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Messages - Minteh

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I'm entering with the duo from Hell, Bartender and Gray

« on: Jun 22, 2018, 10:19 PM »
I'm joining with Dyna and the Gal

Art Jams / Re: Hogwarts Jam
« on: May 09, 2018, 09:44 AM »
Cameron is 100% slytherin, he's very ambitious and willing to go as far as he needs to to achieve his own greatness

I didn't check anyone else's before drawing this so I guess Corn is on the Gryffindor Beater team with Greece! tbh he prob spends most of the time deflecting bludgers sent his way from Greece instead of from the other team

« on: Sep 07, 2017, 07:28 AM »
The hype for 2018 is so real right now, I should finally be able to participate in events and battles by Novemvber/December-ish, so it's great to know what's coming up!  Really solid idea to make this public, super appreciated!

spit spat, time to chat / Re: Defaults
« on: May 17, 2017, 06:13 PM »
If we start punishing incompletes the same way as a true default, then that would create a much more subjective debate of what constitutes an incomplete comic, and it would fail to acknowledge the fact that even bringing a comic to, say, the rough-pencil stage takes plenty of time and effort.

For my  question on 'what constitutes a default' I meant more of the "single page of sketches" that sometimes get uploaded (I've personally done this a few times and even, as mentioned, won with them).  For example comics that do not satisfy battle requirements such as all characters in the battle are depicted, or for specialty matches like scar/death matches if the opponent is not injured or killed, those are removed and are considered a default.  Despite effort going into that comic, it is treated as a default.  Why, then, should a one-two page entry depicting all characters but no substantial content be considered 'ok'?  It's possible to put in way more effort on a comic that doesn't get to stay posted after submittal than one that does with these rules, which I guess may be another topic on its own.  But I think it should be addressed if consistent penalties are going to be added.

spit spat, time to chat / Re: Defaults
« on: May 17, 2017, 07:14 AM »
If we're discussing adding strict rules, we should also be discussing what constitutes a 'default'.  Is it simply not showing up to a comic battle when the submittal period is over?  Does it extend to include incomplete comics (for example comics where a few pages are done, and the rest of the uploaded pages are sketches with word balloons, or purely sketches with no text).

While I've never defaulted in the sense that I have always turned something in, I have turned in very incomplete comics, literally 1-2 pages. I've also won with incomplete comics.

In these cases I would personally advocate that if you are having a rough time, you should be reaching out to your opponent because these battles can be cancelled.  Personally, I would much rather cancel a battle than force someone to sit and wait to disappoint themselves.  You don't need to explain why, just state that you can't handle it right now, or you won't be able to finish.  Regular Battles can happen anytime.

Keeping the above in mind I think, rather than waiting for a default to happen and punishing after the fact, it would be far more ideal (and I say ideal because it would not be easy) to take preventative measures and take down comics where a default will be imminent (maybe there's a 'default/cancel battle' period, like 1 weekers can't be cancelled, 2 weekers can be cancelled in the first week, etc, and both parties must be contacted so it's not a surprise).  Sure, if one person drew a whole comic and was ready to submit it sucks for them.  Let them submit it as a Beyond Battle, it'll still be read and voted on, but it can still be judged on its own merits.  Defaulters can still be tallied the way they are now, and I think it's entirely fair to consider that status for events such as Arma which are long drawn out battles with a focus on teaming up and working together.  At the same time having other people there to support you through the process could even be what those people need, idk, but that's where things like boot camp come in I guess.

News & Events / Re: DISCUSSION: Tournaments of 2017
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:18 PM »
I don't think there's been anything like it, probably because it seems like it'd be hard to pull off, but what about a big team battle? For example with Fred's suggestion of merging Kaiju/Sentai from whenever that was (just read the comment and forgot to check the timestamp lmao) why not have a team  of 3-4 sentai, and 3-4 Kaiju.  Throw the Kaiju against the sentai and fight until only one side remains.

As an example, if all four kaiju kill the sentai in round 1, the kaiju all live.  If the kaiju and sentai kill each other off until there's only one of each, the winner of that match lives.

basically the survivors from the first round go on to fight their enemies and avenge their allies.  It could also be cool to switch up the rounds and go from 1v1 battles to a 2v2, or even if only 1 member is left after one of the rounds, they fight the remaining members of the opposite team in a last-ditch mini-arma style 1 vs the world showdown.

VOID Characters and Comics / Re: || ARMAGEDDON 2017 ||
« on: Apr 17, 2017, 10:38 AM »
I just wanna verify if this event is for living characters only? I'm assuming yes, but wanted to make sure since it isn't mentioned in the original post!

A day with Nachte back in the saddle of void is a good day indeed

News & Events / Re: 2017 TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT
« on: Feb 10, 2017, 04:09 PM »
Nothin and I are teaming up with hot young new couple Beo and Cornelius! And you thought your first dates were awful.

Cornelius took a while to choose the perfect pants and footwear, but he's repping his modelling agency and will be handing out business cards.

and his mask for the evening:

Art Jams / Re: 2016 Secret Santa!
« on: Dec 31, 2016, 01:12 PM »
AHHH, Citron thanks so much!  l love it!! <3 <3 <3

VOID Characters and Comics / Re: Character Voices
« on: Dec 05, 2016, 09:50 PM »
I finally found a voice that kinda suits Corn, the closest that I've found to the voice that's in my head is Will Friedle:

« on: Dec 03, 2016, 09:21 PM »
I got the joke in while it was still canon, so that's all that counts hahaha

Art Jams / Re: VOID SHIPPING JAM [18+]
« on: Dec 01, 2016, 01:52 AM »
drew an updated one because I love this ship

« on: Nov 30, 2016, 11:25 PM »
Finally got around to slapping some colours on these guys. Cameron is ready to party it up! Cornelius is being forced.

« on: Nov 19, 2016, 03:04 PM »
Corn may be attending, but I'm undecided.  Until then, have this break comic:

Art Jams / Re: VOID SHIPPING JAM [18+]
« on: Nov 16, 2016, 07:32 AM »
Beo and Corn officially canon as heck

Art Jams / Re: 2016 Secret Santa!
« on: Nov 06, 2016, 06:03 PM »
Sign me up as well! No helper elf unfortunately as I'm going to be pretty busy towards the end of december and I know that's typically where helper elves get asked to take on extras

Any of my chars is great!

Art Jams / Re: VOID Hungry Games Royale
« on: Oct 20, 2016, 04:26 PM »
man, Elle is racking up one hell of a kill count

Art Jams / Re: Pin up jam [18+] NSFW
« on: Oct 20, 2016, 07:41 AM »
Some people already saw this but I never posted it here so HERE YOU GOOOO

THE INCUBATOR / Re: CoolStar's Incubator
« on: Oct 10, 2016, 01:14 PM »
Hey! Love that you're throwing down in the Incubator so soon too, Chie's looking good!  For the design sheet this is really all you would need, unless there's some special details about the character that you would want to be represented in comics (like if she has any hidden features important to her as a character, or if there's a design on the back of her clothes, etc.).  Secrets are totally ok and don't need to be represented, you can reveal anything like that as you go no problemo.

Let's see some comic pages!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Coolstar's Cool Stars (I'm sorry)
« on: Oct 10, 2016, 01:10 PM »
ahhh, I totally feel you, working from photos is tough. Since you are, digital lines over the photos would be a good solution. Regardless, I really dig your art and I totally wanna see more!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Coolstar's Cool Stars (I'm sorry)
« on: Oct 07, 2016, 06:14 PM »
hey there, lots of cool stuff!  I really dig your action and your solid inks!

For the scanned stuff, it looks like your inks aren't really coming through as strong as they can be. What are you using for digital colouring? For me, Photoshop and Manga Studio/Clip Studio lets me set the image as greyscale (gets rid of any weird colours from the scanner) and duplicate the lineart image on Multiply. Helps darken it up pretty well. Sometimes I'll use contrast settings past that, but just a midge so it doesn't get that weird 'fuzzy' look.

I love seeing the photos of your inkwork and I hate to see a scanner degrading the quality of them!

Cornelius. Round 2, Baby.

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