enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017
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Uploaded September 13, 2017
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Comments (15)

Kozispoon's avatar
7 years ago
There are so many favorites here I don't even know where to begin. I half wish some of you wouldn't wait for collabs and submit these as full fledged standalone comics as I'd love to hyper focus on them in order to appreciate them better. Still, you lose that camaraderie- the monster and teamwork that these collabs have become. Seriously stellar work, all around. Void and its denizens have become suuuch a world. Keep on growing it!
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

Mixiemon's avatar
7 years ago
This was the first collab comic I have seen here since I recently joined and it was a very fun experience to read through all of it. good job everyone who worked on it.
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Sean's avatar
7 years ago
Damn, this summer was a hot one...
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zee's avatar
7 years ago
Another fantastic collab!! So many of these comics were incredibly charming and funny. It's always a lot of fun to be a part of these things and draw alongside you guys. I appreciate everyone's hard work, it was a genuine pleasure to read!
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Reecer6's avatar
7 years ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'll freely admit i know very little about anything! but i'm still gonna do critiques
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

William_Duel's avatar
7 years ago
Reecer6: 1. Thoooooor maaaaaan you're not seriously redoing ALL of the lines for IDENTICAL CONSECUTIVE PANELS, are you??? If the dude's in the exact same position in the same spot in the same angle, you can just copy and paste it! It doesn't look lazy at all! No one's going to notice it, except for me because it's a thing I consciously and pointlessly check, but most people don't do that! Pleeaaase, your stuff is really nice and detailed, don't have to go through those details again and again and again when it's not necessary.
This is the worst crit I've ever seen.
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

UndeadOrion's avatar
7 years ago
@ Reccer: I'm.....not sure which point you're referring to. There's not much that's actually identical because things progress and move. I don't quite understand this critique because copy/paste isn't much of a benefit other than a minor amount of time gained, and time is not something I struggle with. So I'm honestly very confused.
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MyHatsEatPeople's avatar
7 years ago
PyrasTerran: 1. I think Thor doing that is something to be admired actually, there's a stylistic movement given to this kind of re-drawing shots that you don't get with copy/paste
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
7 years ago
1. I think Thor doing that is something to be admired actually, there's a stylistic movement given to this kind of re-drawing shots that you don't get with copy/paste 2. Arena's relationships crash and burn with the rising and falling of the sun, that's the point~
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

Reecer6's avatar
7 years ago
Super excellent, as always! Through all that, I have like, two things to comment about. 1. Thoooooor maaaaaan you're not seriously redoing ALL of the lines for IDENTICAL CONSECUTIVE PANELS, are you??? If the dude's in the exact same position in the same spot in the same angle, you can just copy and paste it! It doesn't look lazy at all! No one's going to notice it, except for me because it's a thing I consciously and pointlessly check, but most people don't do that! Pleeaaase, your stuff is really nice and detailed, don't have to go through those details again and again and again when it's not necessary. 2. So, I might have forgot... Crikey and Arena... ever even met before? Shen mentioned in the Discord that their ship "blew up", but I just assumed that was a joke, that they met for the first time ever in this collab and they got super mad at each other, and there was some sort of in-joke there I missed. But, uh, no, here they are, and here they aren't anymore. This was something in the V-day collab, right? I feel like a single comic thread amongst like thirty other comic threads to start a relationship, no mention of it for six months, and then another single comic thread amongst like thirty other comic threads with their breakup is a bit very rushed for a plotline to be paced.
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Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
phenomenal artwork guys! great interactions, a lot of cute and fun stories, very lighthearted! maybe kind of a surplus on NPCs and a dearth of cameos compares to other parties, everyone just kinda did their own thing but still got some rad comics! Hats, all your scenes were so gorgeous they blew my mind! Fu, everything you coloured came out amazing! tay your backgrounds were breathtaking! (OMG! Henshin Tsumi!!) Sand i LOVED your Crawford timelapse and his abuse of Adwell, who speaking of which, sure seems like a suggestible guy, Alouisse XD Kura your Nightingale solution was SO CREATIVE, what a fantastic way to clean up her story so you can use her again! Everyone did great work! It was a lot of fun you guys!
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

Linclair's avatar
7 years ago
Amazing work guys! 90 % less genitalia than the Vday collab byt 110 % wilderness
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle

Majikura's avatar
7 years ago
Thanks Taylor, for cameoing Veronica. She was literally impossible to use in this without any context.
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Hellis's avatar
7 years ago
This was a blast to be a part of!
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Corn Of The Breads's avatar
Corn Of The Breads
7 years ago
Congrats to everyone who finished for me the fishing comic of Jacksters took the cake for me! it was overall amazing.
Posted on enterVOID Holiday Comic:Summer Camp Adventure 2017 battle