This popped up in random comics a few days ago and I ended up re-reading all of Miller’s archive as a result. It’s really cool seeing his origins and how he’s changed over almost a freaking decade. As for the comic itself, this was a cool look, I’m a big fan of silhouettes against vivid backgrounds and the texture was really nice. I haven’t read Arena’s archive but I’m wondering if she’s Istravian? Maybe even the amnesiac Queen the Vektrans mention later?
I’m also really curious if this origin still holds true today. The idea that Vektrans taking over comatose or disabled people’s bodies, mentally or physically, makes it not as bad is because they’re “already lost” is fucked up. It’d be interesting to see these views challenged, like coming across a mentally ill person resistant to Vektran’s abilities because of their experience. Understandable if that’s been retconned though since it’s a very sticky topic haha.
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