The Valentine's Party 2016
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Uploaded February 14, 2016
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Comments (32)

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
8 years ago
Woo-hoo! Great work everyone. I can't wait to see what you all produce for St. Patrick's Day!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Fearn's avatar
8 years ago
oohhh neat this looks like so much fun! My only issue here is that because I am obv stoopid I really struggle to tell who did which bit (ike some were obvious but some i was like UHH IDK ;_;).... And the giant wall of thumbnails really puts me off too :P Obviously this is because I have some kind of weird issues. And the best bit is naturally BOBO such nsfw
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
Continued critique activate! QYZEX- I'm always glad to see an excuse to jam in the King of Toons-especially at a party! Merk's bromance with Sweet Itch is the stuff of legend. I'm so glad you decided to use them being lame together, haha!That dopey walk to and walk away from Gigi is the best thing- Way to bring on the chuckles with just one page. I still don't know what Gigi is on about wearing that frock, but its ridiculous enough it probably is high fashion! ASTRO SEAN- Ahhh the relationship for the ages continues on in toxic fashion. Glad you used this collab to debut Margot's new look. The hipster justice warrior transformation is complete. Also, the fact this page follows Qyzex's Sweet Itch and Merk hitting on Gigi is rather fitting all things considered. That Referee shirt gag was totally unexpected and really funny! Even the dotty old lady aside from Nana remarking on Itch getting the tar beat out of him is just hilarious. STORMCROW- I dig that Hunter is the every man weirded out by the encounter of utter normalcy in a game of spin the bottle. I'd be asking the same questions, poor guy. The options for smooching though were pretty great. Kars with his shades and Clydesdale glaring were really cute. Also, dat Gray has got some blood lust. She only got her boyfriend into that game to shank someone! I'm wise to her schemes! SHEN- Gray what in the ass?? XD This comic leaves me wondering if Hunter has any second thoughts about dating someone so macabre. Kar's blunt comment at the end had me cackling- he knows what we're all thinking! We all mangled poor Jiko at this party way too much. Dr. Fibrin must be so happy. JACKSTER- My first impressions upon reading your comic is being so surprised at your people! You've always had something of a comfort zone drawing furries and animals that your humans always felt a little off and rigid, but this comic really shows you've come quite a ways! Your Dr. Fabulous is well, in a word- fabulous! He has such personality and bounce to his expressions, it was great to see him page to page. The match ups in this vagina game were so fun. I gotta say my fav has to be Miller and Nana. That sassy ol' cats remarks as she drags Miller off for some fun is too great. NEENS- Maybe its the fact I haven't seen your art too often on VOID ,but I feel like this is an entirely new style. I like it! You really make Dolly your own and work off your own model without compromising recongizability. It fits super well with the style you got going for Lil Lily- who by the way is such a treat to see again. I love the way she relays her note back up to Dolly-though the messenger looks suspiciously like a proto-Sally?? This is a frenemy relationship I definitely wanna see more of. :D ICED TEA- While it was an amusing gag, but it left me wondering why wasn't Nana used to perform something so quintessentially feline? ORION- I feel like I learned something here. I had no idea David was something of a man-child. Definitely makes for an amusing self jab at your own character that you don't see very often. I would be mindful of your female forms and features though. Ancelin is looking rather mannish in that last panel. PYRAS- I'm so used to seeing this character be so clinical and serious, it's so weird to see her put on the facade of a regular gal. OH-oh here she comes. Watch out boy, she'll chew you uup! MAGISTELLE- This was a very contained comic of your two characters which was very sweet. The whole exchange of dance lyrics was such an intimate and romantic peek between the two. I especially enjoy that quick little hug she gives him before the last panel. The pet names for one another is adorable. I feel you should've just gone full hog and made the page just about them. The top panel with the sparse cameos feels kinda throwaway. SYRAXIS- A party by the beach is definitely a unique locale for your shindig. I like it! I think we all assumed the party was at Dr. Fabulous' house, but whose to say he doesn't have his own private beach out back? I know this was being used as a quick explanation/proto intro to your intentions of submitting Myra to VOID, but I feel what (I think) was a sweet romantic moment raises more questions than it answers. If Heratik is convinced VOID isn't safe, why doesn't he just leave with her to somewhere else? What's keeping him here? Needless to say the collab pages that were truly efforts from two artists into one page are so seamless, I wouldn't be able to pick apart who did what. This holiday and this event really put a fire under everyone's butt to bring their best and it shows from page to page. I cannot WAIT for the next holiday to see where all this drama/story/hilarity goes. Great job, once again everyone!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE's avatar
Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE
8 years ago
Bobo: You guys did great on this! So much laughter, love, and heartbreak. Ooooh, and fanart/cameos/shipping/etc.
..........and naked you.
is that who that is? I thought it was Seth Rogen.
Bobo is there something you're not telling us
I think the thumbnails speak for themselves... Hahahahaha
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
Bobo: You guys did great on this! So much laughter, love, and heartbreak. Ooooh, and fanart/cameos/shipping/etc.
..........and naked you.
is that who that is? I thought it was Seth Rogen.
Bobo is there something you're not telling us
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Dumorte's avatar
9 years ago
Bobo: You guys did great on this! So much laughter, love, and heartbreak. Ooooh, and fanart/cameos/shipping/etc.
..........and naked you.
is that who that is? I thought it was Seth Rogen.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Jackster's avatar
9 years ago
Bobo: You guys did great on this! So much laughter, love, and heartbreak. Ooooh, and fanart/cameos/shipping/etc.
..........and naked you.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Rose's avatar
9 years ago
You guys did great on this! So much laughter, love, and heartbreak. Ooooh, and fanart/cameos/shipping/etc.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Brentony's avatar
9 years ago
I love this, I love all of this.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Video320's avatar
9 years ago
Haha, that was all great you guys!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Flutterbyes's avatar
9 years ago
Project idea: Ikea still sells some variation on that weird heart-with-arms cushion. Buy it. Cut an arm off. Sew or glue on some leaves and seeds, apply cool shades. DEPLOY DALE.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Sean's avatar
9 years ago
Flutterbyes: Going by the cameos, Dale was the true star of Valentine's Day. Whoever starts selling Dale body pillows will make a fortune.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
PyrasTerran: realizing that i've got my fingers dipped in more than one of these pages and lots of collabing with both story and work so lemme break it down for anyone interested in knowing: Page 6: lines by PyrasTerran colors by Julz Page 20: lines by PyrasTerran colors by TDK (full page of digital congrats) Page 40: all me Page 44: drawing/layout by Julz colors by PyrasTerran
well great coloring ^^
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
9 years ago
realizing that i've got my fingers dipped in more than one of these pages and lots of collabing with both story and work so lemme break it down for anyone interested in knowing: Page 6: lines by PyrasTerran colors by Julz Page 20: lines by PyrasTerran colors by TDK (full page of digital congrats) Page 40: all me Page 44: drawing/layout by Julz colors by PyrasTerran
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Dumorte's avatar
9 years ago
I have no idea what is happening but I LOVE IT ALL
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE's avatar
Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE
9 years ago
I think one of my pages that got uploaded was the different one from the final one, but here is the alternative if anyone is interested:
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
Flutterbyes: Going by the cameos, Dale was the true star of Valentine's Day. Whoever starts selling Dale body pillows will make a fortune.
..... * celestial chorus* ....YOU GENIUS !
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Flutterbyes's avatar
9 years ago
Going by the cameos, Dale was the true star of Valentine's Day. Whoever starts selling Dale body pillows will make a fortune.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Iced Tea's avatar
Iced Tea
9 years ago
Blup nvm love you all
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
^^this was fun ! Angus and Dr Fabulous gave such a marvelous party...... WHY WERE THEY VOMITING !!!!!!!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Minteh's avatar
9 years ago
THOSE THUMBS LOL. I haven't even read this yet, I just had to say something about it
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Kozispoon's avatar
9 years ago
Omigosh, how fun was this? I am SO GLAD this has turned into an unofficial tradition. May the entire site congregate to create fantastic comic bashes! :D ... And then have them covered in thumbnails of Bobo nudez XDDD Also, I said I'd be commenting on all the pages in this battle and I intend to do just that. Brace yourselves! ROFLQU- A round of applause for you and this rad collaboration comic idea. Who knew Dr. Fabulous would come back and be the master of ceremonies for such rad parties? Way to bring the community together for something totally fun, dude. Its obvious this lineless style you trot out during these holiday comics are becoming something of a signature. Its a look that's simple, fun and cute to boot. Not to mention the added animations are side splittingly funny. VOID Grindr?? Love it. You had me at Passionrat41 being too old. Also, may you forever cram in a goodnatured jab at Ivan with his constant utterance of 'shit' MORTOONCIAN- After a second read through, I am really enjoying the fact your pages weren't back to back. It really gives a sense that the events from page to page took time to get to. Jiko actually had a grand old time with her boyfriend impostor. O am going full girl with this, but I loved Jiko's dress for the party. I doubly loved all the sneak peeks you offered as well so I was able to USE said dress in my own pages! It was a charming link that further helped to make this whole thing feel kinda linear and in the same universe. It was a clever move to use that photograph of days gone by as a bit of a hint as to the suspicious nature of this gnetleman caller. The reveal as to Audrey up to her usual shenanigans ended it on a rather bittersweet note which I feel is totally in line with your comic aesthetic. Bravo! VIDEO- I went into this assuming these would just be fun fluff comics from people, but you took this in a whole and delightfully new direction. Talk about some character development! I'm impressed all you needed was two pages for me to not only get to know your character so much better, but feel my heart tugged by May Wu. Also the establishment of her friendship/relationship with Itami is so well portrayed here. Honestly these two pages alone leave me wanting to see more of May Wu. More battles from you please! PYRAS- I...I really don't know what to say. I'm sure this is humor fully enjoyed by folks here, but its not for me. UNDERWOOD- You craaaazy so and so. TEN pages! You sir, are an utter beast. We see you mosey off to hibernate from creative endeavors and you come back with a vengeance. Bravo! I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing Dr. Fabulous and Angus just being bros. Their bromance, out of all the ships in this Valentines Day collab has to be my fav. That Fabulous hugging Angus round the middle just gave me the biggest smile. Also, nice job breaking the fourth wall a bit with Angus taking a dig at none other than yourself over why he's been absent. Major luls over Angus' big shaved smooth reveal. He's so criminally handsome it makes me wanna slap my momma. A perfect host for the shipping game! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing Mr. Creamy in this. You have such a knack for utilizing him in a way that makes my skin crawl. That single elongated finger scratching the panel borders- I gots chills! RADJI- Dang, Kurt. Way to bring down the room. XD Artful words I'm afraid are lost on my non speaking brain, though it was a nice touch having Angus sooorta kinda give us non natives the gist of what was said. Now someone give that weeping Fabulous a hug! BRENTONY- I gotta say right off the bat your backgrounds had me in stitches. The huge painting of Dr. Fabulous channeling his inner Marilyn Monroe complete with signature boa is so ridiculous. Ridiculous yet perfect. I could tell you had fun designing all the decorations and look to this interior for the party. Also Mimi handing out balloon hearts? So charming! Unless they're sausage link hearts. In which case, delicious! I can't get enough of seeing flashbacks of Babs when she was a pock marked glasses wearing larvae. Despite being a knockout now, its funny to see her still deeply affected by her childhood. Also, maybe this was just me, but with all the fecal talk, I could've sworn that thing Babs is embracing in the last panel was an oversized turd XD TDK- Its clear you decided to do away with the party aspect and narrow your page down to just a 'meanwhile, somewhere else in void' moment. Or maybe not? I can't quite tell as these folks are just chilling in literal pink space. Still, what a rather fitting Valentines Day gift, no? HATS- I can't get over how your style for Nana comics just oozes Sunday funnies vibes. I feel I've gone from a void battle to the Sunday paper. Also, I agree with literally everybody. Those stickers need to become a reality. I wanna stick 'em all over my trapper keeper. This single page was just all kindsa sugary sweet- and you can't get much sweeter than Nana and Dolly GPS- Dr. Fibrin is feeling the spirit of the season and turned into Oprah! You get a clone heart! YOU get a clone heart! Everybody gets a cloned heart! I am loving the expressions on Wizz and Millers faces. Fibrin, you so cray cray NYASUU- Oh lawd. The rainbows. The anime pillows, the Miller time buff-i-tude. The utter ridiculousness that is Josuu kills me every time. Haha, Nutty lookin' all satisfied with a cigar as he holds his pillow bae has to be my favorite bit. To be continued with part 2!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Stormcrow's avatar
9 years ago
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Jackster's avatar
9 years ago
Shen: Everything is canon now. EvErYtHiNg.
Dolly Approved.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Coatl's avatar
9 years ago
Ladies (and gentlemen, i guess) you see Bobo, here? Now tell your boo to step up!!!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

lanternlovers's avatar
9 years ago
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
This was a load of fun lol GOOD JOB, TEAM! these were fantastic! So many different ships being thrown around- lol Gray arrived with Hunter and somehow ends up with Mr creamy and/or Birb (best otp), Miller getting all the catgirl action in the room, the hilariously coincidental running gag of Jiko getting her shit shredded (and Dr Fibrin sweeping up)- I laughed myself blind at so many of these! As Patron Saint of Shipping, APPARENTLY (thanks, Underwood XD), I BLESS ALL OF THESE WITH MY HEAVENLY GRACES. Everything is canon now. EvErYtHiNg.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Sean's avatar
9 years ago
I loved participating in this and reading everyones comic!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Qyzex's avatar
9 years ago
I never would have expected a Slime cameo! Nice, Jackster! Excellent job, everyone!
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
Hey, thanks a lot for joining in everyone. I hope this is a sign of good things to come. Great job again.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

Orion's avatar
9 years ago
you thought we wouldn't see but we did.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
Where did this come from? Delete this.
Posted on The Valentine's Party 2016 battle