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Comments (4)

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
First off, grats on busting out a 24 page comic in 24 hours! WOWZA! It's a challenge for all of us every year, but only a few truly manage to bust it out. Go you! That said, I am all about visual storytelling in comics where the art itself tells more of the story than word bubbles ever can. Though, I have to echo William Duel in that some of your pages leave things unclear. Calling this comic Raconteur is really ambitious, and some pages succeeded, but overall, I think the comic missed the mark of living up to its title. Also, I know you were super pressed for time on this, but the chant text you do have (like the years, etc) are so crudely scribbled I can't tell what they really say. Still, this was a fascinating little history lesson from the personal viewpoints of the characters who were there to see it.
Posted on 24 HOURS COMIC 2016 battle

William_Duel's avatar
8 years ago
Hm an oral telling of the history between France and Algeria. It's an interesting experiment. I feel like some parts aren't super clear but it works fine for the most part. On page 6, is the storytelling comparing the french to a chicken? Is that the analogy? I am a little unclear there. Also without knowing much of this history between the two countries, page 13 is also unclear to me. We see the family having moved from Algeria to France but I don't understand what the passage of time means. In the present there is only the child without his parents. Were they killed? Were they immigrants who were sent back? I'm also unclear on the message here. It has taken me a few reads but I feel like the story is not clear without close examination and multiple reads. Interesting subject matter and experiment though.
Posted on 24 HOURS COMIC 2016 battle

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE: Ce est sublime. Tres bien.
thanks ^^i was soooo dead while drawing the last three pages
Posted on 24 HOURS COMIC 2016 battle

Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE's avatar
Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE
8 years ago
Ce est sublime. Tres bien.
Posted on 24 HOURS COMIC 2016 battle