Itami vs Lilyfeather
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Uploaded February 11, 2013
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Comments (8)

Kozispoon's avatar
12 years ago
RIKUN- I think I'll have to echo William_Duel on this one in terms of quality. The few pages you had in your last battle with Hakase & Kuno left me hopeful because they were really good, but this battle as a whole seems like it was drawn by a different artist. :? ANIMESHEN- When it comes to entertaining battles you definitely do not disappoint. You have a real talent with taking a plot point and condensing it into an enjoyable four page comic without needing to skimp on things like flavor or entrtainment. four pages! Its like a sequential amuse bouche. :D This was a great glimpse into Lilyfeathers talent and relationship with her zombie horde. Making them play hairdresser was too adorable. I will agree that I wish the quality was tightened up because it looks like some of the graphite on your sketches make your pages look dirty. Have you tried sketching out your comics with a blue pencil?
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

William_Duel's avatar
12 years ago
Rikun, your last comic with Itami versus Hakase and Kuno was actually of a much better quality despite being only two pages compared to these four with more story. I don't know if you were trying to match the cartoony style of your opponent but I feel as if it hindered your efforts. Maybe you can do better with a longer deadline? I don't think you should take on shorter deadlines when your recent history has shown that you can't deal. Animeshen, I like your expressions and how much more consistent your comic is. The colors I find to be a bit oversaturated, it would be nice to reel that in a bit. I like the dynamic almost fluid movements of your characters but on page 2, I'm a bit bothered by the anatomy of Itami's kick on the bottom. Her legs look very stiff for such a fluid kick. I think her leg needed to be connected to her pelvis at a higher level. And naturally some more foreshortening practice would have helped. Here is a great reference pic I found off of google: Otherwise keep at it, Lilyfeather is definitely a character everyone wants to see more of.
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Iced Tea's avatar
Iced Tea
12 years ago
I really like the facial expressions in both your comics! Rikun: I wouldn't have thought Lily would call a person those names :s But I liked that you had her summon a jiang-shi, it was an excellent spin on her zombie-summoning powers haha. Nice touch with the Sailor Moon reference~ Shen: To be honest, I was worried Paul was going to try to nom on Lily's head, until I realized he really was just brushing her hair. The park bench disappeared on page 3... (but I'm not sure I should be one to say things like this lol)
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Rose's avatar
12 years ago
Shen: CUUUUTE! Lilyfeather is now one of my favorite characters ever. Oh my gosh I loved this so much! This story... I just can't say anything bad about it. Of course, I can comment that your art looked pretty unfinished, but I'm guessing you know that and just didn't have time to clean everything up. I honestly can't think of anything major to critique on this. My heart is too full of happiness from reading it. I just hope to see some more finished work in the future! :) Rikun: I liked your linework where you were able to finish it. It looks like you also got busy or something and couldn't complete your comic all the way. The story was entertaining, but I didn't get as strong of a feel for your characters as I would have liked. Lilyfeather's personality seemed out-of-character to me, almost like she was just a stock anime character from a high school drama or something. I like how you used her ability to summon an actual character from Itami's past (if I understood that correctly, anyways; it wasn't super clear to me) instead of just random zombies. That was clever! I look forward to seeing more from you! (PS--Itami totally needs to battle Ancelin sometime...)
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
12 years ago
lolI liked your expressions, Rikun! while I don't think a magical girl of love and friendship would call a woman names like "floozy" and "skank" I CAN see Lily falling for some asshole's revenge scheme if her promised her a better summon! Great comic! Thanks for fighting me! (we'll have a re-match one day that we both put a little more effort into lol!)
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Julz's avatar
12 years ago
Shen: Oh man I really liked page 4. The back and forth sorrys were adorable with those faces hehe. Extra creativity points for having zombie hairdressers. Rikun: I enjoyed much of this, and I know you had time issues, but a match is a match. The quality in the lines and the anatomy were lacking. Both a good read :D Can't wait for the rematch!
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Rikun's avatar
12 years ago
Uploaded as well. I was rushed too so don't feel bad about it either. You might very well beat me actually. Best of luck to us both, and we WILL rematch one day.
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
12 years ago
I've gone ahead and uploaded mine. I'm sorry Rikun- I know I had two weeks but I had just NO energy after Blackstripe. I'll try to make it up to you sometime.
Posted on Itami vs Lilyfeather battle