Dresden Sawyer vs Stray
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Uploaded February 27, 2017
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Comments (11)

Rikun's avatar
7 years ago
The one thing I can ascribe to the both of you is that they both have that rough but polished look I wish I could pull off in my own work. I wish I knew how either of you accomplish this since I feel it works well for churning out a good quantity of pages without having your quality suffer.
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
These were both amazing and i want to battle you both! nachte, its good to have you back! i love Kit! The layouts in this were gorgeous, i love how you fill a page. phenomenal backgrounds and i loved the clock shadow. The flashback within a flashback maybe goes a little too deep lol perhaps that could have been rearranged. But I loved his reason for injury at the end bua ha ha! monday man you know i love your stuff! This one seems a bit messier than usual, even for you. Theres some spots where its great and some spots where it falls apart a bit. both are seen in page 2 where the car crash at the top of the page is cool but then towards the bottom.... im not sure whats going on with that textured brush? my fav part though was headless Dresden helping Kit with a syringe them cracking him across the face lmao. Overall good but a bit rushed. I cant wait to see more of these two! i want to fight you both!
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Radji's avatar
7 years ago
Nachte: i await for a ladybug for that cat. Monday:.... i want his babies
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Rhimwill's avatar
7 years ago
Nachte: I love the tongue-in-cheek action adventure vibe that this comic has, and I hope you keep it up in Stray's future comics. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff XD My main piece of critique would be that I think you should use rulers when drawing your backgrounds. It would give your pages polish and help pop the characters out in front of the environments even more. Also, be mindful about the placement of your speech bubbles in relation to how they are cropping the characters in the panels. A lot of your speech bubbles overlap characters' heads and faces, and it makes things very cluttered and sometimes distracts from looking at the characters themselves, especially when the bubble overlaps a main character. I'm loving the textured, almost charcoal-like lines your using, and you do really well placing tones. This was a super fun read and I can't wait to see more of this adorable cat burglar :3 Monday: I love how you render effects and backgrounds with your wispy, grungy style. Also, if I understood correctly, this is kind of a part of Stray's backstory, right? I like it when people incorporate their characters into their opponent's backstory, it's a bold and fun choice. I got a little bit lost on some of the exposition. I think that placing the information in Dresden's thought captions nearer to explanatory imagery would have helped clarify things. For example, perhaps the explanation of Weston's nanytes on page 5 would have fit better on page 7 when Kit is about to take them. That way we see the nanytes in action at the same time that Dresden is telling us about them. Also, the mother and Kit are drawn very similarly and so I got confused in the first few pages as to when I was looking at whom. Having a shot where we can see all three figures – Dresden, the mom, and Kit – at the same time would help clarify the staging of that first scene. Your style is very beautiful to look at, and the use of the striking red to highlight important images was very effective. And that moment when Dresden appears without his head was just great. It was both shocking and hilarious XD
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
7 years ago
Great comics both of you and it's cool that they can both exist in the same space I SO want to use the children of liberty in future Gray Owl stories
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Nachte's avatar
7 years ago
Yeah, I'm for that. I'm all done as well! It can go up whenever!
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Monday's avatar
7 years ago
Requesting that this battle go up early. I'll await my counterpart to echo the same sentiment.
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Monday's avatar
7 years ago
GOD DAMN IT ROFLQU: Two titans return to tug and triumph in this terrible t'comics t'battle.
" Goddammit Roflqu
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
7 years ago
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
oh my god already! oh my god im so hype for this!!!!
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
7 years ago
Two titans return to tug and triumph in this terrible t'comics t'battle.
Posted on Dresden Sawyer vs Stray battle