Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1
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Uploaded April 10, 2012
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Comments (23)

Gregly's avatar
12 years ago
Thanks to everyone for the comments! I realize I didn't really live up to my expectations but college/work comes first I'm afraid. Anyway, I don't really mind losing to Tinman because his comic was amazing! Looking forward to battling again.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Angie's avatar
12 years ago
gregly-I liked this quite a bit, it was simple and sweet. I like how your drew the characters and you had some nice interaction here. One thing to watch is the lettering. While it was easy to read, it sort of goes all over the place so things look jumbled together. TINMAN-very nice entry! This was fairly solid all around and you did a great job on both the characters and backgrounds. I noticed that the girls on the first page have some odd stretchy necks, it's primarily in the first panel, it's like the neck placement was an afterthought. Another thing is you should try to have larger word bubbles because right now everything is cramped into tiny word bubbles which makes things hard to read in some areas.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

EyeAmPhibian's avatar
12 years ago
gregly: I really like your page layouts and when your panels overlap. It really adds life to your comic. Please don't lose that. Handling of tones is really good. I'm just a bit dissapointed that with such potentially awesome characters you draw them in such a simplified manner but that is just taste. TINMAN: I love the way you draw. Out of everyone battling I am instantly drawn to it. I eagerly anticipate your development. I think there is a lot of talent here. The pacing of the comic, for some reason troubled me a bit, it seems to have hit a speed bump in the middle during the fighting. I think maybe it was to do with the amount of things going on, but I'm one to talk as my comic was a big clutter anyway.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Evil Eye's avatar
Evil Eye
12 years ago
Tinman had already won this on the writing board, I think. Gregly, you wrote a nice little distraction of a story. It would've worked against a less creative opponent, for sure. But it's very much driven by MacGuffin. That's fine, of course, but it also didn't lead anywhere surprising. Where's the CEO? Not here, fag. *fight scene* And, well, that's pretty much it. Where you gained a notch or two was in Gwen's girlcrush on Joe. That joke was amusing at the start and continued to add life to anotherwise very well-tread and archetypal storyline. The conclusion in particular gave me a nice smirk. Your style treads a difficult line very competently, as that cartoony look runs the risk of looking lazy or unfinished, but yours looks neither. It looks deliberate in its style and in the places where it lacks detail, so hey. Good stuff there. It had some life to it. Tinman: You just did a lot of things I liked here. As someone mentioned earlier, Joe being both an entitled douchebag and yet somehow endearing is a fun characterization line. The bit at the start, with Joe and his wimmenz enjoying one another's company, makes him look like this rich playboy don juan. Then, as he's leaving, he gets yelled at by his Ma. This is a very old joke, but the execution turned it into a curveball, and so I got a good chuckle out of it. I like that rather than doing the obvious plotline (as your opponent did) Joe ends up in conflict with these two out of his egotistical personality and a few parking tickets. I like how it escalates so quickly and absurdly, and the sense that "seriously this is over parking tickets" never really goes away. I like how Joe was getting his ass handed to him and was saved by his Pops. I like that Joe envisions his matador training and history to defeat a giant goddamn robot that is like a thousand times as strong as he is. I like that I actually didn't see Joe picking up Gwen coming despite his Ma's incessant yelling about no more skanks. I like that despite nearly destroying poor Regi and causing all of this by being an asshole in the first place, Joe gets off scot-free because he's got a silver tongue and a pinache with the ladies. Oh yeah, and I like dinosaurs. I like almost everything in the comic, really.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
J. Vandermeer- I shall try to keep things fluid for you in regards to Joey's keister. I enjoy suiting up montages as much as the next fanboy, especially when I get to use myself as the model. Yaz- I think having carte blanche to do any kind of story and not being bound by any sort of continuity prompted me to get a bit more playful with my plot. The notion of Regi and Gwen being crime fighters was just a thing to poke fun at, the tickets are just a recent realization for me. As that's all the cops in my upperclass neighborhood really do to uphold the law. Its kind of a joke in and of itself. You're correct tho, I do tend towards peaceful resolution, but I think Regi got a raw deal in the end while Toro would be naturally sweet on the girl. Its within his character, he's a charmer. I'll save the more serious stuff for later, for now, I'm just gonna cut loose in my comics as part of the learning process. Gibbo- Glad you caught the bit with the knobs. I have a definite hard on for hard angles. Heimie- I fully intend to stick around for the long haul. You've all been wonderfully welcoming.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

J.Vandermeer's avatar
12 years ago
This was an awesome fight. Just fecking brilliant. You two have extremely different styles, but you were clearly thinking along the same line of action. Tin, your work is so bloody fluid and pretty and detailed, I could stare at it all day. Specifically, any panel with Joe's tush in it. The boy is pretty. Thank-you for that. Gregly, in stark contrast to your opponent you have this balloon-puff cartoon style that makes everyone (even the razor-thin Toro) look completely plush and huggable. Your font was excellent, by the way-- the dialogue was extremely pleasing and readable as a result. Both of you have solid writing and a keen eye for layouts. I can't wait to see more from both of you.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Elyan's avatar
12 years ago
Tin: i know what i can expect from you but seriously! This was quiet surprising... i mean el toro being such a family man and dinosaurs xD brilliant my only issue is that the plot somehow was picked out of nowhere. i didnt understand why shes giving out parking tickets and in the end all is happy amd friendly... it fits your general peacemaker vibe but overall i had difficulties following you there. The art and panaling as usual is deluxe... the only thing missing now is a little colouring. You know i love your work i just wish the plot would have been more grounded. Gregly: well i was amazed by the constancy of your drawings and the creative ideas to this plot. im not a big fan of this simple cartoony style but you got a very good start here you can build upon. i mostly miss some dynamic in your style since your concept has its dynamic the drawings have difficulties to express it to the fullest. You did a goodjob here and im curious what youll achieve over your next battles even if its not in the tournament.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Gibbo's avatar
12 years ago
Great work on both sides! Gregly: A really fun entry, was cool to see Gwen and Regi in action, particularly liked the first page for setting the scene. Tin: I am envious of the level of detail and perspective you get into your frames, and your characterisation of Toro Joe is excellent... comes off as a bit of a douchebag yet endearing at the same time, certainly keen to see more from yah! Also a nice touch with the velociraptor having door-opening difficulties.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Hiemie's avatar
12 years ago
Oh my god both of you guys did so well! gregly: I love how you handle your backgrounds so much. It's just constantly implied. Excellent work and cute plot! Tin: Glad to see you've joined us! Your pencils are just dandy and your angles are incredible! I'm glad you got to shrink your pages. Stick around, both of you.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

The One Dark Knight's avatar
The One Dark Knight
12 years ago
tin you son of a bitch you finally did it I love you so much going to get back to you on these
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Jetty Jay's avatar
Jetty Jay
12 years ago
Gregly: The way you approached the story was really cute, I could easily see this in a kid's cartoon despite the mentions of murder! (Luckily that sort of thing doesn't matter here). Your tones are great if a little confusing at times and it was really fun to read. Tin: The detail on the third page really did it for me, your entry is really full of amazing art even in simple pencils. The story is really engaging and I loved every second of it!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
I've uploaded some resized ones which should make things easier on the scroll bars gang. Haha I actually got a few comments from the hip cats at work saying just that- Atomicfish. I think that first panel just cements it. Might have to do a name change to THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN AS or just that weird symbol thang.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Atomicfish's avatar
12 years ago
Both entries are awesome! Is it weird that I get a total Prince vibe from Toro Joe?
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Kinu's avatar
12 years ago
LOVED THESE, SO MUCH! Honestly, my only problem was with Tin's entry being ridiculously large, but I didn't take off anything for that. I gave you both even scores cuz I honestly just loved em both. Keep makin more comics!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

slothvert's avatar
12 years ago
Fantastic work from both sides! Toro Joe wows the ladies from all perspectives.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

GPS-Device's avatar
12 years ago
Gregly: Nice entry on your side. I liked the over all look of your comic, and the fact that Gwen was acting a bit of a fan girl was pretty funny. I would advise though to watch out when choosing your background colors in grey scale, as there were a couple parts where Regi blended with the background a bit, but other than that, fantastic work. Tinman: Like Fed says, scale down your pages, as the large size can be a bit daunting to read. But overall though, your comic was really well done. I especially loved the amount of detail you used, and how you showed Toro's skill in the ring against Regi was wonderful. Keep up the great work you two, and I hope too see more from both of you!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
I just wanted to fully capture the epic clash or stompy bots, raptors, witches and matadors! OLE! Heh, well at least all my hyper details shine on those beastly pages. I shall keep that in mind for the future.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
mmmmm, so much nice comics, can't decide.. Great work both of you!! PS Tinman: Scale down your images will ya?;)
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
Haha! It's frightening how many parallels exist between our two comics Gregly, great minds think alike apparently. You captured Joey Toro's personality and powers quite well and I thoroughly enjoyed your electrical attack! One of many possibilities Toro has up his sleeve. I hope I nailed the partnership of Gwen and Regi, they are quite a fun little archetypal dynamic I enjoyed playing with. Cheers to tangoing again in the future!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Gregly's avatar
12 years ago
Thanks guys! This is exciting!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
12 years ago
GOOD LUCK GUYS. ALSO YAY ROBOTS. Maa703 knows where its at.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

maa703's avatar
12 years ago
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
12 years ago
Oh shit, this is going to be real tough. Good luck you two!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 1 battle