Stroll in the woods I
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Uploaded November 03, 2016

Comments (6)

Futreblot's avatar
8 years ago
to add to what everyone else said, you also have great values. everything really pops. you clearly know how to tell a visual story. love the absence of dialogue or any kind of letters (even the bag is word and logo less)
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle

Energy's avatar
8 years ago
Liked the ending. The pages are so damn big, though.
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
PyrasTerran: I liked it alot but the pages are giant aren't they <_>
yes....they are..... THE GIANTS PAGES HAUNT ME
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
I liked it alot but the pages are giant aren't they <_>
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
I was so excited to read this and then got blasted by pages the size of Texas, whoo wee XD If there's one thing all us voiders know about your art by now is that you have a talent for volume. Your comic page output is seriously insane. Pair that with the fact you tend to knock out some fast paced action heavy story and you got yourself a captive audience anxious to see more. I'm so glad you didn't use any dialogue here and let the expression and actions speak for themselves. The events that transpire really seem to pack more of a punch this way. If there is more of this mini saga to be had, I'll be looking forward to it
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle

Dechado's avatar
8 years ago
I really liked this silent comic from you, Radji. The atmosphere tensed with the reds you used and I loved that. Can't wait for the next part! :)
Posted on Stroll in the woods I battle