Gregly - for some reason, I really like Gwen's pink hair. On the subject of Gwen, she and Regi didn't get much screen time compared to Talon, but eh, you do whatever you want. I'm not complaining.
DP - Nice first battle. And I have to agree with Shen, Gwen looks more like a midget in her 20s than a girl in her early teens to me.
Gregly: DUUUDE that first panel though! The backgrounds you put into this are so great! This was a charming and hilarious story, i loved pink haired Gwen, i can just picture Lily trying to convince her to keep it XD im not as bothered that Tydid got more screen time coz you had an idea what story you wanted to tell and you gave your opponent a lot of good attention and your kids still played an important story role. I kind of want to see where this goes! the cliffhanger is the only part Im here to complain about, but only coz I was so invested and want more!
Badger: I love the green lighting and the spot black shadows! very atmospheric! You've improved your pacing a lot from your intro too! Theres a lot I love about this, my biggest troubles are it ends sort of anti-climatically with no resolution, and Gwen doesnt really look like a teen girl, too many sharp edges. I think you might need a lil more practice drawing girls. But this is a great comic and I cant wait to read more of talon's adventures!
Both of you: Fight me
I enjoyed the comic a lot! But I was a bit confused that it focused so heavily on a character not in the actual battle. Your own characters ended up feeling like a side note, which is not ideal i feel? It was incredibly funny however and it effectively got the point across that poor Talon is pretty new to Void!
Dragonpenguin: Great first battle my dude. Real solid. The "Necromancy is Illegal" moment had me laughing. I did not see it coming! I really like the colors, art wise your stuff is pretty clean and your colors convey the sinister andsecretive magic at work" very well.
I love both of these comics they show the others characters so well and the use of a third character in the Gregly's was sooo great and the humor always hits! and Dragonpenguin this was soo good everything was really great it was a much slower burn but it felt very in character! this is such a close battle I love it!
@Gregly - Very funny! Tyidid is such a character! And I liked seeing Gwen with pink hair! The plot was a little confusing for me in that... his intro has him with a past of not being received well when he's open about his necromancy. As well, this is his first battle, and it was kinda odd to give him something with the potential to cure the reason his character even exists. I expect its probably a dud or something, maybe a reference to another comic I haven't read, but without knowing that, it feels like it was an accidental retirement comic. I really like how you drew Talon, also, he looked softer and more huggable.
@Dragonpenguin - THE PERSECUTION. He looks like he's used to it! I like the idea that necromancy is illegal, but that means some of our other VOIDers have a lot of explaining to do (lookin' at you lilyfeather!). I'm curious to see what else he's doing.
Your uses of greens and yellows are really interesting, and it gives this subtle "nope" feeling to everything. I really appreciate that.
Gregly: This was too entertaining for its own good, it made me laugh out loud, but mostly with what you did with Tyidid and Talon rather than Gwen/Regi and Talon, which is kind of a bummer we didn't get to see them interact more with each other
Dragonpenguin: This is a solid servicable comic all in all. I think what you could use more work on is the use of black shadows and light and how they interact with each other, some of the shadows being cast here don't seem to have a proper light source to validate them
Great stuff overall, let's see more sooner than later
Gregly: Thanks again for accepting this battle, it was super fun to draw Tyidid vs. Talon, even though Talon wasn't your character! Cameoing your own characters was pretty neat too.
(seriously though it's great and i love it but i'm a bit biased!!!)
Badger: The harsh and sinister lighting in this is really simple but effective! In general, the comic also just feels really competently composed, with a great mix of zoom outs and zoom ins. In a few of these panels, Gwen definitely looks like her face has far too many sharp angles to look like a proper 14 year old girl, so you might want to pull back on that in the future, but Regi looks great. This really has the same problem as your intro comic in that it ends basically without a conclusion—nothing really feels like it's been resolved. There's definitely another couple of pages you could've fit in of Talon trying to make off secure, and then being caught, and then properly defeating the two to the point that they don't want to further the conflict.
Comments (10)