I like how you use colors for every character, in particular on the third page. Changing a character's color so significantly on the second page does throw it off a little though.
cool wondered wheather you would use this character actually.
so this was a fun read. i really like the use of colours. its simplistic but works. the sky could have used some clouds probably to make it less empty but its all very simple so its fine. page two panel 3 could have wored better with a background colour i think. being the only panel without a bg this looks just like you forgot it.
when it comes to backgrounds i would love to see a little more structure in them. the shabby town looks shabby sure and thats good but some of the lines are a little too careless. page 4 panel 3 would have been good with a little effort but this is sadly a letdown being part of the comics conclusion.
kurt looks like a total badass. maybe even overpowered but his performance is funny that way so i think i actually like it.
overall its a fun comic with a little much carelessness here and there. though for what it was probably meant to be its pretty cool.
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