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Messages - Angie

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News & Events / Re: Suggest An Event!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 03:25 PM »
A lot of this sounds great, guys! Would love to see some of these brought to life!

And no, I don't think a round robin ever actually happened. I know Thomas brought it up a few times but nothing ever came of it?

News & Events / Re: Vote for the next enterVOID tournament!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 02:42 PM »
I agree! I think we could all put in a greater effort to get people to stick around. The first Invitational we only had 2-3 people that stayed on the site afterwards. The second one there was more success, and part of it was probably because Rofl PM'd the participants to encourage them to stay on the site. No matter what we will always lose some people that felt we were nothing more than another DA OCT. But we can always put forth that extra personal touch to make new people feel like we aren't. We should also look for ways to make us stand out vs. DA OCTs.

News & Events / Suggest An Event!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 02:35 PM »
It's clear from the "vote for the new EnterVOID tournament" thread that a lot of people have some ideas of their own for what they would like to see! So let's get the ideas flowing! What would you like to see tournaments or event wise? Keep in mind you don't have to give us ideas that have already done before. There's traditional tournaments, round robins, battle royale style, Arma style, collab/team style, etc. but there's likely much more that we haven't tackled on the site before. If there's a really cool idea you see in here and you want to make it a reality, contact the mods so we can work out how to make it happen.

News & Events / Re: Vote for the next enterVOID tournament!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 02:22 PM »
Yeah, it was never my intent to come across as "well fuck you do it yourself". I just wanted to make it clear to people that it's an option for everyone.

I think for the most part a lot of us need to back off from the thread and cool off. Things shouldn't be getting so personal in here. I've already heard from a few people that are afraid to speak up in here because they're afraid of being attacked. And that's not cool! I get being frustrated with the mods or being frustrated with things not happening that you want to happen. But it's important for all of us to realize that this is still just a website. Let's keep the discussion calm and friendly, because toxicity will get us nowhere and do nothing but make both sides defensive.

News & Events / Re: Vote for the next enterVOID tournament!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 11:47 AM »
Yeah, most our events are open to whoever. We admittedly did do a few more events in the last year or two that were more exclusive. But keep in mind

-Events that welcome all are necessary to give new people a chance to jump in and have fun.

-Events that are very exclusive and only let certain people in are also necessary. We went years without any actual events that were more exclusive, which made them feel less special. I remember when I joined Void, it was like an all time goal of mine to participate in Armageddon. At the time, events were significantly more special and difficult to get into. (this was also during a period where Void was VERY active and battles had 60+ votes a piece. This was also when Void was very difficult to get into, I got declined 3 times in the approvals)  So there needs to be events where people feel rewarded for doing a good job. You can't play unless you worked your butt off and we need these small rewards to encourage people to do their best.

We just need to have a good balance of both types of events and should be more aware of when we're doing too many of either. If we have too many open events that let everyone in, the people that try hard don't feel as motivated to get into the really cool stuff. But if we have too many exclusive events for veterans, we alienate the new people. I think it's something we should really look into and pay extra attention to in 2016.

News & Events / Re: Vote for the next enterVOID tournament!
« on: Aug 23, 2015, 08:48 AM »
Another invitational will happen at some point, but it is only a bandaid for getting more activity. It's just not something that we should be doing yearly. I want to again remind people that if they are unhappy with the events that are listed, they are free to make their own events. I get being frustrated when the site doesn't do something you want, and when that happens, take things into your own hands. Come to the mods with a proposal of what you want to do. Reach out to new people that just joined the site and see if you can come up with something fun for them to do. While you need the mods to get the event live on the site, you don't need us to make fun things happen. The community as a whole plays a part in making new people feel welcome and everyone should step up their game.

News & Events / Re: Vote for the next enterVOID tournament!
« on: Aug 22, 2015, 06:36 PM »
Settle it in Smash.

spit spat, time to chat / Re: So let's talk about Dragon Ball
« on: Aug 08, 2015, 01:59 PM »
A big part of it is all the nostalgia. But Dragonball/Dragonball Z came up with a lot of the things you see in modern anime/manga, so when you go back to it after everyone else has refined its formula it might not seem as exciting to a new fan. It's kind of the same thing as when you go back to watch old shows or movies or comics that established certain tropes/standards/techniques. At the time they were fantastic and ground breaking, but 30 years later it might not seem as good.

« on: Aug 05, 2015, 09:07 PM »
Oh my god, Shojin that's adorable! Thank you! They look like they would be in a high budget animated film together.

« on: Aug 03, 2015, 11:08 AM »
Dear lord, that's adorable! Thank you Underwood!

And Angie can handle a few of those guys, she'll be fine.

« on: Aug 02, 2015, 05:56 PM »
Fun idea for a jam! People are free to redesign Angie. I'll knock out a redesign or two of people's characters once I get through these commissions.

VOID Characters and Comics / Re: THE WELCOME COMMITTEE!
« on: Aug 01, 2015, 06:41 PM »
Stickied for viability.

News & Events / Re: Suggestions
« on: Jul 31, 2015, 12:09 PM »
Yeah, you could always set up things with your friends to make your intros one kind of connected event! There are tons of ways you guys can make intros fun for yourself and we should find a way to encourage that.

And the thing about whether or not characters without intros is more successful...If I recall correctly, the very first invitational I think only 3-5 people stuck around vs the tons of entrants we had? I believe the second one had more success due to mods following up with people that time. People are more likely to stick around when they had to actually invest in getting their character in. That's not to say we haven't had those people that get in and never do anything, but that's a bit more rare vs. people that get in with no intros sticking around.

While it's true that allowing people in without intros causes a short burst of activity, it's not something that is sustainable for long. After people do that first battle, the majority tend to move on. Part of the problem is when we've done things without intros in the past that weren't SDT related, people just saw us as another OCT site similar to the OCTs on DA. Most people seem to view OCTs as something you do once and then move on. Which isn't something we want to encourage. We want our members to stick around and keep participating!

News & Events / Re: Suggestions
« on: Jul 31, 2015, 08:39 AM »
If you enjoy making comics I'm not sure how "make a comic" could be a bad thing or discourage people from entering. The intros also serve as a way to show people what your character is about, which is super helpful when they're doing their first battle and is a way to give your opponent a reference on their personality and such. I'm all for finding more ways to encourage people to join the site, but I don't really get why drawing 2 comic pages would be that big of a deal. If they're going to be burned out after 2 pages, they aren't going to last one battle.

I get that some people get stuck on what to do for an intro, and I think instead of removing them it would be better to communicate what an intro can contain. I feel like people tend to get stuck because they feel they have to show why the character entered Void City or whatever, which is pretty boring after seeing so many people do it. We should make it clearer that people can do whatever they want as their intro as long as it features their character, so it makes it more fun for the artist. It should be a comic people are having fun with and not just "so and so gets on a bus and goes into Void City comic #98273492".

News & Events / Re: + SPEED RESURRECTION 2015 +
« on: Jul 30, 2015, 03:02 PM »
Nothing stopping people from making their own small death tournaments/events! It just won't be under the SDT banner.

News & Events / Re: + SPEED RESURRECTION 2015 +
« on: Jul 30, 2015, 08:20 AM »
SRT took the place of SDT this year! So no official SDT until next year.

Art Jams / Re: 3-way collabs!
« on: Jul 26, 2015, 08:35 AM »
There are an awful lot of people who apparently didn't read the rules OR anything Nina's been saying! :P

Sorry I had no computer for a week and have been working non stop so I was just going from what I saw people doing in the chat haha

Art Jams / Re: 3-way collabs!
« on: Jul 25, 2015, 02:42 PM »
I'm down for doing colors for a group.

Help / Re: Questions About Void? Post Yours Here!
« on: Jul 05, 2015, 09:42 AM »
There's nothing stopping you from redesigning the character! However, if it's going to be essentially a brand new character you may as well just submit a new one. That way we can see how your comic game has improved since your old submission!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Angie Does Art Yay
« on: Jun 30, 2015, 02:28 PM »
I just realized that Angie's 9th year anniversary on Void is coming up next week, so I did this to see how far we've both come! link for when Void inevitably shrinks the image down.

VOID University / MOVED: Купить Модны
« on: Jun 30, 2015, 08:41 AM »

Art Jams / Re: Купить Модны
« on: Jun 30, 2015, 08:41 AM »
I'll leave this one open just so people can do that. I have removed all the obviously shady links in their post.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Nephilim Harvey [wip][nsfw]
« on: Jun 22, 2015, 12:06 PM »
I had to remove the pages because we can't depict underage individuals in explicit sex scenes on the website. I know anime is really big on having underage looking characters and having them sexualized, but it's important to remember your audience. Explicit sex scenes are fine, just please keep it to characters where there is no doubt over their age.

Good to hear! Tablets can be really dumb sometimes, so generally any problem is solved by just reinstalling the drivers and restarting.

Yeah, MangaStudio worked for me right away. If you haven't tried it already, it may be helpful to restart your computer and update your tablet drivers. I think really the only instance MS lines won't look good is if you're drawing at a very small resolution.

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