Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1
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Comments (16)

Pennydox's avatar
11 years ago
Looks like the both of you really put a lot of effort into details. Charlie: Seems you ran out of time a little. But I kinda liked the unfinished stuff a lot, and something about those doodles felt like they had more action/emotion put in them than the finished work, that looked beautiful and solid, but kinda loses that effect (might be the shading, but I don't want you to get rid of that). It's kind of hard to understand some of what's going on here because of extreme contrast of visuals from foreground and background. It's really tricky with your shading style. I can't say if making the background darker would be a good choice, or making the background lighter would do it either, but try it anyways? Maybe sticking thicker outlines between foreground and background could work. Sorry, this is from my lack of experience on this stuff, and I already love the way you work your art ^_^; CultmasterFlex: I can see lots of details worked in the drawings! Linework seems a little edgy, and I am guessing it's the scanner's problem. I am not digging the oddly shaped panels too much. It makes sense to cut off the panels, but the shape of them is a bit distracting. On page five, the order of reading it was tricky for me. I think you shouldn't make the panels so slanted (keep them less than a fourty degree angle on the slants). And with slanted panels, I think it would be better if they're connected to each other (no gaps inbetween panels). Usually slanted panels indicate an action that closely follows the previous panel, and gaps often determine the time it takes from one panel to the next. So if a slanted panel isn't close to the next panel, it's like a conflicting idea where an action is suddenly following another, but feels like there's a time gap inbetween. Not always true, but definitely shows that issue in this comic.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Energy's avatar
11 years ago
Jax - pretty good effort. All I can say, really, is that it could have been a bit more polished. Flex - You could improve upon your anatomy and your backgrounds a little.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
11 years ago
Thanks Puzzle - and yeah I didn't mean to have her as a silhouette as much. Most of this comic really ended up becoming Ferdinand and Lucius centric than anything else, kinda the way the story rolled out. I did mean to draw Strawbriana a lot more instead of those silhouette pieces (in fact a lot of the black silhouettes in general were simply due to lack of time). I even had high hopes to colour the thing but I had a lot going on for the week heh. But honestly dude - you're the one I'm afraid of most if I were to progress. If anyone is gonna curbstomp anyone else it's you :P
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Charlie - You're totally one of the dudes I'm afraid will just curbstomp me the moment we get in a fight. I was overjoyed hearing that you're getting an amazing job ( Congratulations you totally deserve it!), because that meant you'd have less time for SDT and maybe I'd be able to beat you when we fought! BUT YOU HAVE DESTROYED THAT HOPE. This is a great comic dude, and it's crazy you can just pull this stuff out when so much is going on. I think you have an amazing sense of balance when it comes to blacks and whites, and your art is so dynamic and clear. The story was also great fun, I loved Lucius and how obsessed he was with the marriage, it kinda reminds me of Ranma 1/2 hahaha. I think Strawbriana falling through the window offscreen is pretty funny, but I feel like it's impact was lessened because I saw so little of the character in the comic. Like I saw her so little I couldn't get a clear picture in my mind of her falling. I think even just drawing her out whenever she pops up in the background, instead of those silhouettes, would've helped alot. Cultmasterflex - It's super ambitious of you to try and tell a longer overarching story during SDT, especially a sort of epic, action driven story, since that stuff can be so hard to draw on a time limit (at least for me). You're doing a wonderful job really tying your opponents character into your own, that sort of adaption to the other fighter is one of the best things on void. Your characters are good and solid, and I really like that you're keeping the posing lively and fresh, but your backgrounds are kind of bare. I know it's super hard to do anything involved on such a crazy time limit, but all you really need to do is establish something simple to get context and mood going. Like there's a panel where I can see the throne, and there's some drapery. That stuff is perfect, I think with just drapery and maybe some classic pillars you could've broken up the white void without impacting your drawing time too much.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

cultmasterflex's avatar
11 years ago
yea i guess that was a slight oversight or i didnt wanna change the character too much plus GILFs are hot lol
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
11 years ago
I am glad you noticed that T Bobo!! I wanted to hide a lot more little things in the comic but I had no time haha. Thanks to you too Julz (and the fact that you liked the humor too I don't usually write funny stuff very often)!
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Rose's avatar
11 years ago
CHARLIE YOU SCOUNDREL I SEE WHAT YOU DID T I absolutely LOVE your style, and I think you did a great job of making a comprehensible comic in the time you had. Obviously not complete or polished, but entertaining and easy to read. I want more! Cult: Okay, can I just say that I love how Ailie is still wearing skimpy clothing even though she's super old now? That made my day. However, the overall story didn't make a lot of sense to me, and... no one died? I don't get it. Interesting plot, though; I'm interested to read more if you make it through to round 2. Keep it up!
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

cultmasterflex's avatar
11 years ago
yea shes supposed to be old this is supposed to take place 70 years from now lol thanks tho dude
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Julz's avatar
11 years ago
Charlie- Despite that you don't think it was all that great, I got a big kick out of the humor!! I really liked the flow of it all and what you had finished was really solid. Given you work slow and you only had a week, I'd say this was quite well done :DD cultmasterflex- you know at the end when the guy says this isn't over I expected there would be more pages for some reason.Felt like it stopped a little short, I wanna know what happens D:And you make Ailie look really old. She has all those lines like crow feet around her eyes. Little things I guess, not a big deal. Would have loved to see some color. That would have really made things pop. Good comic though, interesting read.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
11 years ago
Ehh, don't expect something sick. I did mine all throughout the day. I had it sketched up near the start of this, but then I got super busy! Even if I die expect 2 see my characters in some form or another again down the road. I knew round 1 was gonna be a pain in the ass for me xD;
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

cultmasterflex's avatar
11 years ago
well ive uploaded might still try and finish some of this color but i dont think itll happen im tired. Oh well best of luck dude, im sure youll have something sick.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
11 years ago
Hey man I wouldn't count yourself out and I am glad you won't go down without a fight! Just as a heads up I am kinda far behind on where I wanted to be, but a very real - and very exciting opportunity has presented itself to me within the last few weeks that is starting to gain some traction so its eaten up some time this week. I do plan on turning in all the same, but in the event that things get too crazy and I don't turn in much - that'd be why. ALL THE SAME I still plan to hand in full quality pages as it stands - it is my intention to do so anyway as I really want to do this tournament solidly :). This is just sort of a heads up.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

cultmasterflex's avatar
11 years ago
thanks everyone i was hoping to make it pass the first round lol oh well i wont go down without a fight
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
11 years ago
Ahh Puzzle, I dunno about 'the best comics' (but damn that means a lot to me) but I'll definitely try and make it as far as I can :D. If I die how about I just draw your character anyway? Good luck Cult!! Can't wait to see your side.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Charlie you make like the best comics dude. If I can just last long enough in the tournament to get you to draw my character I'll die happy! Don't think that means I don't wanna see your stuff too Cult! Any comic with a marmalade powered magician is totally gonna be amazing.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle

Zest's avatar
11 years ago
Yesssss dis gun b gud.
Posted on Prettiest Princess Tournament, Round 1 battle