Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1
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Uploaded June 09, 2015
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Comments (8)

Kozispoon's avatar
9 years ago
SHOULDACOULDACOLA- Everyone has been saying your comic was cute and fun, and while it was, considering what I usually expect from void battles, I'm a bit thrown. That's not to say thinking outside the box is a bad thing, I guess I'm just one of those chumps who doesn't get it. :/ RIKUN- Interesting story you had going here! It's a shame your quality took a dive around the last pages. I'm guessing you were pressed for time. I don't have intense hate for the soft brush as Neens does, but I see her point in possibly changing it up. Soft brush does little to make your pages look finished. If anything they look like sketch pages, waiting to be properly inked. I've seen the soft brush used successfully (like here ), but when you compare your pages to it, you can see how yours are pretty bare. I do think your strength here is your story. I got a good laugh over your motorcycling pair busting through a horde of zombies with body bits flying everywhere. Also a brick driving? glorious.
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

neens's avatar
9 years ago
Cola: I actually really liked this! cute and different. though, it does feel a bit lacking due to the shortness of it. Rikun: I haaate the soft brush. sorry, but it looks bad. the giant page is hurting you a lot too. you got a ways to go still, but it's good to see you got a bit more done!
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
Shouldacouldacola: It's cool seeing you come back for some more silliness as you did with Cat Suit. I thought your angle of Hobo taking the show and doing stuff was a lot of fun and this comic was just amusing. It reminded me of your Dream Comic you did on here. No real critiques for something that seemed just to be for fun for you, what you had was just fun. Rikun: Good to see you deliver a complete story more or less. Certainly a bit sketchy, but otherwise you're in business here. I think I'd be more or less willing to accept your line-work if you were more confident in using greys or blacks. Not being solid kind of hurts the look of this, such as when you've got the zombie getting shot on page 4. That's a great looking head shot, but it feels weaker because you don't commit to using an actual solid black I think. Same can be said on the previous page when hitting the zombies with the bike or when using the shadows on some of the other ones. That sketchy kind of look is just sort of weak to me and I think using that soft brush makes your greys look kind of frail when you have all these small splotches of white within them. I liked your story despite the simplicity towards the end and your anatomy and posing is looking better. Estrella, the poses on page 2 with Madelyn and Brick, and Madelyn's sniper shot on page 4 were kind of stand outs to me. The anatomy portions that need some work is your silhouettes which are overly simplistic, all the zombies being rendered as mere stick-figures and nothing with any real complexity. You final page Hobo is also really weak feeling to me and looks almost like the dog is wearing shoes because of how you drew it. Maybe spend some time developing dog anatomy and see how that feels later. You really need to get a program where you don't have such a messy clean-up period, because you have lines going into your word bubbles and you're not working traditional here. That just seems crazy that should even happen at all to me. Maybe your process is putting them in "harm's way"? Overall, it's a good effort and good practice. I think you're learning and improving as you go and whether you make it or not in this tournament, I hope your next effort is even better than this.
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

Animeshen's avatar
9 years ago
These are such very different comics its hard to judge! Cola you seem to have a surrealist thing going on, its like a dream sequence lol! Theres not much too it, I imagine you were busy but what you have is cute and entertaining! Rikun, the quality loses at the end but the biggest trouble was that one oversized page because its such a plot important page, it took me two read throughs to see Brick was putting a lit match in the gas tank and exploding Madelyn lol but I do like him stealing Hobo at the end and riding him away, what a heartless bastard! I think this was a cute story, its too bad you didnt have time to draw it how you wanted it to look! and thanks for the Lily cameo! her expression cracks me up!
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

Qyzex's avatar
9 years ago
Cola: I laughed. It was cute and fun. Time restraints I assume are why the quality is quite low, though. Was cute and enjoyable though Rikun: Your quality ended up taking a dip (and of course, the unsized page doesn't help) but it was a neat idea and while it was hard to figure out because of the quality, the ending was humorous
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

Rikun's avatar
9 years ago
always cutting it close, but there we go. Good luck.
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

ShouldaCouldaCola's avatar
9 years ago
The deed is done.
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle

Qyzex's avatar
9 years ago
Brick, meet dog! Good luck!
Posted on Speed Resurrection Tournament 2015: Round 1 battle