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Messages - Kaelin

Pages: [1] 2
spit spat, time to chat / Re: SUP
« on: Sep 11, 2014, 06:56 PM »

I've been so tempted to battle again but my characters aren't even the same characters anymore. Lawd.

spit spat, time to chat / SUP
« on: Sep 11, 2014, 06:46 PM »
I miss you buttmunches.

Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:46 AM »
GOD Monday.

Why you gotta be so POPULAR.

This is Cara villainizing Agent Black, basically. As a character she would definitely see him as more of a villain than a person. (Not exactly my perception of him, but Cara and I disagree on a lot of things).

Update: Edited to delete broken link, sorry about that.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: TheForestDragon's Foibles
« on: May 01, 2010, 10:47 PM »
The Duet.
My apologies to Kaelin. I’m not on the internet all the time so I’ve downloaded most VOID characters profiles and design sheets. Carolyne Reigne’s profile (downloaded around 20 September 2008) didn’t have any warning. If’ I’d seen that warning message I definitely would not have chosen your character.

I appreciate the apology. I had forgotten that for a short time that message wasn't there. And I apologize for assuming you had seen it when you drew the picture.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: TheForestDragon's Foibles
« on: Apr 26, 2010, 08:16 PM »
I appreciate that you wanted to draw my character and I don't mean any ill-intentions toward you for the subject matter, but it IS pretty plainly written out on Carolyne Reigne's page that I prefer not to see this sort of subject matter without being asked first.

I don't expect it to be taken down or really even mind that much, it's not a bad picture, but I would like to ask to be given the respect of BEING asked in the future. It's not the picture that bothers me, it's the disregard for my personal wishes.

True, Void is a very open community and I respect that. I also accepted that when I submitted my characters here for the community to use creatively, but I can't help but feel a little put off by this.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Inker Bait
« on: Mar 29, 2010, 09:57 AM »

Pretty much exactly that.. inker bait. I left it messy on purpose because that's how my lines usually are. Any feedback would be wonderful!

Bigger view:

Art Jams / Re: Pixel Jam
« on: Jan 18, 2010, 11:57 PM »
A pixel Kurt.

XD I was too damn lazy to animate the fire in a respectable way.

Update: Edited to delete broken link, sorry about that.

Art Jams / Re: Humans as Furries and Furries as Humans Jam
« on: Nov 29, 2009, 11:43 PM »
XD For some weird reason Kotori always struck me as a Kangaroo.

Maybe I'm just still stuck in kindergarden and associating the K in Kotori with the K in Kangaroo.
She looks good as a snow leopard!


Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!


They came out really feral but I couldn't resist the slinky mongeese bodies.

Art Jams / Re: Humans as Furries and Furries as Humans Jam
« on: Nov 29, 2009, 07:09 PM »

Human Pothole is terrifying.

I wouldn't live in the same city as him.

Art Jams / Re: Humans as Furries and Furries as Humans Jam
« on: Nov 29, 2009, 06:34 PM »
More Gale gryphons.. XD I didn't have anything to do today while babysitting except stare at the ceiling and draw.

Seeing as I hate kids and all.

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - More Wenler
« on: Nov 28, 2009, 11:50 AM »
I have to be able to hide his feet in public. XD It's not showing very well but his shoes are very floppy. They're really more like fabric wrapped around his feet with a little bit of a sole.

And yes his feet could  use a little redesigning, they fold up just like any other frog feet though. I'm in th ehabit of always drawing them all fanned out.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - More Wenler
« on: Nov 28, 2009, 07:35 AM »
Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

Art Jams / Humans as Furries and Furries as Humans Jam
« on: Nov 26, 2009, 07:41 PM »
What to do:
Draw your human character as an anthromorphic animal, or your furry as a human. Whatever floats your boat.

Extra points if you draw them interacting with someone eeeellllssse!


I think this was Jacksters suggestion on the jam suggestion forum.. since I was drawing Gale as a gryphon anyway, XD Angie's making me pooost.

I'll finish darkening these lines later, I'm sick today.

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

Art Jams / Re: Void Fanart JAM! UPDATE 8/20
« on: Nov 23, 2009, 09:27 AM »
That McKenzie looks great Slade, XD I think you captured him pretty well myself.. I could tell it was him when I saw it.


I'm just throwing these up. I did them this morning out of boredom and to fill some empty space on a sketch dump. Sorry for the weird colors! I yoinked them out of something I was working on.

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Character Sketches
« on: Nov 23, 2009, 05:53 AM »
Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Character Sketches
« on: Nov 22, 2009, 01:04 PM »
I've been thinking about what markings I could give him to indicate he's a poisonous frog without getting too wild about it.. I'm kind of leaning toward a plain flat color, XD (So far he's just straight muted brownish green. Some bright yellow eye spots on the back of his head might be what I'm looking for.)

I think I'm gonna get after his clothing design soon since that seems to be what he has most in common with Bill. With these sketches I hadn't been giving it a whole lot of thought. Their bodies aren't very similar. I've been doing some frog sketches to work on his face.. I think you're right about it coming off a bit Salamanderish.

edit: That's not the only thing I'm having problems with.. as tall and slender as he is, when I make his face too flat he almost starts to look like Jack Skellington with those big eyes and teeny little nostrils. (XD Which.. kinda makes me laugh. Since it has made me realize Jack looks a little like a frog to me).

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Character Sketches
« on: Nov 22, 2009, 07:36 AM »
XD Billy came to mind! I guess there's just no shortage of thin characters in brown coats and slacks. Or newsboy/drivers caps.

Here's some more Wenler sketches.. I've been doodling around this character for a couple of days and it's a lot of fun. I guess because it's a body type I don't generally  use.

Some sketches go forward, some seem to step backward.
His skin is hallucinogenic. That's why the characters are trippin'

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - New Sketch
« on: Nov 19, 2009, 07:36 AM »
Sure, I'd love that. XD Any input you can offer me would be helpful. <3

I may be turning pages over to someone else to ink in the future, so the more I learn now.. the less face-desking later.

Also, more art. A little soon and not much but it's not really an update. I'm curious if this character reminds anyone of another character they've seen. He's not unique by any stretch of the imagination but I'm afraid I might have accidentally copied someone else's design.

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

Though maybe not, my friends and I have pretty much already decided he reminds us of Jasper from 101 Dalmations, except if Jasper was a frog.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Inker Bait
« on: Nov 19, 2009, 05:14 AM »
That's not a bad idea. XD I don't know why I didn't shade more of the little areas instead of putting xs in them. I guess I wanted the line art to stay cleaner.

I'll consider hatching in the future, it'd give me a better mental image of what the inked version will look like anyway.. I made a mistake on this one. I shouldn't have blocked in the shadow under her paw,that could have done with a little hatching.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Art Junk - Inker Bait
« on: Nov 18, 2009, 03:15 PM »
whoops, I guess I missphrased.

I meant for the image to be fully inked (which I already have, I did it early this mornign shortly after posting this). When I said some things weren't meant to be inked I actually meant they weren't meant to be inked in solid. Some of the spaces were meant to stay white.

This is the finished copy:

GO FOR BROKE! / Art Junk - Inker Bait
« on: Nov 18, 2009, 04:29 AM »
I can't find my original art thread and it's full of broken links and old crap anyway, so here's a new one and we'll just let the old one float into oblivion. XD

I need some inker feedback on this image. Shy-dog's stripes have been a problem since their conception and I've never figured out a viable way to tighten my pencils and give the inker an indication of where to ink, and where not to ink.

The stripes in this image are meant to not be inked in, so if any of you inkers could give me feedback I'd appreciate it.

Update: Edited out links because they were broken images. Sorry about that!

I'll be inking and coloring this myself later, but I guess if you want to use it for practice here's the large copy: X Some of the spaces in this image that look like they're supposed to be blacked in are actually not, follow the x's!

(Was definitely reading and thinking about Hellboy when I drew this.. I've come to the conclusion that on the unlikely day Shy-dog retires she'll find a crooked path to sit on and make a job out of telling people to go away)

Art Jams / Re: Character art Evolution
« on: Oct 28, 2009, 01:40 AM »
Sailor Lune makes me feel better about Gale having batwings, a panther tail and dragonball eyes when I was fifteen.

XD Love these character evolutions.. especially the ones that starts WTF and end AWESOME.

Art Jams / Re: Epic Void Poster Jam
« on: Oct 22, 2009, 02:31 PM »
I can do two pencils and you could both color one. XD

I'll just keep editing my first post with updates on who's doing what, if no one wants to ink the pencils I may ink them myself or just give the colorist some clean pencil lines. You both have my AIM if you want to talk about what kind of pinup to do.. cause I usually draw a pretty big blank on ideas.

Art Jams / Re: Epic Void Poster Jam
« on: Oct 22, 2009, 02:07 PM »

Your inking style can add the fast, furious and sexy that I can't. XD

Art Jams / Re: Epic Void Poster Jam
« on: Oct 22, 2009, 01:53 PM »
XD Okay.. I'm interested.

Someone collab with me. I'm not interested in anything specific... just another group shot style pinup. Preferably something that's got a theme and includes our characters.

Don't do it if we can't depend on you to finish within a reasonable amount of time! (A month, max? It won't take me very long to come up with some pencils)

Me: Pencils

?: Inks

Fel: Colors

Me: Pencils

?: Inks

Angie: Colors


MichaelHarris: Pencils

MichaelHarris: Inks

Me: Colors

I may commit to several so I don't have to turn anybody down.. It'll just take me a little longer to do pencils for any second or third teams.

That up there is just what I'd prefer to do.. XD I'll ink or color someone else's work too. I could really go for anyof the three.They all look fun!

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