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Messages - brownkidd

Pages: [1]
THE INCUBATOR / Re: brownkidd's incubatory laboratory
« on: Aug 31, 2020, 09:23 AM »
Been practicing lots. Working on a new character intro story. Let's goooo!!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: brownkidd's big fat dump
« on: Sep 09, 2019, 09:10 PM »
A gazillion years later and I never gave up the dream lol! Here’s a wolvie piece I finished recently.

THE INCUBATOR / brownkidd's incubatory laboratory
« on: Sep 09, 2019, 08:59 PM »
Been lurking Void since ‘06, but never felt confident enough in my work to actually do any sort of sequential art. Finally stopped being a wuss and submitted this dude for the Toontown Showdown tourney. Gonna’ do an intro comic just for fun and to prove to myself that I can. I hope you dig it!

Bumping because I'm done being a lazy poopoo.

Don't worry! Still here. I do freelance video production and had a buttload of jobs fall in my lap, so I haven't had a lot of time to work on this. Here's something to hold you over in the meantime. Still a work in progress.

Still tweaking his design. Realized I don't like the weird diaper thing and I came up with a way more awesome idea for his gun, so this might not even be worth finishing. Who knows.

Exciting things to come! Stay tuned!

(And thanks for the words of encouragement! It's definitely motivating and gives me fuel to keep going!)

Gracias, Mister Kent.

Updated with one last pic before the finished version goes up.

Thanks, Mintley!

It's definitely been a learning process. For the past few months I've been doing a lot of research on not just comic art, but how to structure a compelling story, pacing, etc. I also keep the entire collection of "The Best Of Wizard Basic Training" books nearby at all times.

Been practicing my skills until I was confident enough to FINALLY get on this. Super excited about it.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Back once again with the ill behavior.
« on: Apr 28, 2014, 04:07 AM »
Updated with a page in progress.

THE INCUBATOR / Re: Character: Cobolt
« on: Jan 23, 2014, 10:10 AM »
Nobody likes a quitter! =P

Seriously though, the only way to get better is to practice. I took a huge break from art for about two years and just got back into it this past Christmas when my fiancee got me some Copic sketch markers. I've been drawing every day since then and my art already looks 100 times better than it did back in December. Progress is a good feeling. Creating a piece that you're proud of is an even better feeling and you shouldn't deny yourself of it. Stick with it. You'll be impressed with what you can do.

I'M NOT DEAD!!! [11.24.2014]

Void is more than comics to me. My whole life I've always been the person who starts amazing things and never finishes them. This is a promise to myself to become a better person and see things through to the end. This new page is a first step in that direction.

I've been drawing and studying art/writing like crazy since I first started this thread. Hopefully it shows in my work

[Past shizzz]

Been lurking this site for mad years now. Figure it's time I finally submit something.

This is a character that I'd eventually like to make a full comic about, but I don't have any experience making sequential art, so I figure Enter Void is a good place to brush up my skills. I don't have a name for this dude yet, but he has a backstory. Here goes...

He's a digitized human in a robot body and he's been sent back in time to the year 7013 to defeat the evil Renegade Masters and restore power to the people. Only, upon arriving in the past, he quickly realizes that this isn't the first time he's been sent back when he discovers the corpses of his copies from different timelines who all failed their mission. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.

His gun is called the Default Damager (a.k.a. DFLT DMGR)and does all sorts of fun stuff. Handlebars and a visor can sprout from the front so it can be ridden like a hovercycle, it has a pop-up scope with flip-out OLED screen (with 400K display!), it can store a  petabyte of of information, has music and video playback, has an invisible camo setting, and can be controlled remotely.

His personality SEEMS over-the-top and off-the-handle, but he's a calculative dude and always in control of any situation.

I'm not set on his color scheme yet, but I'll post some more character studies and a better look at DFLT DMGR soon. In the meantime, please let me know what you think!

UPDATE [4.28.14]

Here's a WIP sneak peek a the first of four intro pages. This is my first time drawing a comic page EVER as well as my first time inking with a brush, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out so far. Character design sheet coming soon!

[UPDATE 4.30.2014]

One more update before I tweak this bad boy for scanning and coloring.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: brownkidd's big fat dump
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:18 PM »
Thanks (Pi)! Here's a character I threw in the incubator a few years back, but never finished.

Aaaannddddd some other random crap.

The perspective on the horns is off, the line width on the hand in front is poo, and the wrinkles in the coat are completely overworked, but I'm still pretty proud of this one. Drew it ages ago. I've grown a lot since then, but this piece marks a huge developmental leap in my art and laid the groundwork for the foundation of my style - something I'd never had before.

Self portrait. Yes, I totally have the star from Mario Bros. tattooed on my arm.

GO FOR BROKE! / brownkidd's big fat dump
« on: May 15, 2012, 09:28 PM »
Hi, Void! I've been lurking this site for YEARS. Maybe one day I'll make a character. In the meantime, I've started drawing again, so here's some stuff. Feedback much appreciated.

Reviews / Re: So what comics are you reading?
« on: Aug 02, 2009, 01:51 PM »

Just read this for the first time a few days ago. Immediately purchased Vol. 2 and 3.

Reviews / Re: So what comics are you reading?
« on: Dec 21, 2007, 05:14 PM »

spit spat, time to chat / Re: THE GOOD OL PHOTO-THREAT.
« on: Jun 04, 2007, 10:43 PM »
Brownkid you summamabitch! I did not need to see that brown fishnet crack.

Yes you did. EVERYONE did. 8)

spit spat, time to chat / Re: So what movies are you watching?
« on: May 25, 2007, 11:19 AM »

« on: May 25, 2007, 10:59 AM »
Hey guys! I'm Robby. My friends all call my brownkidd...or THE brownkidd. Either or is just fine! I've actually been trolling this site for about a year. I'm 23 and have been into art and comics for as long as I can remember. I fell into a big art slump that lasted a few years and I'm hoping to get back into my groove. Maybe Void can help! The biggest obstacle I'm strying to evercome right now is FEAR. As an Aries,  I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to beat myself up over my art not being perfect, so sometimes as a result of that I just won't draw anything, period. I'm starting to learn that art isn't about being the best, or being perfect, or trying to impress others with your mad skillz. It's about putting your imagination to paper. It's the closest thing a human can come to being God. As artists we should feel blessed to have such a talent. If you think you suck, don't give up. Just get better.
I'll see you cats in the void!!

spit spat, time to chat / Re: THE GOOD OL PHOTO-THREAT.
« on: May 23, 2007, 06:14 PM »
I'm new around these parts, but I figure I'll let you kids see my old ass in action.

Since everyone posted pictures of them sippin' from the magic soda fountain I guess I'll post mine too!

I'm what we like to call a "very un-attractive female". My girlfriend, on the other hand, is the complete opposite.

...and the money shot

My girlfriend got my 2 strippers for my 23rd b-day bash extravaganza. I love my girlfriend alot. ^_^

I'd post some of the more humorous pics from that night, but i'd probably get banned from this site forever.

and I'll leave you with a shameless plug for my up & coming Reading, PA based t-shirt line,

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