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Topics - Majikura

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spit spat, time to chat / DIOV CITY Tournament
« on: Jul 06, 2018, 10:26 PM »
This thread is just for gathering interest and is not an official tournament yet.

So I'm thinking of running a small mini tournament taking place in DIOV CITY.  Which is like a Bizzarro World/Reverse/Nega Version of Void City.

- Nega Characters have their main traits and circumstances reversed from their Void City counterparts.
- Race/species usually stays the same. (i.e. Cats do not become dogs)
- Nega-characters do not switch gender (most of the time)


- Only ALIVE Characters that have already been accepted into Void can apply. (this is not a Speed Death Tournament)
- You must provide a design sheet of your Negaverse character in order to join.

I plan to hopefully make this a really short tournament (minumum 4, maximum 8 ) scheduled to run during July through August.  If enough people are interested, then I'll submit this through the official channels.

VOID Characters and Comics / The Wacky Races 2: Sky Edition!
« on: Aug 28, 2017, 08:57 PM »
Sponsored by Caelum City


-8 pilots 12 pilots will compete in a race to scattered checkpoints across the world!

-Standard 1v1 elimination tournament.

-1 week deadline (gotta go fast!)

-To spice things up, Caelum Air Race Association (CARA) has scattered Equipment Beacons across the race course to help you get the edge over your opponents!  You might get anything from shields, Rocket Boosters, or Air to Air Missiles!
Please note that by participating in this event you agree that CARA or Horizon Foundation Associates are not accountable for any injury, property damage, or loss of life during this race.

-All Race proceeds will be donated to the restoration of our cities, but the victor will receive the title of "Sky Kaiser"

Sign Up Requirements

-Signups will end on September 7th and the Race will begin on September 8!

-Contestants must enter with an already existing character and create a design sheet including their flying vehicle/beast.

-Contestants MUST be piloting or riding something, therefore anyone who already posses the power of flight cannot enter solo. Bestial/Mecha Transformations are allowed (thought I would prefer you had some kind of rider to team up with)

Please note that this tournament WILL cut into Month of the Dead so keep that in mind when signing up.

Pilot Selection will prioritize newer void members with good upload records.

Register today and conquer the skies!

Useful Resources:

Announcement Beyond Battle

The Previous Wacky Races Tournament

Watch out for bees!

VOID Characters and Comics / VOID RELATIONSHIP MAP
« on: Jul 01, 2016, 01:42 AM »
So one day we were in the chat and the topic of relationship maps came up.  And then I got the brilliant idea to try to make one for my own character....and then it spiraled out of control.

(right click view image for full size)

And I'm nowhere near done yet.

News & Events / Ragnarock 2016 (Annihilation Royale)
« on: Mar 19, 2016, 11:15 PM »
Gods! Titans! Eldritch Horrors! Galactic Entities!  I know you're out there! Just hiding in your little pity temples watching Youtube videos of cats because nobody worships you anymore!  When was the last time you plagued the land with locusts? Or flooded the land for several months? Or killed 1000 people just because your ex saw your ugly face? Don't you want to USE those godly powers without worrying what the mortals think of you!?  Don't you want to re-live the glory days when you could destroy the earth over a martial spat with your wife?

Well sorry, that's Armageddon and there's a really long wait list if you want to do that.

BUT I have something else in mind!  I'm calling it:


A no holds barred all out WAR between six of you for ALL the multiverse to see!  Bring all your followers, cultists, the whole pantheon and let's just see who really is the most powerful god of all! Sponsored by yours truly, the Newly instated God of Chaos!  The winner will get to be considered for the next Armageddon Threat so you can destroy void city to your heart's content!

((Warning: Such a reward was not approved by the council and thus is just a blatant lie by Cue.  The winner will receive a set of Neopiko2 Alcohol Markers mailed to you by Kura))

Oh yeah, the losers will be ANNIHILATED.  Don't worry, no one will miss you.

---------------OFFICIAL RULES AND STUFF---------------------

Character must be a Deity or some kind of Cosmic Entity with godly powers.  Think Zeus, Cthulu, Thor, Loki, Galactus, Darkseid, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Segata Sanshiro, John Cena, etc.

Open Submission, only need a Design Sheet and a Bio.

6 Person Battle Royale, losers will be annihilated.

Signups begin now and will close on April 1st!

Drawing will begin on April 2nd!  You will have a four week deadline to kill your fellow deities!

-Literally Nothin with So'Ir The Madame of Space and Time

-Radji with Nito, the Devourer

-JettyJay with Dennis, God of Every Power

-lefred with CANNOT DANCE/DOES NOT CARE, the Embodiment of Giving On a Bad Show

-CrackingSkulls with Infancia, Goddess of Abundance

-Base with Masu, the Asura

-HauntedWidget with Lucia, God of Lucha

-Jiisuri with Monomythica, Goddess of Heroic Journeys

Art Jams / The First Draft Jam
« on: Aug 28, 2015, 05:02 PM »
I did this for fun a few days back as i was going through my old sketchbooks so I figure i'd make it a jam.

Most likely you've gone through several concepts and drafts before actually deciding on a final design, or maybe you like to change your characters look every year.

So let's go back to the beginning and draw them as thier very first incarnation/concept:

They could be wearing their first outfit, or drawn in your old style, or whatever you feel like doing.

Bonus points if you can provide a reference of the first draft:

Satin's first concept from 2005:

VOID Characters and Comics / Upheaval (Ongoing Event)
« on: Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 AM »

Citizens of Caelum, Lithium, and Void: this is a special broadcast brought to you by the Horizon Foundation.

Last week, Mayor Veronica K. Nightingale and Lithium Owner Xia signed a mutual agreement to help strengthen the bonds between the Cities of Caelum and Lithium.  Xia has allowed the Horizon foundation to assist her Hiemium mining operations in exchange for a fair share of the crystals to be sent to Caelum City.

But what is Hiemium, and why is it so important?  Hiemium is a crystal that is mined from the meteorite that destroyed Void City last year.  Alone, it is just like any other gem, but when exposed to V-Element Particles it releases energy that can be harnessed by Horizon's technology as a new power source.  V-Element Particles are molecules released into the air whenever any meta uses their powers, therefore it is commonly found in Void City.  When refined and properly applied, Hiemium can even power an entire city.

However, Hiemium is extremely dangerous for an untrained individual to handle.  Introducing too much V-element to an unrefined shard of Hiemium can cause the Hiemium to become volatile.  Due to the careless distribution of Hiemium before the Horizon Foundation's intervention there are shards of Hiemium floating around Caelum, Lithim, and Void City.  If you discover you have a shard of Hiemium, contact the Horizon Foundation immediately.  Any individual that submits shards of Hiemium will be compensated for their cooperation.

The Horizon Foundation only wishes to improve the lives of all non-metas, and with Hiemium we can move towards a safer and----futur------meta--------


....Yo, are you listenin' to this shit!? This is DJ Groundhog representin' the Lithium Resistance and I'm here to dispel all the bullshit Horizon's been spewin'.

First off, that Hiemium shit? Yeah it does what they say it does, but did you know that it also POWERS UP metas as a side effect?  Horizon doesn't want anyone to know that because they're all scared that some metas are gonna collect a whole bunch of rocks and get so strong that their anti-meta shit wont work anymore. 

That's why they forced Boss Xia into that deal.  Right now as I speak, Nightingale's private little army is guarding the meteor site and all the raw Hiemium deposits are closed off to pretty much everybody.  Until Boss Xia can fight back, Caelum is taking 80% of Hiemium that's mined and sending it to thier little sky paradise.  THIS IS BULLSHIT.

If anyone out there has or finds any Hiemium from before the mines were closed off, do NOT give it to Horizon.  Join the Lithium Resistance and let's get these Sky-Bastards out of our city!

spit spat, time to chat / Suggest me some Anime
« on: Sep 27, 2013, 09:01 AM »
So I'd like to start an anime thread for suggesting new/old shows to watch, trailers of upcoming seasons, etc. 


-Do NOT make fun of other people's tastes. 
Not everyone likes the same stuff you do, and you do not have the right to make fun of the things they are passionate about.  I don't care how lame or stupid the show may seem to you, it is not your heaven mandated mission to make them stop liking it.

Art Jams / Welcome to Diov City
« on: Apr 05, 2013, 08:18 AM »
Since people seem to like all these sketches I've been doing on tumblr, I'll make it an official Jam.

Diov City is an alternate world that Lexicon fell into in his intro story.  It's exactly what you think it is: Bizzaro/Nega/Reverse-Void City.  I have my own set of rules I follow when making these Nega-characters but you don't have to follow them if you don't want to.  Just have fun with it.

My own Guidelines (totally optional):
- Nega Characters have their main traits and circumstances reversed from thier Void City counterparts.
- Race/species usually stays the same. (i.e. Cats do not become dogs)
- Nega-characters do not switch gender (most of the time)
- Diov city characters and Void City characters cannot get along with each other.
- The following characters do not have Nega counterparts: Lexicon, Cue, Nyle, Hiemie, Wish.

and without further ado, my shit sketches.

and then the stuff i spent slightly more time on:

Nega-Veronica Nightingale

Nega-Veronica and Nega-Koosh Koosh

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