The story continues!
I'm noticing Radji that you have a few recurring themes with your comics and characters, *especially* when it comes to children (almost ever single character and comic you've done so far has a child, or the story revolves around a child or children). It's interesting seeing these various family relationships, brother/sister, parent/child, but we never see them go past tragedy or unconditional love. I would like to see you tackle the more difficult elements of these relationships, rivalry, frustration, discipline, etc.
Posted on Stroll in the woods: Welcome to Hell 2battle
This comic goes from adorable to dark and back, which could just be the weirdest tonal shift, but the art manages to make it all fit together as one unit.
Posted on Stroll in the woods: Welcome to Hell 2battle
Ohhhh Radji! I like this slightly newer style you're trying out, the subtle textures you've put in really polishes it up. Looks like you've used this textured technique in your previous comics already but this one feels noticeably more refined to me at least? I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it's a combination of shading as well? Either way I think it looks great, keep it up :)
Posted on Stroll in the woods: Welcome to Hell 2battle
the fourth page's still in french, wooops
i sent the fourth page in english to the staffalready, so please wait for it to update before voting, sorry folks
Posted on Stroll in the woods: Welcome to Hell 2battle
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