Official Rules
Rules for posting a comic on VOID
All comics are reviewed manually by staff before posting them for voting. EnterVOID staff will remove your entry, resulting in a default on your part, if you fail to meet the requirements.
1. All required characters must be visually represented in your comic entry.
1a. The definition of a required character is as follows:
1b. Team Character requirements:
1c. The visual representation of the characters must be in comic form:
1d. The visual representation must be clear:
Action taken for breaking this rule
2. Entries must be sequential. An entry that is simply a ‘pin up’, ‘cover’, or an image of text is not a valid submission.
Entries must be 2 or more sequential images that tell a story. Single images are not acceptable. Images that are just text are not acceptable.
Action taken for breaking this rule
3. Art and stories in comics must be your own, unless stated otherwise.
3a. Collaborative comics are allowed, but they must be set up that way:
3b. Getting advice or opinions from other artists is allowed:
3c. Photos used must be your own photography:
Action taken for breaking this rule
Participation Rules
Please note that this is for the website itself.
1. Character designs and comics cannot violate copyrights.
Your art and designs must be original. Parodies are acceptable in some cases, but all content is subject to review by the council.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
2. Comic drawing deadlines are final. Any content uploaded or emailed to admins after the deadline is not valid.
We are not responsible if you upload incorrect images, or corrupted files, or if you lose your internet connection right before the deadline. No exceptions.
If you have encountered a technical error with the website itself that is preventing you from uploading, please email your pages to Please double-check your file size and file type before emailing pages.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
3. Once posted for voting, you cannot change your comic or alter your pages in any way.
You may overwrite what you have uploaded as many times as you want before the deadline. We will change the order of the pages if there is an ordering error, but you cannot replace a file.
4. Dead characters cannot participate in normal matches, unless under special circumstances.
Dead characters can participate in Beyond Battles and Annihilation matches all year, but cannot participate in normal matches.
During October, the annual Month of the Dead event allows all dead characters to participate in normal matches.
Members can also use inventory items to participate in normal matches with dead characters. The
Unfinished Business item allows artists to use their own dead character in a normal match, and the
Necromancer item allows artists to challenge another
artist’s dead character.
Phoenix Feathers can be used to
return a Dead character to life again (when accompanied with a Beyond Battle depicting the character’s return),
but these are very rare.
5. Annihilated characters cannot participate in any matches at all.
A character who has lost an Annihilation match is permanently dead, and can never be used in any battles or Beyond Battles again. They cannot be revived with items.
6. Characters that have lost a scar match cannot enter another battle until their design sheet has been updated to reflect the new changes.
You are expected to draw your character as they appear on their updated design sheet post-scar. While failure to draw a scar in a match is not considered a default, it is considered bad sportsmanship. Unwillingness to draw your character with the scar will have a negative impact on your chances of getting into tournaments that involve scars and will reflect negatively on yourself in the community.
When you update your character’s design sheet, you can contact a member of staff to review your character to reactivate them.7. Tracing art is not allowed.
A character who has lost an Annihilation match is permanently dead, and can never be used in any battles or Beyond Battles again. They cannot be revived with items.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
8. AI generated images are not allowed.
VOID does not tolerate the use of AI (artificial intelligence) imagery for the purpose of character or comic submissions. This includes AI portrait makers such as Lensa, anime AI filters, DALL-E/Craiyon, or other apps that create images made to imitate artwork. Additionally, we do not consent to any work posted on or VOIDchat being fed into AI databases.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
9. Comic battles must be drawn in the time frame given. Starting earlier than the given start time is prohibited.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
10. In order to cancel a battle, all artists involved MUST agree to the cancellation.
All involved parties must inform an admin stating that they agree to cancel the battle. You can contact staff for cancellations in the #Ask-Staff-4-Help-Read-Pinned channel in our Discord, email, or contact a staff member directly.
Code of Conduct for
Please note that this is for the website itself, and we have a different set of rules that are specific to our discord server. The biggest difference between the website and Discord is that NSFW content is freely allowed on the website, but it is not allowed on the Discord.
1. Votes from comics must come from legitimate accounts. Urging others to join the site just to vote for you is not allowed.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
2. Votes on comics that are considered unfair will be removed.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
3. Harassment or hateful language will not be tolerated.
Action taken for breaking this rule:
4. The following is not allowed on comic comments:
- Bullying, taunting, hate speech, or abusive comments
- Personal attacks
- Disparaging remarks or insults
- Comments unrelated to the comic being commented on
- Spam
Guidelines for Commenting and Critiquing
VOID exists as a community to help each other improve and grow. In order to create a positive environment for this kind of growth, we recommend the following guidelines:
Comment with Empathy
Link to helpful resources or guides when appropriate
Critique the art AND writing
Don’t forget to mention the things you enjoyed
You’re allowed to critique people who are “better than you”
Guidelines for Artists Receiving Critiques
As an artist, it’s easy to get overwhelmed or upset by critiques. Keep in mind the following when reading the comments others have left on your comic
Responding to Critique
Use the Critique Level system
We’re all amateur critics
You don’t have to follow every single bit of advice you receive
Code of Conduct for EnterVOID Discord Server
Please note that this is for the Discord Server. Violating the rules of the server will result in a DM from one of our Global Moderators explaining the situation.
Infractions can have different levels of severity. If you have multiple severe infractions, this can result in a ban from the server. A moderator will give you a warning depending on the severity of the infraction.
Please note that we only have authority over the Official Discord server and the site itself. Any side-server that is related to VOID has its own rules and the mods here will not intervene on external websites or servers.
1. Please be respectful:
This means showing general politeness and decency towards other people. We will not tolerate harassment (this can include deliberate misgendering/misidentification), shaming or discrimination of any kind.
2. NSFW Guidelines:
Please note that these rules apply to our Discord server only. We do allow NSFW content within the comics on our site. Please view with discretion and read posted warnings and ratings for content.
On the discord server, you may NEVER post, or link to:
- Pornography and/or explicit material
- Sexually suggestive pieces (ie: clothing, composition, shots, posing, etc.)
- Excessive body horror, gore, and/or violence (ie: internal body parts being exposed externally). PG-13 blood and violence is allowed.
- Ideologically sensitive and/or commonly objectionable content
- Depictions of self-harm or suicide
Please be aware that “Implied NSFW” is also prohibited in the Discord server.
Note: We previously had a rule about certain content needing a spoiler tag, this is no longer the case. Content that violates the rules, censored or not, will be removed. We encourage you to use the spoiler tag at your own discretion. Again, you cannot post images that are against the rules with a spoiler. But, using a spoiler tag for content that might be sensitive to some is a good practice. Some examples would include blood, animal death, and bugs.
Please be considerate to people who are browsing at work, school, or in public.
It is up to server staff to make the final call on which images are appropriate or not and we reserve the right to delete your image.
If you have questions over whether or not your content falls under these distinctions, or someone else’s post may be inappropriate, please contact a Global Moderator for clarification before posting.
3. Please consider how everyone may be affected by your posts.
Members on our Discord have differing views on what is acceptable to say or joke about. Even if you don’t mean anyone direct harm, here are some examples of things that we will take various steps to address depending on the case and the severity:
- slurs of any variety– even when non-targeted or self-referential
- posting extremely offensive/disturbing content without a content warning
- posting spoilers without a spoiler tag
- spreading rumors
- posting images that are SFW, but still heavily imply something sexual or explicit. These types of posts can have a negative impact on people and should be avoided as much as reasonably possible
4. AI (artificial intelligence) generated images and artwork
AI-generated works are not allowed on our Discord. This includes AI portrait makers such as Lensa, anime AI filters, DALL-E/Craiyon, or other apps that create images made to imitate artwork. If you choose to feed your own works into an AI network, you cannot post your results in the official Discord.
5. Please try to keep on-topic as much as possible.
If you notice a conversation you are having is getting carried away and should go in a different channel, please try to move to the most appropriate location as much as possible.
6. Do not distribute copyright protected content or assets.
We do not allow illegal redistributing or linking to copyrighted works under any circumstances. This includes categories such as brushes, music, movies, comics and others for which copyright or trademark is infringed upon. Violating this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the server.
Sharing of freely available content is highly encouraged in our resources category of channels!
How to Report a Member
NOTE - Void staff cannot assist with third party reports of bullying, harassment, or abuse. Please encourage the individual(s) directly affected by the issue to contact the Global Moderators for assistance. We DO accept third party complaints for instances of discriminatory language, spam, threats of physical harm, or other issues that require immediate intervention. A third party is anyone who is not directly involved. If you’re not certain whether your content falls into any of these categories, it doesn’t hurt to bring it to our attention just in case!
Content and behavior that puts voiders at risk or makes them feel unwelcome is something we don’t want to encourage or condone, so sometimes Global Moderators have to step in. Global Moderators are on hand to address harmful content and behaviors that do not align with EnterVOID’s rules and guidelines on our website as well as the official discord server. If you experience or see something that you believe needs to be reviewed, please file a report.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I file a complaint and report someone?
If you are experiencing unwanted behavior from a fellow void member on Discord, you can mute or block them so that they can’t contact or communicate with you.
How to Block a User on DiscordHow do I report someone? What is a Global Moderator?
You can also report via email. Contact – the email will go to Red. Sometimes messages will go to spam, so please reach out via Discord if you do not get a response from us in a timely manner.
A voider is harassing/bullying my friend!
What happens after I submit a report?
I submitted a report. Did anything happen?
If I keep reporting someone, will they eventually get banned?
If I report someone and they get banned, will they know it was me?
Something inappropriate is happening in Voicechat/was posted in artshow/linked in general right now!!
You can also DM one of the Global Moderators directly with a link to the post in question or with details of the situation.