Intro Story
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Uploaded December 15, 2015
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Comments (8)

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
shaneoid: Fantastic work, I loved the energy your art gives off, looking forward to seeing more
Thank you my english friend ^^ We should do a match with your roidmantis Wen i finish up m'y match with Dr fabulous^^
Posted on Intro Story battle

shaneoid's avatar
9 years ago
Fantastic work, I loved the energy your art gives off, looking forward to seeing more
Posted on Intro Story battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
JoeNeary: I think I disagree with Roflqu! So I just wanted to say, there is a real sense of fun to your Art. It has a Squee/JTHM (Jhonen VAsquez), Orc Stain (James Stokoe- formerly of Void), One Piece (Eiichiro Oda) and Dungeon (Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim) vibe going for it. ANd I love all those comics, so I'm a fan! Welcome to Void! :D
I am VERY impressed by your observations skills. But thanks, and you're right, vasquez and Oda are my heroes
Posted on Intro Story battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
[quote] Also, fonts are your friend. You can use myscript font to make your own easily, or you can find tons online for free ; ) make sure your comics are easy for your readers to read! Can't wait to see this cool duo in battle! i am currently doing that.
Posted on Intro Story battle

Pocketmouse's avatar
9 years ago
Woah! Robot!! Yes please!!! Welcome to Void! Really enjoying your character concepts and designs so far, and intrigued to see how they'll fare in battle, so make sure you hop into a fight quickly; ) Feedback wise I'm not sold on your colouring yet. Your colour choices seem a little conflicted and too focused on local colours e.g. page one the panel foreground and backgournds are harmonious, but your character's don't seem to be a part of that same world. In also going to second previous comments about the backgrounds. A little effort into your bgs will send your comics a long way. Also, fonts are your friend. You can use myscript font to make your own easily, or you can find tons online for free ; ) make sure your comics are easy for your readers to read! Can't wait to see this cool duo in battle!
Posted on Intro Story battle

EyeAmPhibian's avatar
9 years ago
I think I disagree with Roflqu! I love that you're using colours and think that your use of blacks and colours together, though not perfectly harmonious, its a pretty good starting point. I think if in the long run you would like to use colour frequently then keep bashing away at it, and don't decide to just stick to black and white and then add colour in afterwards. I think you'll see more progress if they develop simultaneously. If though, you are more about telling stories. And quickly. Then sure, go ahead, abandon colour. And just focus on black and white. (It doesn't necessarily mean it will end up being quicker though, some back and white artists have to overcompensate with their amount of detail to make up for the lack of tone and colour). I'm probably just confusing the shit out of you, So I just wanted to say, there is a real sense of fun to your Art. It has a Squee/JTHM (Jhonen VAsquez), Orc Stain (James Stokoe- formerly of Void), One Piece (Eiichiro Oda) and Dungeon (Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim) vibe going for it. ANd I love all those comics, so I'm a fan! Welcome to Void! :D
Posted on Intro Story battle

Radji's avatar
9 years ago
GOD DAMN IT ROFLQU: Hey there, welcome! I like your heavy blacks, you should try your hand to doing just those when you get your first battle perhaps. As nice as the full color is, I think they're not exactly doing you any real favors by having them be just flat. I think you either need some simple shadows or to go full on with black and white and boost up your line-work. I would consider improving your line-widths to give your characters more depth as well. I appreciate how simplistic Kurt and Dot are compared to the mutant barbarian, it reminds me of Jeff Smith's Bone. They have a fun design and I think they are a cute pair. However, based on what I think you want the tone to be for these two in your comics, you're going to want to take some extra care into your backgrounds, because they're probably the weakest link in these two pages. Overall, it's nice to see new blood on the site, I hope to see you battling soon on here! Good work!
hey man, i greatly appreciated your critiques and made notes. To be honest, i'm more of a Black and White guy. Still working on backgrounds tho.
Posted on Intro Story battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
Hey there, welcome! I like your heavy blacks, you should try your hand to doing just those when you get your first battle perhaps. As nice as the full color is, I think they're not exactly doing you any real favors by having them be just flat. I think you either need some simple shadows or to go full on with black and white and boost up your line-work. I would consider improving your line-widths to give your characters more depth as well. I appreciate how simplistic Kurt and Dot are compared to the mutant barbarian, it reminds me of Jeff Smith's Bone. They have a fun design and I think they are a cute pair. However, based on what I think you want the tone to be for these two in your comics, you're going to want to take some extra care into your backgrounds, because they're probably the weakest link in these two pages. Overall, it's nice to see new blood on the site, I hope to see you battling soon on here! Good work!
Posted on Intro Story battle