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Messages - Pocketmouse

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Art Jams / LGBT+ Jam
« on: Jul 17, 2016, 11:17 PM »
There are loads of LGBT+ characters on this site, but it doesn't always come up in their comics. It would be so cool to see what variety we have on this site in terms of gender and orientation, and celebrate the fact that we have a lot of diversity here.

We're using LGBT+ at the moment, because it's the best way to get the point across and be inclusive: Any character who isn't cis/het lets hear about them, and what their orientation/identity is!

If your character is an ally, feel free draw them having some fun and celebrating their LGBT+ friends!

Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: Jul 06, 2016, 09:50 PM »

Drew this way back in August last year so v pumped to see kepi in the ring!! 

« on: May 14, 2016, 02:55 AM »

VOID Characters and Comics / Fashion Trix Short
« on: Apr 10, 2016, 12:36 PM »
Hi dudes!

Would really like some comments/critiques on a work-in-progress storyboard if any of you are up for it!

The story is a short about Merrik/Trixie - but don't worry if you don't know them (It's been like a year since I last battled). If this storyboard is working, it shouldn't matter if you know them or not! Anyway, here is the full board. It's kind of long so please don't Tl;Dr too soon!  ;v; <3
(Let me know if the link is working ok!<3)
here's a preview of how some of the panels look atm:

This started as a comic series idea, then grew into a collab with Skulls, even though she (understandably) got too busy I carried it on. If anyone else would be interested in collab-ing that would be pretty rad <3

Ultimately it will be a portfolio piece. There's loads of comics in there already so wanted to do something different, while still expanding on Merrik/Trixies story. It's kind of a stripped-down snippet from a larger arc.

I'd really like some advice on how to proceed tho. Not being versed at all in the process, since past storyboards have been for live-action commercials It's starting to feel kind of overwhelming? Storyboards are supposed to be rough and sketchy,  but atm it's too rough and sketchy. There are other options ofc, and any advice from the more animation-driven of you would be really helpful.

I don't have the stamina to finish up every single panel in fully-coloured properly rendered drawing, but would making a couple of 'fake screenshots' be a good option or a waste of time? animate sections?? IDK??? GO HOG WILD LIL VOIDSTERS!

if it's boring and you stopped reading half way that's still valuable feedback so let me know which bits made you lose interest etc so it can be chopped appropriately!

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Where my wee little ideas may hatch.
« on: Apr 06, 2016, 11:50 PM »
"I end up rushing whatever I'm working on and then I need to go back and fix it (not fun) or I just give up entirely because I fucked it up. I don't exactly know how to get around this issue, but it is 100% the thing that is causing my problems."

Using thumbnail sketches to plan will help you on this ;) (would be interested to hear what ur current process is!)

there's been bear improvement in here so far, and if u actually think about it you've sketched and inked what 6 comic pages already? Just bc you didn't stick with them doesn't mean they were failures. Don't be too hard on yourself. :)

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Where my wee little ideas may hatch.
« on: Feb 27, 2016, 03:14 AM »
Good to see you back and gearing up again :)

In regards to the bottom panel, try to make the skyline the darkest area, and maybe pick out little bright pinpricks of light in it. Try to reverse your gradients on the ground/sky. The horizon should be the darkest bit, but not too dark, so the skyline is still vivid against it.  The underside of the clouds would benefit from being darkest just to be easily read, and a good way to show the direction of light would be to have clem and the cacti casting long shadows onto the ground.

otherwise, good stuff! keep going and put everything you have into this, it'd be great to get you in!

Art Jams / Re: SQUAD JAM
« on: Feb 21, 2016, 12:49 AM »

THE INCUBATOR / Re: New Characters from the Cercus
« on: Feb 01, 2016, 11:26 PM »
In terms of improving overall page quality, there's a lot you can do. 

First of all even at the sketches stage use a ruler, especially on the panel boarders. Make your panel lines denser,  too.

Add more flavour to your backgrounds,  i.e. the rest of the room is currently the box zone.  Add some picture on walls,  skirting boards,  is the floor wooden or carpeted wallpaper damage to the area,  is there a ruf,  how is it lit?  No Windows in a vault room so this is important ? etc fill in the blanks for your readers.

Last big gripe is your word bubbles and panel layouts.  You keep putting the bubbles over characters even those there's huge amounts of space elsewhere in the panel.  You have a lot of tangents with the bubble edges,  panel edges and your characters,  So just be a little more fastidious when choosing these things.

You aren't there yet,  But make sure you choose a nice font.  I assume this is only hand written because it's still a sketch.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Where my wee little ideas may hatch.
« on: Jan 26, 2016, 10:29 PM »
Yeeeeesssss that's looking much better already!  Keep up the good work!  :D

News & Events / Re: BEST OF VOID 2015
« on: Jan 24, 2016, 10:21 PM »
Congrats everyone!!!

I just wanted to take a sec to say thanks. Having someone remember and think of merrik/his comics as nominations really does mean the world. I was genuinely surprised to even see them crop up at all,  so thank you to whoever did that. <3

It warms my heart to see that the best,  most deserving people have won in all the catagories- so again congratulations to our years worth to top dogs and winners :D

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Where my wee little ideas may hatch.
« on: Jan 20, 2016, 11:19 PM »
If anything you need to vary your line widths more. But i think that's got more to do with the tool you're using than anything else.

Like I said before: You should try a brush with harder edges. Try one with width variation built-in, and make each line with just 1 brush stroke. I don't have Manga Studio to recommend a specific one, but i know loads of people on this site use it, so I'm sure one of them can make some recommendations ;)

Honestly though, your linework issues are just a little niggle that can be ironed out easily, so don't worry too much about it. Try to focus on the basics like backgrounds, perspective and layout etc for now :)

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Where my wee little ideas may hatch.
« on: Jan 20, 2016, 01:20 PM »
Eyyooo glad to see you're still powering through on this.

I think Clem is v cool!!

Got some tips for you on backgrounds, cause I used to not be able to stomach them either! The best thing you can do is get your teeth into treating your background like a character in itself.  You can use it to tell part of your story,  and hide things in them to reward the most diligent readers. It's really great fun when you find the joy in it. If you feel stuck,  go on an adventure on Google street view,  or read up on some symbolism in film and things like that,  you'll be surprised what you can find when you look deeper :)

A couple of things to consider overall art wise though:
Your line work is a little soft and in places indecisive. Have faith in your ability to draw and maybe try using a harder-edged brush?  You seem confident when you've used colour,  which is great,  but the vivid tones unfortunately clash with the slightly less confident line work.

When using grey tones,  don't be afraid to push them harder. It might be interesting to try shading in only solid blacks.  That will force you to know your drawing really well,  and will help the erm 'laziness' (although maybe disengagement is a better word? ).

Like I say,  I'm pumped to see you're throwing yourself into this and cannot wait to see what you do next!

Art Jams / Re: The 5.0 Banners Submission Thread
« on: Jan 03, 2016, 08:48 AM »

gonna throw one in! New Year New Banners!

Art Jams / Re: 2015 Secret Santa!
« on: Jan 01, 2016, 11:54 PM »
Woooah pockyyyy!!! Thank you so so much,  what  a stunning gift! You've really brought a huge grin to my dumb face with this, thank you!!!!!!!! <3 I'll  pm you in a sec ; v; 

 Glad you like yours Becs :) let me know if you want the higher res version or anything <3

Happy new year everyone!!!

Art Jams / Re: 2015 Secret Santa!
« on: Nov 17, 2015, 02:05 PM »
I would say "I win" but having you in board means EVERYONE WINS, pomo~ <3

o shucks captain-- ur making me blush!

Art Jams / Re: 2015 Secret Santa!
« on: Nov 17, 2015, 01:58 PM »


Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: Oct 18, 2015, 02:41 PM »

You've drawn her so beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Art Jams / Re: The changing room!
« on: Oct 10, 2015, 01:13 AM »

Void city Fashions by Trixie.

Adamantine, Jiko Shi, Gargonne and Aegis, & Charlotte Gray (AND DAD)

spit spat, time to chat / Re: That Entervoid Moment When...
« on: Sep 20, 2015, 06:14 AM »

when u wanna battle loads but OTHER LIFE COMMITMENTS

VOID University / Re: Mentor and Trainee Trials
« on: Sep 12, 2015, 01:34 AM »

Looks like It's nearly decision time Mentors!!! Some of you have already accepted some trainees, which is ace! I hope ur all getting connected and chatting with each other as a warm up ; )

THUS FAR it looks like
Hats: Wu and PaintedPaws,
and maybe Jiisuri: energy.

(Then there's possibly me: Shen and Skulls: me as time allows?) If anyone else wants to apply to Skulls, since I'm crazy busy so wont be taking much of her time, please go ahead!

We've still got some people interested in trainee-dom, who are as yet unclaimed by a mentor. If there is a mentor willing to take on INKSWORD, even though they do not have access to art materials for a short while, please let us know!

Same goes for DANSOME, who doesn't have a preference of mentor either, so any mentors without applicants should snap up these trainees, please!

spit spat, time to chat / Re: Art Table Merch?
« on: Sep 08, 2015, 11:39 PM »
Tote bags. Just find a couple of nice prints to put on them. They sold very well at £5 (7-8 USD??) with a very comfortable margin. These helped me make back the running costs of everything else. Everyone at cons could always use another bag! : )

Good luck at your first con! Don't forget a lockable money tin for change, gallons of bottled water and emergency painkillers to keep under the table!

spit spat, time to chat / Re: Post Your DA!
« on: Sep 08, 2015, 11:35 PM »

go roll in the filth!

wow, oops i one hundo percent missed your posts, I'm sorry!!!!

hahah bobo whenever i get behind a keyboard i imagine u sitting there reading it, later, eyes a-twitch, as i slaughter innocent grammar before u.

Seriously though, I'd love to have you all on board. I agree that Kent is acers at naming and will be able to make the copy humorous, and bobo as proof reader would be a dream match up tbh. Bobo if you can figure out an online play set-up that would be literally incredible!

I promise I'll put some more effort into getting this rolling soon ;v; thanks dudes.

VOID University / Re: Mentor and Trainee Trials
« on: Sep 08, 2015, 11:24 PM »
C'mon dudes we've still got a couple of slots left to fill! Even if you just joined the site today, jump in a grab a mentor!!!

VOID University / Re: Mentor and Trainee Trials
« on: Sep 06, 2015, 11:30 PM » is that a yes or a no lol

It's a cute bear! Real talk tho I'm busy and Idk what twists and turns life may take me on but FOR YOU SHEN, ANYTHING. Just hmu on skype whenever ur free and we'll figure something out : )

Also Just wanted to put this out, especially for people like Evi and Shen who maybe wanted to Mentor but this thread moved too fast-

I've had a lot of thinking about this nd going forward it will be better for anyone who wants to be a mentor to start their own thread. We'll need to talk to the mods about maybe having a mentoring sub-forum? Just do the threads don't clog everything else up. We'll still finish this trial just to be sure we've got the general format right.

But! the idea would be each mentor runs their own process however and whenever they like, so they could run it for three months or just one week if they wanted. This also means the mentors could go for it whenever they have free time, and trainees would have more opportunity's at different times (IE inksword having to go on a roadtrip wouldn't be an issue cause diff mentors would be running at diff times!)

So that will probably be the format this takes in the future : ) so don't worry if you missed it this time around.

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