A Decade Changes Nothing
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Uploaded July 11, 2017
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Comments (14)

UndeadOrion's avatar
7 years ago
Thank you everyone for all your awesome feedback! Basically all of the things mentioned are areas that I was aware of while drawing it but didn't bother to fix. So this was a good kick in the pants to stop being so complacent. My only excuse was that I'd challenged myself to do 4 full color pages in just one week. Lesson learned. It leads to unneeded shortcuts. I'm planning to do the same thing for Dane, but without a time limit. Hopefully that will lead to some improvements.
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

zee's avatar
7 years ago
Amazing color work. I really enjoy all of the details you put into your colors, it's impressive! This was a great read too, it was all narrated well and had a nice flow. I'm super interested in seeing what Crawford gets into this time around.
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
7 years ago
What a great surprise this was! I'm absolutely thrilled to see you return. Crawford was always a favorite of mine and I'm so glad to see him back. Looks like the coffee shop business didn't last very long for the old boy. This art is looking really fresh, you've only gotten better with time. I'm really into this reintroduction story a lot and I think it's super great to have him returned to Void City. You've done a wonderful job getting us back into Crawford's world and what he's about. It'll be really interesting to see if you utilize the actual decade to your benefit as a tool for your story telling. Be a little careful about foreshortening. Page 2's middle panel is a little rough on Crawford's arm, but I can't blame you. That stuff is mad hard. Still, everything else is so great and I'm glad we can see a new sandpuppeteer comic. I hope that we don't have to wait another 10 years for another one! (Also, great time for some Dane love!) I'm really glad you made this all the same. Welcome back! Oh and thanks for the little Mr. Murder cameo!
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
7 years ago
Double Miller cameo, 10/10/10 But seriously this was a cool reintroduction to the character. Your coloring game is strong but you wanna work on your lighting game some more. Hope to see much more down the line
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

William_Duel's avatar
7 years ago
Welcome back to Void! Even I dream of making a triumphant comeback with amazing art! Your comic history is full of interesting experiments in style and technique. This is no different. It's very pleasing to the eye. You've got good flow and decent layouts. Everything is clear and the colors are nice to look at. This comic is a cut above but certainly there's stuff for you to work on and grow. I agree with the Heathen below that anatomy, perspective and foreshortening in this comic need more training. The most obvious being on page two. I'm not sure what sort of vanishing point the lines are meant to follow. Especially because some of them don't at all. Crawford himself does not seem to be lined up either to this perspective. So watch out for things like that and keep practicing. Your faces and facial expressions are greatly improved but I'd be careful with those faces. The eyes worry me most as sometimes they're so big and offcenter that they threaten to slip too close to the sides of the head. And it's a bit inconsistent so keep practicing those. Also your light sources seem to be off at times. Be wary of where light is coming from and where you are doing the shadows. Page 4 confuses me because he's glowing but he's got shadows in the same areas as the glowing aura. I'm a little wary of the proportions of other characters but that's just gonna come with practice. I'm not much of a colorist, but I'd like to see you experiment with limited color palettes. I think that would be the next step in your evolution of coloring here. There's plenty of stuff online that can make palettes for you and it would be an interesting way to challenge and push yourself. Overall I loved this comic and I think you did a great job. There's stuff to work on but your skills are very strong. There is some excellent visual storytelling here.
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

Heathen's avatar
7 years ago
Your anatomy, perspective and foreshortening leave something to be desired, but your color work is fantastic, you've got some of the best backgrounds I've ever seen on void (better than a lot of pros, even), and your world just has a ton of life and character to it. Your very obvious strengths are most people's biggest weaknesses. The window panes in the apartment, and Crawford's walking feet on page 1 are really well rendered.
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Great re-intro! Also, thanks for the cameo!
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

Hellis's avatar
7 years ago
A worthy return. I really enjoy the way you retread the old intro only for things to be different yet the same.
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

MyHatsEatPeople's avatar
7 years ago
I'm in love
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

Radji's avatar
7 years ago
alcohol, ginger and sick powers my children will visit this bar !!
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

yarnwitch's avatar
7 years ago
It was great to read, and I love the re-intro concept. I have a real soft spot for narration heavy comics, and this was just wonderful. I hope to see more from you soon!
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
whoa holy shit!!
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

Radji's avatar
7 years ago
woh a rare voider appears
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Posted on A Decade Changes Nothing battle