics and said to myself "I need to be a part of this awesome community!"

So here we are, my character is currently in the incubator but I think I'm making good progress with him.

Also, I play a lot of video games, like, a lot. Some of my current favorites are World of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Super Smash Bros (Mains: Sonic, Ryu, Cloud, Mewtwo, Bowser.), Pokemon (finally getting through Y), and Overwatch (I got into the beta stress test weekend and fell in love, but Blizzard hasn't sent me an invite into the regular beta yet and it has given me the sads.) and some of my all time favorite games also include games like Chrono Trigger, Sonic CD, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Shining Force 2, Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy 6, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (Even though I'm a filthy casual), and there will forever be a void in my soul left by Phantasy Star Online.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 27, 2016, 10:56 PM »
After reviewing what I had done so far, I decided to take Lawson's story back to the drawing board, the art and pacing were all just way off. So here is a reworked version of page 1. No dialog this time, though I do have it all planned out and can add it if you all would like to see it.

Quick question to Manga Studio users out there, what brush do you recommend for inking? I started with the G-Pen but the line variation was too all-over-the-place currently using the turnip pen.

Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: Feb 27, 2016, 07:46 PM »
Aaaahhh!! Lawson!! He doesn't even technically exist yet! Thank you Shen!

I better hurry up and fix that "Not existing yet." Problem.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 23, 2016, 10:04 PM »
No, the Sonic and Goku comparison actually makes sense. Sonic and Dragon Ball Z were two of the biggest things I was into back in the day, I've always been a big fan of super speed characters and have always wanted to do one of my own.

I see what you're saying about the line thickness thing. I just recently got a Huion H610 Pro and I'm still trying to find my groove with it so to speak. I'll fiddle around more with the brushes and try to find something that works for me, I also feel as though I need to mess with the pressure sensitivity some more. It doesn't quite feel 100% perfect for me just yet.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
« on: Feb 23, 2016, 09:03 PM »
I second that, backgrounds have always been a pain for me to draw and even now as I try to push myself to draw them more I still need a lot of work.

Also, references are your friend!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
« on: Feb 23, 2016, 08:46 PM »
You're making some real nice progress, keep at it man!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 23, 2016, 08:40 PM »
Whoops! I slipped and drew a second page! Have some back story.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 22, 2016, 03:47 PM »
Thank you! I was worried about shaky and/or wavy lines causing me to go way too overboard with the line tool, but now that I look at the two versions of the page, I like the newer one waaaaay more, shaky lines and all.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 22, 2016, 02:55 PM »
Okay, that first panel had to go. Here is the finalest version of the page.

Hoping to have everything ready to submit by Wednesday!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
« on: Feb 20, 2016, 02:59 PM »
Yay I helped!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
« on: Feb 19, 2016, 10:51 PM »
I looked up a tutorial about getting clean line work in Gimp and found this, I hope it helps with the colors!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 19, 2016, 10:31 PM »
A wild inked page 1 appears.

Oh God, so many crooked lines!!

I tried to play around more with the backgrounds, perspective is still something I need to work on for sure and I'll be honest I have no idea what I was trying to do with the building to the right in panel 1.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 19, 2016, 12:07 PM »
Backgrounds and life drawing have always been two of my weakest areas, thank you for those tutorials. I promise not to take 6 months to finally look at them!

And thank you for the warm welcome everyone!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 19, 2016, 11:24 AM »
Quick and dirty scan of page 1 intro story!

I'd never heard my art looks like Cartoon Network stuff before, but I think that's awesome, so thank you!

As far as Lawson's personality, he very positive. Just about everything is a new experience for him and he loves it. He's not actually actively seeking out his memories, he's just taking life as it comes to him. He loves living in an arcade and has fallen in love with video games, especially fighting games. He's always willing to make a new friend and won't hesitate to jump into danger if it means helping innocent people.

This can be a bad thing though, he doesn't always take the time to assess a situation before rushing in. Thankfully if he finds himself over his head his speed usually allows him to get out of danger quickly.

I also forgot to mention in my previous post that he appears to be in the age range of 19-22, though due to his memory loss his exact age can't be determined.

THE INCUBATOR / Here comes a new challenger!!
« on: Feb 19, 2016, 01:35 AM »
Hello EnterVOID!

Let me start off by telling you just a bit about myself. Back in high school, which feels like forever ago, I drew all the time. I met and became good friends with Shen and we used to draw comics all over each others' sketchbooks. It was good times.

After high school, I discovered webcomics, and have wanted to do one ever since. Sadly, somewhere along the way I lost all my confidence in my drawing abilities. It was to the point where I believed I had no talent whatsoever and completely gave up.

For about 6 years, save for the occasional sketch here and there.

Then, about a year ago I started to get some shred of my confidence back. I realized the dream of having my own webcomic never died, it just became dormant for awhile.

So, I started drawing again, and little by little I started to get back into the swing of it, after I started posting things to various social media, Shen contacted me and was all "Join EnterVOID!" and I said "Alright, I'll check it out." and because I'm such a great friend I put that off for about 6 months.

Well, earlier this week I finally did check it out and ho boy am I excited, and super anxious, about trying to become a part of this community!

Anyway, enough about me, let's get to the meat and potatoes.

I give you: Lawson!

I'll keep things pretty brief here, I'm still working on his actual design sheet and intro story. But the long and the short of it is, 6 months ago he woke up in a smoldering crater on the outskirts of Void City with amnesia and super powers. The only thing he could remember is the name Lawson, and he's not entirely sure it's even his name, but he started going by it anyway.

He was later taken in by the owner of a small arcade named Jonas Winter (He'll be on the design sheet too.)

His powers are: Super Speed, usually running around 200 mph but can push himself upwards of 500.
Increased resilience, he's basically made to absorb enormous impacts. Handy if you happen to run into a bus running 200+ mph.
With this increased resilience, he also has increased strength, by no means super human, but stronger than an average human.

Weaknesses: While it takes quite a bit to injure him, when he does get injured it takes much longer to heal.
Can't swim, he seems denser than most and has almost no buoyancy. He sinks like a rock.

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