Stroll in the woods- welcome in hell 1
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Uploaded January 16, 2017

Comments (4)

Futreblot's avatar
8 years ago
I was really impressed with the silent story telling in previous strolls. I'm not sure how I feel about this being so suddenly dialogue heavy. that aside it was well done, and the dialogue wasn't out of place. I enjoyed the read.
Posted on Stroll in the woods- welcome in hell 1 battle

Rhimwill's avatar
8 years ago
Lol, did she just call Jesus a "hippie who sprayed fishes and bread around"? That's great XD Once again in this installment the inking for the environments is wonderful. The textures and composition of the black placement are spot on. I do notice that when it comes to your characters the inking tends to get very wobbly. I'm not sure what program you're using, but you might want to look into altering your pen-stabilization settings, or seeing what kind of digital rulers your drawing program has (Like, Clip Studio Paint/Manga Studio has curve rulers that I use sometimes to keep my lines nice and smooth). This was a super fun read! I love the characters, especially Lord Astaroth and his demon-dad schtick. Can't wait for the next one!
Posted on Stroll in the woods- welcome in hell 1 battle

G.Lo's avatar
8 years ago
Really love the color scheme- it definitely has a hellish vibe. I think the textures you used worked really well for this too. I feel like the pacing was fine and I liked the single panel pages. The shenanigans of daughter was cute and creepy, and I absolutely looooved the ghouls! I kind of wish for the introduction of Papa, you could have pulled back a little more so we could see more of the silhouetted mountain of anguished bodies, because that was looking neat. Great job on this!
Posted on Stroll in the woods- welcome in hell 1 battle

Ish's avatar
8 years ago
Oh my, the saga continues! I really like this new development, it manages to be both adorable and terrifying! The composition and coloring was amazing, and your lineart is top-notch! Man, can't wait to see the next installment!
Posted on Stroll in the woods- welcome in hell 1 battle