Thanks you everyone for your comments :) I really appreciate it! There's a lot of stuff here that I can look into and improve for sure, some of it previously known, others not so much. There was one or two things my proofreader Evi also told me about that I stubbornly left in thinking they would be fine (those are the things that got brought up most, ha).
All in all, thank you, and I look forward to getting into a battle with this guy soon :)
Those flowers man. I kept going back to the flowers and how well they were drawn. does that make me girly?
Such a dark intro- which, when you think about it, makes this guy a perfect candidate for VOID. Also talk about ironic that the wreck happened due to an argument over a seat belt. I do wish the 'crash' panel looked more dynamic. It looked more like he was overcome with grief than being ejected from a crashed vehicle. All in all though your pages look promising. Looking forward to your first battle!
Nice overall start. Since I didn't read anything previous such as a character sheet, it makes me wonder how someone like him will fair in Void. Let's see some battles!
Now I feel depressed. I guess that means you did a good job. My heart is now inextricable connected with your character. I can't wait to see more!
PS--I want to battle you after gregly and I win the TTT.
Aww man what a waste of a mazda haha. Well I agree with Lefred. Page 2 panel 1 and 2 do not need to be split like that. It really does make his mother's arm look really long. I do enjoy the emotion and the pace. Hope to see more corn!
You got some nice stuff. I like the story, makes me feel bad for the poor little dude.
But you've also got issues.
1-In the first panel, Cornelius' head looks like it's slightly off from his neck. Then in the last panel of that page, the mom is just so straight it's weird and she's got her mouth closed and a neutral expresion; So no indication that she is saying what she's supposed to be saying. She's all like "I'm just fake driving yo, so don't bother me"
2-First of all, do you really need to split that first panel in two? because it all seems to be happening in the same space and time. And the mom now has a giant long arm. Pro tip: people can lean to reach things. Not only does it make more sense, but it's also more dynamic, and that panel could really use some more of that to justify the resulting crash. The whell in the next panel could also be turned more, right now the car is spinning out of control straight ahead... The third panel is an interesting choice, not sure how effective it is, though. There is no sense of what happened, except for the SMASH behind him, but that's not very legible. And if what you wanted was to create a sense of the confusion of the crash, then it wasn't enough.
3-I like.
4-The expresion of sadness is just kind of weird. I know that's a though one. Then on the threadmill, he has inherited his mother's beautiful long arm. I love the card that says "don't go home" and the last line. It makes me want to know what he's going to do next.
Overall, good job. You've got my interest.
Comments (9)