Shojintakaru: You've got skills, beautiful colors and pencils. I don't even mind that you alter your styles a few times, I actually thought it was intentional to the story at first- like a JH Williams III comic. But I suspect time was the true culprit. You don't leave much space for Gwen and Regi amidst your continuation of Ivan and Sonn'ys battle with Doodle Dan- and that's okay, but they deserved a bit more limelight. I enjoy the personal moments and the battle- you do both equally well and I do eagerly anticipate Ivan's upcoming birthday celebration! I'd like to see better environs and more quality consistency- those little wheelie minions are all over the place. That's it in the crit department tho. Cheers!
Gregly: I can't think of a more likable style or sweeter characters. You really focused on Ivan and played up his skills. Obviously I'm partial to your opening shots and the continuity in your tale. You've got a compact and punchy way of storytelling. The bits with the math and animation in the panels of the Diabolos are high points.
The coloring job varies in quality and the opacity needs some consistency but its clean and colorful and the palette just needs completion to give you better marks. I think you could improve upon your sense of place, play up some harder camera angles and take advantage of the circus setting.
@ gregly: i loved your side of the story, it was a lot of fun and very funny. thank you for battling me and I hope to see you in battle again soon.
To everyone who has read our comics, I'd like to thank all of you for taking the time to read and vote. And thank you for the comments as well. :)
both of these have great movement and expressions, very enjoyable! All of my YES right now on the line "Well I'M going to the circus!" Excellent work guys!
I hear you takaru. Finals and hospital visits made this comic really hard to finish even though we had so long to work on it.
I still really like your comic!
Comments (12)