The Death of Ted Bushberry
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Uploaded June 10, 2012
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Comments (18)

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
Fed: It's been quite the walk down memory lane to see your pages come together over the past weeks, in comparison to your opening rounds you've grown leaps and bounds. You already had all the elements- great writing, charming expressions and good storytelling abiliity. Putting more effort and adding weight to your art should just prove how much potential you have. Please don't think you didn't meet my expectations. All I ask of anyone is a willingness to put the work in to hone their craft to some degree. A willingness to accept instruction and critique is the first and most difficult step- the rest will come with time and practice. You've clearly leveled up here in terms of completeness and technique. Your linework is much improved, and for being your first hardcore inks session- you're on track to become a champ. Thanks for indulging my desire for more black, I think its a good life philosophy to incorporate for all. I am terribly saddened to see Ted go but I do hope you shall return to us soon, with an expanded bag of tricks and more of the charm that made Ted a hit.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Puddle's avatar
12 years ago
First off, BIG thanks for using Dante. Its always fun/exciting to see peoples views of your character. I enjoyed the comic, but I'm sad to see Ted go. I hope we get to see his final showdown some time!? I was expecting to see ted pop up near the end standing by his grave or something. However not seeing him just adds to the suspense and mystery of teds impending doom. Hope you don't stay characterless too long, love to see more from you.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Jetty Jay's avatar
Jetty Jay
12 years ago
Woooow this turned out so amazing! I'm honoured to have been able to help out with the script! The interruptions are hilarious, and this is a great end for Ted :)
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Video320's avatar
12 years ago
Awesome. That was sad but delightful. I really enjoyed this. The B&W showed off the tone perfectly. I can't wait to what you come up with next.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Animeshen's avatar
12 years ago
Great comic! I liked that Gravekeeper gave the eulogy! (and hey, Udeseline! Does she come around anymore?) Greta humor, great expressions and you did quite well with the use of black! I'll miss Ted! Hope you roll up another character soon!
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Kinu's avatar
12 years ago
Even though he's deader than red, I enjoyed this comic a lot. Ted might be dead, but YOUR comic making skills definitely aren't, F-ed. Looking forward to the missing link.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Gibbo's avatar
12 years ago
Aww, sombre stuff but that was a good read - sorry to see Ted go but respect to yah man, hope to see you introducing a new VOID entrant soon!
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
As this comic probably will come up while I am asleep, I will use this time to write a small eulogy for Ted and thank a few people for making this comic happen: THANKS Puddle for letting me use Dante, the Gravekeeper, so freely - I hope I managed to do him justice :) THANKS Jetster for ironing out the kinks in my dialogue And finally A HUUUGE slice of THANKS to that man TINMAN - It's been a pleasure and an honor to be in your bootcamp, even if my comic doesn't live up to your expectations (especially in regards to the "more black!" thingy :P), you've been really helpful along the way and it's been great to learn from one of the "masters". I heartily recommend everyone and anyone to join a bootcamp if you wish to improve, some of the advice these guys have is pure gold! Anyways, here's the chronologically last chapter in "the legend of Ted Bushberry" (though there's a small issue of a deathmatch still to come). This is how the story of a middle-aged, former TV-sales man who, in his mid-life crisis, lived out his childhood fantasy to be a cowboy comes to an end. I have to say I was surprised (and flattered) by the negative responses to me killing him off.. but as I explained it was always the idea from the very beginning to kill him off (unless he won the tournament, in which case he would retire to a posh apartment in the nicer area of VOID). Ted was a tournament character and without a tournament his motivation for existing disappeared. Then again, there are more tournaments to come and I have an inkling this isn't the last you will hear of Ted Bushberry. Now go ride that sunset Ted!
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
So as some of you might be aware, underwood is having an oil-change on his evil, mechanical heart* and as an unforeseen consequence the deathmatch between Ted and Angus has been postponed (Fun fact of the day: You can't get extensions on scar- or deathmatches). But don't worry kids, the battle will commence as soon as underwoods team of evil scientists believe he is fit for fight again! * This may or may not be true
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Thanan's avatar
12 years ago
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Gibbo's avatar
12 years ago
Oh wow... that's heavy!
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Video320's avatar
12 years ago
Aw man, This can't be good. Ted's one of my favs. :(
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Jetty Jay's avatar
Jetty Jay
12 years ago
I am torn between being really sad and really excited.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

GPS-Device's avatar
12 years ago
May it be a glorious tale
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Hiemie's avatar
12 years ago
I still kinda don't think you should kill him.
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Tofubeast's avatar
12 years ago
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Atomicfish's avatar
12 years ago
Wait. What? Noooooo!
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle

Con's avatar
12 years ago
*watches and waits*
Posted on The Death of Ted Bushberry battle