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Topics - neens

Pages: [1]
Art Jams / Hourly Comics Day 2016
« on: Jan 31, 2016, 10:56 AM »
This is cutting it a bit close, but Hourly Comics Day is nearly upon us! February 1st is Hourly Comics Day, a day where you document every hour of your day in comic form. Not to be confused with 24 Hour Comics Day, this one is a bit more easygoing and produces a lot of simple, slice of life comics.

Anyway, I've been doing this for several years and I'll defintiely be at it tomorrow. Anyone else?

spit spat, time to chat / Sweet Meats Kickstarter!
« on: Jan 24, 2016, 04:44 PM »
hey guys!! maybe some of you rememebr last year, when DAPshow made Sweet Treats? well, we wanna make another one!

it'll be just like the last zine, which is 6x9" with full color pages. we got some fresh faces in this one, along with some returning artists! some of them may even be familiar to you!!

anyway, check it out, share it, maybe even get yourself a book. we'd appreciate it!

Art Jams / Inktober 2015!
« on: Sep 30, 2015, 07:52 PM »
it's time to bust out those pens people! the inktober challenge is here once again!

if you aren't familar, it's simple- it's a daily challenge spanning the month of october, where you use ink!

I've been using some traditional media lately in preperation, who's gonna try this with me?

Art Jams / 3-way collabs!
« on: Jul 02, 2015, 09:25 PM »
this is something I've tried to get together a couple times now, but it hasn't happened cause I have no friends. the 3 person collab!

I'm sure some of you have seen this done on platforms like tumblr, twitter etc. the idea is pretty simple- person A will do a sketch, person B will ink it, person C will color. then rotate, so everyone is doing a different part. simple! aside from the extreme fun factor of working with friends, there's an element of learning to it as well, working on something different. so let's go!

group 1: COMPLETED
1. neens -sketch - ink
2. pineapple pocky -ink -color -sketch
3. fern -color -sketch -ink

group 2: COMPLETED
1. orion -sketch -ink -color
2. gregly -ink -color -sketch
3. wutata -color -sketch -inks

group 3
1. minty -color
2. inksword -sketch
3. energy -ink

1. choleric as heck -ink -sketch -color
2. evi -sketch -color -ink
3. shen -color -ink -sketch

group 5
1. rikun -sketch
2. sabu -ink
3. tdk -color

1. jackster -sketch -color -ink
2. skulls -ink -sketch -color
3. kozi -color -ink -sketch

group 7
1. video420 -color -ink
2. gregly -ink -sketch
3. kura -sketch -color

group 8
1. pyras -sketch
2. wutata -ink
3. shen -color

group 9
1. stefan -sketch
2. astro sean -ink
3. sean mcshambles -color

group 10:
1. mamoru -color -ink
2. ABI -ink -sketch
3. jiisuri -sketch -color

group 11:
1. g.lo
2. orion
3. inksword

group 12:
1. bobe -sketch
2. nibbles -ink
3. pyras -color

group 13:
1. neens
2. sean mcshambles
3. the bent one

group 14:
1. astro sean
2. umbrellafrog
3. julz

group 15:
1. becs -color
2. coatl -ink
3. deathlysilent -sketch

group 16:
1. dino nebitt
2. graphicDREAMER

if there's more I'll add them!

spit spat, time to chat / Sweet Treats is out!!
« on: Jun 30, 2015, 07:41 PM »
some of you may remember last year when we posted an open call for submissions for this, and it's all done now!

it turned out really great, and I'm proud to call it my own. the book is full color and 48 pages, and features work from 24 artists total. and, some of these artists are our very own!

-me!? should give you to links to the physical book, and the digital version! I'm really trying to get word out on this and would super appreciate any and all support, even if it's just sharing the links around! thank you everyone!! :'D

Jobs / commission fishin'
« on: Apr 23, 2013, 06:52 PM »
hello! this will be pretty straight forward- I'm open for commissions!

I accept paypal. you can contact me through PMs here, or email if you want!
link to more art:

Art Jams / Pocket Fighter Jam!!
« on: Dec 26, 2012, 03:51 PM »
okay! this was requested so I'm obliging.
if you aren't familiar, this is a fighting arcade game by capcom! also known as gem fighter, it was released in 1997. it can now be owned on console, namely on any of the playstations! more info here:

so this is pretty simple, draw characters in the pocket fighter style! super-deformed, or chibi, is the name of the game! I'll start with my own finn:

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