Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark
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Uploaded February 04, 2016
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Comments (18)

Hobbittasic's avatar
8 years ago
Hey I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who commented and voted! I'm happy that my mystery girl intrigued people (wish I could do a whole series about them ;-;) I liked her being one of those confusing "is she real?" characters and really wanted to do a "Mirror Mask" kind of thing. Sorry you've been mia !Bang! but thank you for letting me battle you again so I could finally do this comic idea.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
Oh my gosh I feel so bad I didn't even notice the head sizes until now lol oh noooo. But I'm happy people are liking the story I was so worried about my writing.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Julz's avatar
9 years ago
I noticed the heads thing but wow!! What a cool story!!! Really digging this.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
9 years ago
Hobbittastic: This comic is such a huge step for you, with the story, the colors, you really should be proud. You're one of the artists here that seems to be always growing with each new comic. The first two pages are alittle TOO dark, I would have added at least one or two ambient lights from the city that hilight his body a bit more to break out from the darkness. On some monitors it could be even harder to see what's going on. When we get to his subconscious, having the simple colored shapes from far away is fine, but on page 3 when we zoom in to Holden by the tree, you should add details to the leaves, not just the trunk. Your head sizes vary alot, this is actually one of your weaknesses you really want to work on; your colors and lines are too good to be marred by the wonky proportions. Pages 13-16: Streets are dirty, the best way for you to add real life to your roads and sidewalks is to just randomly add specs and scratches and cracks. Even if it's just a single color shade, adding these things will really mask that. Hey look no narrative critiques, that's how good your story is! Keep on flying!!
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
Glo!! Yeah now that it's pointed out there are a bunch of big heads; didn't even notice! Honestly even with my extension I worked up until the last hour (I always feel so self conscience uploading that late like the mods can see me rushing). The haziness became an accidental cool since it was a fix for needing detail fast but I ended up really liking it but the backgrounds really do need more. The last day I was telling the boyfriend how even though I know the perspective is better, they still felt weird and it wasn't until Shen said "but somehow the backgrounds always seem kinda blank even when they aren't" because that's exactly how I was trying to explain how I felt about them. Thank you so much bb =3=
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

G.Lo's avatar
9 years ago
Hobbitts- You and your lovely colors I SWEAR. I really like that you're experimenting with panel shapes and sizes. The flow that you have going helps ease through the pages, it doesn't feel monotonous. Also I LOVE that you put little details in your landscapes like the lampost and plant pot. It just makes the background stand out just a little more and really makes a setting. So keep doing that. It's good shit. I thought it was clear that we were in a dream world of some sort due to the total shift to pastel colors, but I agree with Kozi that something felt like it was missing. I see that you did try to add some haziness but I think because a lot of the shading looks pretty soft in that scenery anyway, it doesn't really stand out. Maybe different panel border colors?? I ono. Some proportions look a teensy bit off- you've got the big head tiny body thing going in some panels which looks a liiiitle rushed. I love your experiments. Keep up with it! I think if you read this a couple more times, yeah, there are still some questions that could have probably been set up to be answered, but I think you can answer a lot of what was questioned HERE by just noticing how everyone is interacting with everything/everyone. KEEP KICKIN' BUTT YO.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
Kozi- Thanks! Actually his face has a glow because he has a lit joint in his mouth. And as for context clues I did add a number count to the tree where Holden wakes up but I think that got super lost if you didn't notice it (next time i'll add some louder stuff if it's going unnoticed as is). Thanks so much for the crit you bring up a lot of good points! This very much was an experiment in something different and I'm glad it's getting a decent reception but also yes please let me know what isn't working.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Kozispoon's avatar
9 years ago
HOBBITASTIC- You busted your butt (and ribs!) and it shows. This is definitely a departure from your usual humor. It's nice to see you put so much focus on your opponents character and explore some of his inner demons. It starts off with the usual silliness with him drunk, but that panel where he stares up into the night sky with tears in his eyes was really poignant. Really set the mood for when he goes into his dream. I'll have to agree with some of the comments you've gotten in that those first two pages are DARK. You started off great with that hint of rim lightning on Holdens face, but I feel the rest of his body goes on ignored by the reflective light as does his environment. Is it moonlight illuminating his face? Street lights? An inner glow? You can't really tell as is. I'll admit, while I get the dreamscape environments, it felt like it needed just a bit more punching up. You're there with the colors, but perhaps some haziness, or unfocused feel to show it was a dream? Though I got the idea after we see Holden waking up. Still though, wonderful job on her expressions. You could really pick up her inner conflict throughout the conversation with Holden. I especially dig the grimace/wince on page 10. I had so many questions about this dream girl elf as she DID look alot like Boom/Meredith and while you answered some questions in the below comments, they should've been answered in your comic. Adding some preamble to some of the events definitely would've cleared some things up. Like, perhaps before Holden spots her, she would mutter to herself something about this being a repeat encounter. I think small context clues like that would add further impact to scenes like her next to the marks in the tree because as it stands, I was utterly lost.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
This was my original idea our last match around the time when the Void fusions happened. And you're not too far off Shen! She's basically a reoccurring dream, the numbers are how many times he's been there, and she's his subconscious in cute girl/guardian angel form. I had to make sure she didn't look like older Boom because her appearance is purely suppose to be coincidence. But yeah the backgrounds on one hand are getting better as I'm learning perspective but I really hurt myself (no really I threw out my back yesterday finishing the comic IT WAS FUN >:C notreally) so a lot of detail got cut. If I had another few days I would have added sidewalk imperfections, shading and some lighting in the city parts more like how the beginning was BUT THAT'S NEITHER HERE NOR THERE. Thank you Shen! Just happy I got to do this comic idea because I think it's something different story wise of me and wanted to see how that was received. !Bang! what happened?! I'm crushed
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
BANG!! what happened?? this is the second time youve defaulted on poor Hobbit! I was so excited to read this one too T.T Im 1000 years of sad. Hobbit: HAAHHH thanks for the shippy cameos! XD So what does Boomeredith represent? maybe his self preservation? Is she just some guardian angel? Do the girls have anything to do with it, or is that just the form she takes? Did he manifest it himself? whats with the numbers on the tree at the end? so many questions about this mystery spirit! You always have such GORGEOUS colours and thats what I love most about your comics! but somehow the backgrounds always seem kinda blank even when they arent? maybe its all the gradient, or a lack of any shadows and highlights... maybe a texture would help idk. The heads you draw tend to get kinda big but the faces are always so expressive so thats always fun. This was a lovely, sad, mysterious story! Great job!
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Kozispoon's avatar
9 years ago
This is the battle we didn't know we wanted. *-*
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
FIVE MORE HOURS *vibrates with excitement*
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
So close to being done but I can't wait for the comics to go live!! Thank you for the rematch!
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
I extended it because I want to fully color and detail this comic IT HAS TO BE PERFECT
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
i know i already commented BUT I FEEL LIKE I CANT HYPE THIS ENOUGH
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

!bangarang!'s avatar
9 years ago
It's about to get mischievous up in here.
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
OH, REMATCH!! Im so excited for this!! I can't wait to see what greatness we missed out on last time!
Posted on Boom and Meredith vs Holden Shark battle