Battle on the Horizon: Part 2
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Uploaded August 17, 2007
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Comments (10)

luniara's avatar
17 years ago
Rikun- I'm seeing improvment on your inking, which is good. Since you got the idea of different depth in your lines, add some contrast next in your panels. (black shades,etc- LESS NEGITIVE SPACE). I don't think you're Lazy persay- you just need to work slow and check back over it. I suggest picking up some .005/.01 microns from the store. These will help with your inking and keep them from looking sloppy cause you're obviously only using one type of pen. As for your backgrounds- Don't fill it in with patterns and shit. DRAW THEM. Get a photo online, DRAW IT. USe perspective. Again- LESS NEGITIVE SPACE. Also, start adding more details. soft lines to thier hair, more folds in your clothing. I am going to link you to tutorials when I get the chance. Also, hopefully this is your last battle for now. Obviously being under a deadline with your family tossing you around with errands isn't doing you any good. Get to work on your BB and spend time on it. No excuses. (speaking from experience here, Rikun.) Slade: I agree with Ronin's comment. Your story is getting repetitive (though your skill is improving). Your anatomy in the bullies are a bit off- i.e very unproportionate. Hopefully you're maping these out with stick, etc and not just drawing without them. You ARE improving though. Both you could have done better and need to fix up your scans more.
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Sean Patrick Kelly's avatar
Sean Patrick Kelly
17 years ago
Gundream's story starting to get really fucking good! the story and character delopment is exceptional, and that funny when they beat up that fat bitch and those dudes.
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
17 years ago
Rikun: Well, more of an effort than usual. Which is actually still kinda lazy-- you did ink, but the lines are still pretty dirty, you wanna try to control it before the scan, or fix it after the scan ( same program you used to add that text, I assume ). Whatever works best for you. And those frilly patterns are not a replacement for backgrounds. :p The rest of what I was gonna say is the usual, you know that song already. Oh, the story was okay. Slade: C'mon, you've done this 'beat up the local bullies' thing before on VOID... it looks very much like that first GunDream battle of yours, and at this point of the game the skills exposition has overstayed its welcome. That first page was pretty fantastic actually, though after that there's a good deal of oddball facial feature placement, and a lot of those punks ended up with pretty warped anatomy/ poses.
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

luniara's avatar
17 years ago
Rabbit Rabbit, It's not a default. They turned it in. Probably just an error. It's not a match, so the pages shouldn't be not accepted... then again, what do I know. =\\ They'll work it out I'm sure.
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
17 years ago
not sure what's going on... sent kev a message. he said at con that he would be putting up the battle soon... we had originally sent the battle to wei, and he said he sent the pages to kev... so he should have them. and if the pages weren't worth the posting, he would have just said so and canceled this... *shrugs*
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
17 years ago
relax merc, there is a plan in the works here. :3 rikun has only to complete his comic to make me happy... i'm easy to please. :3
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Welp you took a lot of risk Rikun. Hope you learned what worked and didn't work the other times.
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
17 years ago
had too... aeris is no where to be found...
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
17 years ago
Ahahahaha Slade, you animal, how dare you hog up all the work like this :p
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle

Larathen's avatar
17 years ago
Posted on Battle on the Horizon: Part 2 battle