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Messages - orenkie

Pages: [1]
GO FOR BROKE! / Re: ................
« on: Oct 23, 2010, 06:32 PM »
tell ya one thing though, that shit was beast(this comic).

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Back wit dem durty Draws on!
« on: Aug 22, 2010, 09:33 AM »
Thanks for the feed back yall.

I'll make a mental note of that Roflqu. I've noticed it myself, but it depends if I can make my hands stop doin it.

When they too big, it's usually cause I'm trying to fit some kind of detail in, when they too small it's just that I fucked up.

And to Enaxon, nah I don't use Black when I add my shades. I go one shade darker than the base skin tone and layer that.
I've tried a number of ways to add high lights on Dark skin, and it all looks like red stains and yellow tent looks like pee.

The only thing that really works well on the Dark Skin tones I color is white. Other wise I end up making it look like they have bright Kool-Aid smeared over their bodies.

With lighter skin tones I can make the highlights look pretty decent.

I'll just have to keep fine tuning it till I get it just right.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Back wit dem durty Draws on!
« on: Aug 19, 2010, 05:26 PM »
Woah, this stuff is pretty crazy. Only thing I can think of right now is that your skin seems way too shiny- maybe it's just me, but all those white highlights seem hella distracting.

Yeah I'm still refining it. Sometimes it works out how I want it to, other times it doesn't.
I'm still workin at it though.

Which face appeals more to yall? Left or Right?

I guess I'm askin which one looks more Normal? 'Organic'?

Art Jams / Re: Void Invitational Tourney Jam
« on: Jul 26, 2010, 06:24 PM »
Orange's Luna

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Back wit dem durty Draws on!
« on: Jul 01, 2010, 09:48 PM »
LMAO aight I'll remember that heimie.

Last thing for tonight, workin on some concepts

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Back wit dem durty Draws on!
« on: Jul 01, 2010, 07:22 PM »

GO FOR BROKE! / Back wit dem durty Draws on!
« on: Apr 19, 2010, 07:09 PM »

He's back...wit a lil bit of redesign goin on.

more to come later.

Void helped me get from here to here RvsRtvPg3.jpg

As thas bout da last thang I posted here. Happy 6th ya durty bastards

News & Events / Re: Vcast: The fighter's version of Voidcast
« on: May 13, 2008, 04:32 PM »
Told yall you shouldah told me my mic was loud I wouldah fixed da volume.

I aint listen to it yet but I know my mic tend to be loud sometimes.

spit spat, time to chat / Re: The good old photothreat
« on: Feb 06, 2007, 10:38 PM »

la la la.  And yeah, we girl gamers are hot.  Y'all should love us more

I love gurl gamers, we all do, but dey dun like messin wit joysticks too much

LMAO. Imma go to bed now.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: ................
« on: Feb 06, 2007, 09:47 AM »
Damn gabe...dey not even white homie, they asian.

spit spat, time to chat / Re: The good old photothreat
« on: Jan 02, 2007, 06:31 PM »

Dont indulge in too much chocolate. It can cause cavities ;)

Resources & Tutorials / Creating a Tridimensional Character
« on: Aug 16, 2006, 05:00 PM »
Radios Vernadad Baron

1. Sex/Gender - Male
2. Age - 21
3. Height/Weight - 6'1/150
4. Color of Hair/Eyes/Skin - Black:Dreds/faded sides and back(molly top)/Dark Brown/ Brown
5. Posture - Though he has good standing posture, he slouches when he sits.
6. Appearance (Good-looking, over/underweight, clean, neat, pleasant, untidy; shape of face/head/limbs) - Broad-sturdy shoulders, Slightly muscular adult build. Handsome face, though he has stress lines under his eyes.
7. Defects (deformities, abnormalities, birthmarks, diseases) - It is thought by some who have not seen him before that he has only one eye, but when he removes his visor and pushes his hair out of his face, his left eye surely can be seen. Radios does infact need to wear glasses which he does not. He is near sighted and his vision is not so hot.
8. Heredity (inherited traits from character's family) - Radios's Yoruban mother, Monifa Baron, says that he has his father's chin(Luichi Vernon Baron) whilst everyone agrees that he has his mother's eyes.


1. Social Class (lower, middle, upper) - Though Radios and his family have always been in the upper class, Radios chooses to not live the life of a rich boy unlike his four siblings (Lucian-10, Rowaldo-7, Antica-7, and Jeneat-17) who have no problem with it.
2. Occupation (Type of work, hours of work, income, condition of work, union or non-union, attitude towards organization, suitability for work) - Radios is a failed fighter pilot, but still is well know by his father's name, well the ruining of it by his failure that is. He absolutely hates that he some how cannot get flying a plane right this inturn adds to his inability to become like his father. Having been banned from destroying any more planes in his useless attempts to fly he currently works for Fed Up. A local delivery service.
3. Education (amount, kind of schools, marks, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes) Radios graduated from VCHS (Void Comprehensive High SChool) and went on to enter piloting school from which he was expelled to never return after destroying 12 consecutive planes to gain his liscene. By all means Radios is no dumby all his written test scores were high, but his piloting skills probably failed due to his bad eye sight and fear of heights. He some how managed to cheat his way through the sight test. Memorizing the chart by stealing one during a check up.
4. Home Life (Parents living, earning power, orphan, parents separated or divorced, parents' habits, parents' mental development, parents' vices, neglect, character's marital status) - Radios' family has always been happy and loving. Radios loved his father, but had more of an attachment to his mother since his father was away for long periods of time with the Void Bullet Devils(Air Force). Radios always did care about his mother's well being noticing her feelings and attitude he'd always try to be there for her and cheer her up. When his father died when he was around 16 he saw how sad his mother became and wanted to do something about it. He began to persue with active interest, becoming just lie his father in every aspect he could. Trying to do good deeds in Void only blew back in his face, trying to become a fighter pilot only got him laughed at for failing and his mother worrying that he is going to get himself killed going about chasing such a stupid idea was defeating his whole idea of making her happy again. Still he did not give in and obessessed over becoming his father till this day; Something such as this would certainly begin to stress the mind of person, thusly it started effecting his Personal and Social life resulting in him becoming complusive and unwilling to deal with his emotions properly. Plus, him realising the fact that he isnt very much like his father atol, infact getting further from him, makes him rather explosive in nature when ever some one mentions him.
5. Race - Italian/Yoruban
6. Religion and/or Nationality - American
7. Place in Community ('leader among friends', clubs, sports) - Radios is the top runner in FedUp thanks to his propulsion ability.
8. Political affiliations. - Radios isnt one to discuss politics but wouldnt mind punchin the mayor in the face.
9. Amusements/Hobbies (books, newspapers, magazines he/she reads, etc.) - Mostly import car magazines, and car improvement catalogs. He enjoys fixing up his Purple Diablo.
10. Time Period/Era (social structure and how it pertains to your character) - Present Day


1. Moral Standards - Though Radios isnt one for many morals these days, he has a set code that he calls "Shit you just dont do."
1.You dont call a man's mama to tell on him after he has done you a wrong.
2.You never in yo life should take the last chicken wang if you did not pay for the bucket.
3.When riding in the passenger seat of another man's car you never tell the man how to drive his vehicle or what to listen to while doin so.
4.Never tell a woman you love her just to get some action. That automaticly entitles her to half of your bank account.
5.Never hit a woman unless she hits you in the face. If she's man enough to hit you in da face she is man enough to take one to da gut.
6.Dont touch my car without my premission, it could land you in ass whoopin depot.
7.You should never insult a man and run away. that will surely get you a ass whoopin on sight.
8.Don't believe what you are told to do until you are showed to do it.
2. Personal Premise/Ambition - To be just like his father.
3. Frustrations - Not being able to achieve his goals.
4. Temperament (choleric, easygoing, pessimistic, optimistic, etc.) - It depends on how he is feeling at the time, but still his actions are compulsive and may or may not reflect how he is feeling at that point in time.
5. Attitude toward Life (resigned, militant, defeatist, etc.) - Radios takes life as it comes to him. He pursues his goals and hopes to achieve them before his time runs out on him.
6. Complexes (obesessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias, etc.) - Radios is obsessed with becoming his father for his mother's sake this would ultimately keep him from being himself, but ironicly trying to be his father is making him nothing like it. He has a fear of heights, and is near sighted so he doesnt drive too fast at night.
7. Extrovert? Introvert? Ambivert? Definetly an extrovert extremist, but the mode switches on and off depending on whether he is focusing on that certain goal or not.
8. Abilities (languages, talents) - Propulsion Compulsion: Radios has the ability of random rocket propulsion. He cannot determine the speed nor distance of the blast, but probably can determine the direction by facing it. While he is in his rocketing state he is indestructable, and one could say he has super strength, but only due to the high speeds he travels in.
He can also speak basic Italian thanks to his father.
9. Qualities (imagination, judgement, taste, poise) - Though it may seem Radios has an Oedipus Complex, this very much untrue. He has no "attracting" feeling towards his mother other than child to parent love. Radios likes to conversate with women, but his 'Player to Irritated' attitude fudges things up for him sometimes. Radios will never take someone else's opinion on something without first checking whatever the matter is out first.
10. IQ - 120
11. Time Period/Era (periodic ways of thinking, and how it applies to your character) - Radios doesnt live over on the Void Estates with the rest of his family. He lives over in present day Voidcraft Village; A housing project in one of the many hoods of Void City. Voidcraft Village isnt a very bad place, nor is it run down, but Radios seems to enjoy the atmosphere of it.

Resources & Tutorials / Creating a Tridimensional Character
« on: Aug 16, 2006, 01:20 PM »
Abrafo Bookin (a.k.a. Lil Bookie)

1. Sex/Gender - Male
2. Age - 13
3. Height/Weight - 4'8 / 110
4. Color of Hair/Eyes/Skin - Black Hair(Dreds)/Golden hazel/Brown
5. Posture - Good posture. For such a young child his shoulders and back are very strong.
6. Appearance (Good-looking, over/underweight, clean, neat, pleasant, untidy; shape of face/head/limbs) - Abrafo is very well kept due to his village's strict teachings of cleanliness. A vigorous and cute child, round face, slightly fat cheeks, medium child build.
7. Defects (deformities, abnormalities, birthmarks, diseases) - Abrafo was born with the Mark of the Serengit upon his chest with strange markings leading from it down his right arm. This is said to connect Kumou's soul to the material plain.Anything else it affords him is unknown at this time.
8. Heredity (inherited traits from character's family) - The Mark of Serengit & Dogon face marks. Each family in the Maasaian village has a different set of markings that correspond to the chart of Dogon(Ancestoral Spirit Inheritance).
The chart is of the human body and is divided into 9 areas each area represents a different Spirit Energy.

1.Right Hip - Life Energy
2.Left Hip - Absorption Energy
3.Right Shoulder - Soul Energy
4.Left Shoulder - Physical Energy
5.Right Knee - Water Energy
6.Left Knee - Fire Energy
7.Right Elbow - Air Energy
8.Left Elbow - Earth Energy
9.Head - Mental Energy
The Mark of the Serengit is said to have been created by Kumou himself and incorporates Destruction Energy from Physical, Soul, and Mental Energy


1. Social Class (lower, middle, upper) - Abrafo would be in the class of Young Warrior in his village. He had just recently passed the coming of age test.
2. Occupation (Type of work, hours of work, income, condition of work, union or non-union, attitude towards organization, suitability for work) - A warrior/hunter in his village.
3. Education (amount, kind of schools, marks, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes) - Abrafo has no formal education, but absorbs all knowledge rather quickly.
4. Home Life (Parents living, earning power, orphan, parents separated or divorced, parents' habits, parents' mental development, parents' vices, neglect, character's marital status) - Abrafo was raised primarily alone with his mother because of the cercumstances his father(bioligical) was in, but Kumou(ancestoral father) spent time with the boy and helped him to grow strong.
5. Race - African
6. Religion and/or Nationality - Maasai
7. Place in Community ('leader among friends', clubs, sports) - He is apart of his village's younger warrior/hunter group.
8. Political affiliations. - None.
9. Amusements/Hobbies (books, newspapers, magazines he/she reads, etc.) - Creating creatures and toys from his imagination and exploring nature.
10. Time Period/Era (social structure and how it pertains to your character) - Modern era. In Maasai culture the social system goes as follows.
Elders - decision making body. 1 male elder is selected as Head of village.
Elder Guardians - Main educational body and prime passed warriors and hunters
Warriors/Hunters Crafters/Worksmen/women - main defenders and workers
Common People - Ones who have not taken up a trade and young children


1. Moral Standards - Abrafo has a strong sense of loyalty and family as the same in his village.
2. Personal Premise/Ambition - To never let any one who depends on him down, and to never bring embarassment or shame to his family or name.
3. Frustrations - People who do not believe in playing.
4. Temperament (choleric, easygoing, pessimistic, optimistic, etc.) - Abrafo is not apart of the "Civilized" world so he has been enjoying his childhood to the utmost. He is a purely innocent, playful child, but too has convictions of a warrior.
5. Attitude toward Life (resigned, militant, defeatist, etc.) - To Abrafo life is a playground and an adventure field. Its good to play together.
6. Complexes (obesessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias, etc.) - Abrafo has a weakness for beautiful older girls and will usually pursue them with a playfulness. However when affection is shown back to him he will at times become bashful.
7. Extrovert? Introvert? Ambivert? - Extrovert
8. Abilities (languages, talents) - By way of his Spiritual inheritance Abrafo has the ability of Psycho Tangibility. This means he can cause his thoughts to materialize into reality. This ability is rather complicated because though the objects and creatures he creates do indeed become "real" they are still fictional to reality. (Example: If Bookie is hungery and creates an apple to eat, when he consumes it he will still be hungery because he has eaten nothing.) To the extent of his ability at this time, he has not learned how to spawn things at will alone yet, but can do so with his Abyssal bag that seems to amplify his power. Without it he can mold things with his imagination by touching them. (Example: Turning a tree into a tree monster or a giant baseball bat.) The Mark of the Serengit that he has inherited seems to only work for him when Kumou uses his power.
9. Qualities (imagination, judgement, taste, poise) - He has the outlook of a child when not engaged in a battle.
10. IQ - 200+. Abrafo is higher level genius probably due to his inheritance power.
11. Time Period/Era (periodic ways of thinking, and how it applies to your character) - Abrafo lives in the modern age, but his way of thinking could be said to be "premitive" compared to that of the rest of the "Civilized" world.

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