Art => GO FOR BROKE! => Topic started by: seiibutsu on Aug 14, 2014, 01:10 AM

Title: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Aug 14, 2014, 01:10 AM
Right, expect a mix of crap from me, good, bad, and terrible.

I've been working on a project that's 100 canvas painting/drawings in acrylic of video game characters. The first three are the super simple ones, or the super easy ones so far, but I have a long list Im going to be doing over the coming months.

I'm also thinking of selling the set for charity, doing an extra-life live stream in oct, so would likely go towards that.

(http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/221/4/c/the_rhythm_alien_by_seiibutsu-d7udp4s.jpg) (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/221/d/b/a_boy_without_skin_by_seiibutsu-d7udpkt.jpg)

Ive got a few more doodles ive been up to lately of different formats and media. but ill leave it as this for my first post.
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Aug 14, 2014, 01:23 AM
oh to hell with it, here's a quick drawing of Kung Lao (mk... dur) on a pizza box. Because thats how I stroll


Yes that's the pizza hut logo for the hat. It tickled my funny bone, forgive me.
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Aug 17, 2014, 02:26 PM

A very poorly taken picture (must get a scanner soon) of a concept Ive had in my head for a while. First of many sketches I suspect. An early visualizing of idea.

The thought was of re-inventing the D&D esk storyline, creating a new sort of Wizard that was enough of a traditional look to feel like an obvious wizard and yet be, different.

My basic thought is that he holds a scar from a past battle with a power as evenly matched to his own, or perhaps greater. That I wanted to show that the scar was one created by magic and that this man was tied to magic.

I eventually came to the image of his head having been almost smashed open. a large chunk missing. but the wound looking like literally that, smashed. The surreal contrast of a lightbulb glass like cracked edge to the edge of the wound, but appearing on a form that was clearly and obviously a soft skin. The idea of these two opposites and impossible images appearing at once.

The idea needs a lot of work to, well work, but I still like the image in spirit. This was just a fifteen second doodle. Christopher lee being the basis for the general look of the face. I could also picture the wound with a constant slow stream of smoke quietly drifting out from the cavity left from the previous encounter.

note: this might lead to a character here in void. but i'm not sure yet, so im not going to move any stuff related to it into the incubator just yet...
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Aug 19, 2014, 02:06 PM

king kazma sketch . Done in 5 minuets testing out some new pens.
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Sep 13, 2014, 02:14 PM

First up this time around is a little sketch of Shovel Knight from the fantastic game of the same name.

and along with that is that first doodles of a character I'm thinking of maybe pushing into the fray here at void. (https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10302026_886230634721275_6566278766088844527_n.jpg?oh=86cfb6a4fd19b40da725975ae681aaee&oe=54CBFE25&__gda__=1418258169_1ad7d5c4ea7b3f38dd75eb362984f1f7)

He's technically an old character of mine that i'm looking to revisit, but not 100% on the idea of moving this way yet.
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: neens on Sep 13, 2014, 04:01 PM
hey there! hope to maybe see that character in the incubator ;o

your work's a bit rough around the edges, but you're drawing fun stuff. your hatching could defintiely use a little more care. definitely get a scanner though! it'll change everything.
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Sep 18, 2014, 02:36 PM
thanks. yeah, the scanner is where it needs to be at for moving forward. right now im just getting back into sketching and doodling out ideas. when it comes to real submissions there'll be a little more care. ;)
Title: Re: Seiibutsu's art vomit
Post by: seiibutsu on Oct 30, 2014, 03:40 PM
hopefully will have a scanner tomorrow. fingers crossed. and can finally get some work started...

oh er, pictures...

here you go.


*shrug* wasnt actually planning any posts today, so had nothing ready. sorry