Community => spit spat, time to chat => Topic started by: Rose on Dec 01, 2017, 09:46 PM

Title: [D&D] The Kingdom of Void: Bedo's Revenge!!!
Post by: Rose on Dec 01, 2017, 09:46 PM
(Ignore the subtitle; it's an inside joke.)

You wake up with the taste of ashes and blood in your mouth. You squint through watery eyes, trying to breathe through the suffocating heat surrounding you. Glancing to one side, you see your allies. Beyond them, the gnarled, ugly face of an imp stares impassively over the group. Turning your head, you see walls of flame on all sides, broken only by the hot black stone that seems to have dripped from the ceiling before hardening into bars and stalactites.

This is it, you think to yourself, this is my life now. I am dead, and this is Hell.

Well, shit.

Hello, VOID! A few months ago, I started a tabletop RPG group (Discord server (https://discord.gg/j78nZft)), partially so I could run a D&D game based loosely off of Void City. I came up with a fun Kingdom of Void that I liked and had a group of good sports who went along with my complete lack of experience for two games until I realized I had no idea what I was doing. Now, I've had some time to get used to the game and get a better idea of what being a good DM looks like, and I think I'm ready to tackle running a game again. I'm scrapping the old campaign story and will be tweaking the kingdom a bit, but here's the basic gist of what I'm planning:

If you're interested in joining, check out the Discord channel (https://discord.gg/jmbe44u), post your interest here, and add your name to my sign-up sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SrZqherN0S9TkriqRdVPnyh_nZJkCTXiVUdtkJAserc/edit?usp=sharing). We'll probably use Roll20.net to run the games, and plan for each game session either on Discord or in this thread, depending on what you guys prefer. I'll be sharing a Google Calendar with each of you who sign up so we can coordinate schedules and find some good times to run these games. I'll probably do a couple of different time slots depending on how many people are interested and what times people are available. If you want to just look at my availability or whatever availability other players have added to the calendar, you can view it here (https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=cmMwYXJocDdlcGtyZHU1cGhkcGlyb2Y4bGNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) (even if it's not shared with you yet).

So come on, escape from Hell with me! And then maybe we can go get some sushi or visit Toon Town or something. I'm okay taking it slow.
Title: Re: [D&D] The Kingdom of Void: Bedo's Revenge!!!
Post by: Mister Kent on Dec 02, 2017, 04:14 PM