Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1
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Uploaded February 08, 2010
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Comments (13)

Kuro's avatar
14 years ago
rikun, this joke was ok this time, but i don't see how much more mileage you're going to get out of it if you & the people you battle use it too. also the backgrounds were rather weak in that you didn't give them as much attention as the characters. i mean at least the brick had tighter straight lines. also the text was huge or very digital looking when something broke what seemed to be normal dialogue. it was just sorta eh. kent, after defaulting on other things, i was expecting some of that time to get funneled into this one. it started off nice & then just got bleh. normally i'm cool with fourth wall breaks but this seemed unwarranted & an excuse to worry about less things to draw.
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Minteh's avatar
15 years ago
With all the other comics I've been reading, these both fell kind of flat. It feels like both of you kinda copped out and need to up-it when you make it through, whoever does. Rikun: it was over so fast it was boring, just from seeing your character what happened in your comic was exactly what I expected to happen. I have to admit, though, the fact that this brick can propel itself fast enough to knock out a flying guy's brains and then neatly deposit him in the trash IS mildly entertaining. Kent: eh, I am 100% not a fan of fourth wall breakage, so I think I am a little biased on that subject. Not touching that, it kind of feels like you really had no idea what to do. I've been in the same boat before, but you started off really well introducing the characters - it left me with a good impression, but when I got to the third page I thought "Is this guy just giving up?" and then it was the sudden victory, and I honestly don't know what to think. You do very well with your lines and I get good vibes from the characters, I just wish there was more story between characters rather than between yourself and your character.
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

William_Duel's avatar
15 years ago
Well Rikun this was a good example and good presentation of your character. Yeah this is better than from we last saw from you but there's still some faults. Like for example, the color doesn't always fill in the lineart, its great that the colors are within the lines but next time you should take a moment to touch those up a bit. Also do a bit more shading. But funny though. Funny. Kent- This was pretty funny too but I think the fourth wall stuff is what made this work better. I think it worked for you this time around but I wouldn't advise continuing in that vein. I think artwise you managed to step up because you've finally started shading and cross hatching here and there and it's for the better. Your art is looking more 'full'. I see some line variation too. So awesome man. You're a fun guy and your comics are fun to follow so keep it up.
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

sixtem's avatar
15 years ago
Rikun - Funny comic and a big step up in art. Lay off of the computer texts, though. Even for a comedy comic, the overly stylized text stuck out weird. Your panels felt a little claustrophobic crammed together, too. Kent - Simple and funny. It would've worked better if the quality hadn't slipped a bit at the end. I'm not usually for breaking the 4th wall, but you pulled it off pretty well.
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

amazingdavid's avatar
15 years ago
Rikun - So predictable yet hilarious...honestly I was like "I hope every brick comic is just whoever you battle gets introduced then catches brick to the face...." I am satisfied... Kent - Clever yo...I'd clean up your scans a bit more theres lots of artifacts (dirt, spots, dust, etc) otherwise good go...
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Charlie's avatar
15 years ago
Oh my, this brick fellow is simply awesome haha. I think though my vote will probably be going more towards Mister Kent's side of the battle. Not that I didn't enjoy both, since they were both rather funny :)
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

J.Vandermeer's avatar
15 years ago
Mr. Kent: I love your inks, I love your layouts, and Dipuc is the hottest thing in cowboy boots, this season. But whyyyyy couldn't it all have been as beautiful as the first three pages? Last page was pretty sloppy, man. What happened to that gorgeous lineart? Rikun: Big points in creativity, but not so much, elsewhere. This was simple, sweet, and funny, but did you challenge yourself?
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Angie's avatar
15 years ago
Rikun-knowing what you can do now I was kind of disappointed in this. You fell into the same trap of doing quick bland colors and box buildings. I know that you can do better than this and I think doing a comic with a longer deadline would really help you get the chance to shine and show how you've improved lately. Mister Kent-I liked the story you had here, I enjoyed the breaking of the 4th wall. I do think you could have upped the quality a bit more by just making this 3-4 pages instead of 6 as it was kind of unnecessary to have so many pages of just 1 image. While it worked for page 4, the last 2 pages could have been condensed.
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
15 years ago
Rikun I laughed, like, uncontrollably at your comic - very funny and accurate interpretation of Dipuc!
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Ketsuo Tategami's avatar
Ketsuo Tategami
15 years ago
"it''s just that he's so cool.." LOL that was fun to read Well done you guys!
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Angie's avatar
15 years ago
Reminder for all of you uploading tonight, please read this in the event your upload fails before coming to the mods
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

Qyzex's avatar
15 years ago
Do good, you two
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle

(Pi)'s avatar
15 years ago
The power of hate compels you! Rikun, show us what you've learned at art school!
Posted on Dipuc vs The Brick | Speed Death Tournament 2010 Round 1 battle