GREGLY: This comic seems to suffer from the case of context. As a new reader it felt like I needed to go scour the fighters bios and backgrounds to get who was who and why they were interacting like they were. I did however like your stark chunky lines- it felt nice and cartoony.
BL00CHIKIN- Wow! for only three pages you not only grabbed me but told a charming and complete story! I'm super impressed. I especially loved your rough 'pencily' looking inks too- it totally felt like I was ready some fancy storyboards.
Both of you had great comics! I loved each of them, although I was sad when I tried to click on page 3 of bl00's and it didn't keep going. :( Both sides were very creative, and I agree with bl00's sentiments about gregly's work. I love the cartoony style you both have. You give your characters a lot more personality than most of us, with excellent facial expressions and body language. Consider me inspired.
PS--gregly, nice to see an inked comic from you! I pictured your style to have more fine, straight line widths, though, kind of like the classic Saturday morning cartoon. Still, this looked great and I enjoyed the story!
bl00- that's no problem; everyone loves an underdog! The way you drew Gwen and Regi was awesome!
BenT_One- I'll totally have him do that in the next comic! Is it a reference to something?
Video- Thanks man!
gregly - that was fun, like a short cartoon. "You can say that again", thats a great expression. Keep up the great work!
bl00 - I don't think I've seen a comic done with the creators character actually in it. That was creative. I quite enjoyed it.
AHMAHGAAAHD GREGLY!! You know I have to say something here and now:
I ALWAYS love your comics. I'm one of those who believes that art serves the story (life) and come secondary to it, therefore I'm big on cute stories (even though i didn't come up with anything all that great this time xP) and fun-loving characters that make me laugh and quite frankly, from that perspective, wonder why you haven't won all your matches. I always feel like your work doesnt get as much credit as it deserves, like everyone here is more captivated by the way something looks rather than what it actually is (which btw, I love your adorable cartoony style <3) and if quality isn't better than the opponent's, the comic almost always loses, regardless of whether or not the writing was better (ex. like Roy's match with Otis Sinclair-- I always feel like I should have lost that one) I don't think that's entirely fair, but those are just my thoughts. Anyway, keep doing what you are doing because I LOVE IT!
Also, I sincerely hope that nothing I said was taken in a bad light <:\
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